Steam Room Antics | By : Vorahk Category: DC Verse Cartoons - Teen Titans > Threesomes Plus Views: 20223 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way shape or form, own teen titans. I am not, in any way shape or form, making money from this story.
Steam Room Antics
Raven awoke to the sound of her very obnoxious alarm clock. She swatted at it a few times, to no avail. She finally got fed up enough to use her powers to blow it to kingdom come. Smiling in satisfaction, she turned her nude body around so she could face her equally naked partner, the beautiful alien princess known as Starfire. She watched her sleeping companion for a moment, her body rise and fall in the pattern of a deep slumber, obviously not affected by all the noise. Raven smiled as the memories came flooding back to her from last night. The warmth, the immense pleasure, the sensations of their flesh being pressed together…so tightly…
Just thinking about it made Raven crave more of the same. She smiled mischievously and took one of Starfire’s large breasts in her hand, while moving her lips closer to her lover’s. She kissed Starfire gently, while squeezing the fleshy mound in her hand. She felt Starfire smile against her lips, causing her to do the same. Raven pulled back, seeing the amused look on the red head’s face as she awoke.
“Good morning, sleepy head,” Raven cooed, rubbing the back of her fingers down Starfire’s sternum. Starfire purred and tilted her head back as she felt her friends cool digits glide against the hot skin of her chest.
“Did you enjoy yourself last night,” Raven asked.
“Absolutely,” Was her reply. Raven’s hand trailed lower, much lower, cupping Starfire’s plump vulva.
“C’mere,” Raven said playfully, squeezing Starfire’s loins for emphasis. She moved Starfire onto her back, lying on top of her as she did so. She let her full weight drop onto Starfire, pressing their warm, naked bodies together nicely. Raven lowered her lips down to Starfire’s giving her a long slow kiss. They slid their lips up and down, kissing passionately while their hands moved over each others bodies, exploring every inch of one another’s sweet female flesh. Raven tightened her hold, sliding her hands up Starfire’s back, bring them even closer. She slid her tongue into her companion’s hot, delicious mouth…tasting and touching everything she could…
“Raven, are you awake yet,” Robin’s voice blared over the intercom. Raven pulled back and sighed in frustration. She let her head rest in the space between Starfire’s tits.
“Yes,” She droned. Starfire sighed too, and tangled her fingers in Raven’s silky violet hair.
“You know nine thirty is wake up time, now hurry up and get down here. And could you wake up Star on your way by, I’ve been trying her room for the last twenty minutes,” Robin ordered.
“Sure thing,” She called back. A click was heard, showing her it had just turned off.
She turned to Starfire,”I’m sorry,” Raven said sadly.
“It was not your fault,” Starfire said as she stroked her lover’s hair, “We shall meet again tonight?” Raven smiled.
“Or sooner,” The sorceress said seductively. Starfire smiled, kissed Raven, and then rolled out of bed. She collected the only two pieces of clothing she had worn the night before, small pink panties, and a little pink nighty. Starfire opened the door and looked around before zipping down the hall. Raven smiled to herself, and then got dressed.
Robin sat down at the breakfast table between his two nervous teammates. Sensing the tension, he decided to try and ease it.
“Look, I’m sure what happened between Raven and Starfire last night will be kept to themselves,” The leader piped up.
“Yeah, except I’m never going to be able to look at them the same way,” Cyborg said, a small smile creeping up the side of his lips.
“I hear that,” Beast Boy said, smiling one his big goofy smiles. The boys all grinned as the same images entered their minds. They quickly snapped back to reality, however, when they heard footsteps.
“Okay, now remember. We’re going to be cool and confident, and not say anything…incriminating, Right?” Robin asked.
“Right,” The other two replied. Raven and Starfire entered the room, walking towards the breakfast table.
“What is our early morning sustenance today?” Starfire inquired, like only she could.
“Tofu waffles,” Beast Boy said, scooping some food into his mouth.
“Oh God, I’d rather eat out,” Raven said miserably.
Beast Boy suddenly inhaled his food, nearly coughing up a lung as a result. The other Titans turned their attention to BB as he exploded into a fit of raspy coughing. Starfire was instantly at his side, patting his back.
“Friend, are you well?” The red head asked, very alarmed.
“*cough* Yeah *cough cough*,” Beast Boy replied, downing a glass of water. He then took a long look at the fingers on his shoulders. “Um, Star, did you remember to wash your hands before you came down…”
“BEAST BOY!” Cyborg barked.
“What?!” The green skinned Titan shouted back.
“You boys are all acting very peculiar,” Starfire remarked, still rubbing BB’s back.
“And I think I know why,” Raven said matter-of-factly. Starfire smiled as she understood what Raven was implying. She moved around to Raven’s side again, placing her hands on the Goth’s shoulders, resting her chin on the top of Raven’s head.
“Did you boys hear anything last-night. Anything…interesting,” Starfire asked, moving her hands up and down Raven’s shoulders, massaging her. Raven smiled and leaned back into the Tamaranian girl’s hands, groaning with delight.
“Maybe,” Robin said. The three boys’ jaws hit the ground as they watched the scene in front of them.
“So, what, you two are like girlfriends now,” Beast Boy asked. Raven and Starfire looked at each other for a moment.
“No,” They both answered. The boys looked very befuddled.
“Then…what’s your deal?” Beast Boy asked after a long pause.
“Well,” Starfire began,”I had trouble sleeping last night, so I went to have ‘girl-talk’ with Raven. After a while we began to get a little…curious.”
“I…see,” Robin said, giving a typical unreadable expression.
“Oooohhhhh, you’re just fuck buddies, eh,” Beast Boy jokingly implied.
“Sure, why not,” Raven replied to her green friend.
The sound of rapidly running footsteps could be suddenlard ard coming from the bedrooms. The group turned to see Terra run down the stairs, towards the table.
“She lives,” Cyborg remarked.
“Sorry I’m late,” Terra said,” My alarm clock wasn’t working. It looked like something nuked it.”
“Really,” Beast Boy said, glancing towards Raven. She shot him a sour glance.
“Yeah, I only woke up because of the commotion down here. What did I miss, anyway” Terra asked.
“Raven and Star had sex,” Beast Boy said. Terra suddenly looked like she had been hit, while the rest of the team gave him assorted dirty looks.
“Really…um…wow,” Was all she said, before slowly sitting down and eating her breakfast. She picked the only spot available, right beside Raven and Starfire. Needless to say she looked uneasy.
“Well guys, I bet I can kick your butts at video games,” Beast Boy said arrogantly. The boys all got up and move the the T.V. couch.
“I’m going to go relax,” Raven said, heading away. That left only Terra and Starfire at the table.
“So…you and Raven, huh? Never saw that one coming,” Terra remarked cautiously.
“Hmm, yes,” Starfire said, her voice sounded a little far away, very dreamy. Terra took a moment to glance at her friend and noticed the alien was staring back at her…
…With a very warm and mischievous gaze.
“No!” Terra said flatly.
“No what?” Inquired Starfire, her gaze starting to make Terra uncomfortable.
“I know what that look means, okay. Guys give it to me all the time. Like Beast Boy, who I like, because he’s a GUY!” Terra said, quickly.
“And I like Robin,” Starfire replied,” What is your point?”
“Look, you’re obviously…Bi, and that’s fine. It’s just that I think two girls doing it, is a little weird,” Terra said, getting nervous, although she couldn’t figure out why.
“As you humans say, ’Do not knock it until yove tve tried it’,” Starfire countered.
“I’m not going too. Thanks anyway,” Terra said. She looked Starfire in the eye to drive her point home. Starfire didn’t get the message.
The alien girl reached forward and cupped Terra’s chin in her hands, then quickly placed her lips against the blonde’s. Terra was so shocked she couldn’t even move for a moment. Starfire was kissing her! Her first instinct was to pull back, but she didn’t, she couldn’t…she was paralyzed. Kissing a girl was so much more different than kissing a boy. Starfire’s lips felt so soft and luscious as the glided over her own. Terra closed her eyes and leaned in further, deepening the kiss, wanting to get all she could. After what seemed like one blissful eternity, Starfire broke the kiss, running her tongue across Terra’s lips as she did so, tantalizing her teammate into wanting more.
Terra felt lightheaded as she opened her eyes. That was the best kiss of her life! And from a girl yet! Maybe there was more to this then it seemed. Terra licked her lips, savoring Starfire’s flavor. She tasted like strawberries.
“Do you want more,” Starfire whispered, right into Terra’s ear in the most seductive voice the blonde had ever heard.
“I…I don’t know,” Terra answered shakily. Starfire looked thoughtful for a moment.
“Come with me please,” Starfire said, leading Terra out of the main room. For now, the boys were too wrapped up in their games to notice what had just transpired.
Raven leaned back, resting against the warm wooden wall behind her. She was in one of the steam rooms of Titans Tower, more specifically the girl’s room. The sorceress was clad in nothing but a white towel hugging her around the torso. The room itself was fairly unimpressive. A bench protruded from the walls except in front of the entrance, and a large flat counter came up from the middle, long and wide enough for a couple of people to lie down and soak up the all luxurious warmth the room had to offer. She came here when she needed to unwind, since it was always quiet. Besides, meditation had its limits, and this was a perfect stress relief.
‘God, last night was awesome,’ Raven thought to herself. She could remember everything so vividly, every touch, every scent, every taste. Just thinking about it made her want Starfire’s long tongue back inside her cunt, stimulating every nerve ending she had. Raven could feel her loins starting to ache, a signal that they were yearning for attention.
‘Shit, I hope I’m not turning into one of those horny teenage sluts. Maybe last night was a mistake? No! Nothing that felt that good could be wrong,’ Raven was fed up with debating. She removed her towel, tossing it aside, leaving her completely nude. She spread her legs, letting the hot humid air of the room caress all her smooth skin. Her hands made their way to the insides of her thighs, stroking up and down, trying to sooth her lust.
“Mmmmm,” Raven purred out loud, ’That’s better, but still not enough.’ Indeed, the ache didn’t want to go away. She moved her fingers to her stiff little clit. She started rubbing it slowly, the ache being replaced with pleasure pouring all throughout her very hot body. Raven sucked her breath through her teeth as she felt her juices leak onto her hand. She turned and laid down flat on her back, now feverishly rubbing her oh so sensitive nub. She reached her other hand down and slid two fingers into her hot slit, going in as deep as she could. Pleasure was firing up her spine, making her whole body feel like a big nerve ending. She needed to cum soon, because she felt like she would go nuts if she didn’t. She braced her feet on the bench and began mindlessly thrusting her hips in tune with her busy fingers. Raven’s juices were oozing down into the sides of her thighs, making her legs sticky and warm. Her nipples became hard as bullets and began to beg for their own attention. Raven reached up her hand and fondled her tits with cum-soaked fingers, while the hand that remained worked viciously on her clit and her boiling, moist insides. She took a nipple in between her thumb and finger and rolled it around, sending delicious spikes of ecstasy through her body.
“Ahhh yeah!” Raven breathed. She was so close to release that it was almost agonizing, to be kept teetering like this. Her hands moved as fast as they could to reach her glorious peak. Her heart was pounding so hard it felt like her whole body was pulsing with it, and she was sweating profusely from the heat of the room, not to mention her body. Her hair was plastered to her head as her wet skin moistened her violet locks, and she flicked her head to the side to remove them from her eyes. Suddenly, Raven started to feel a tension in her groin, a sign she was about to cum. She moved her fingers in a circle, stretching around her tight walls. She fantasized that it was Starfire doing this to her, making her feel so good. She pictured her friends face at her loins, licking and sucking the most sensitive areas.
That did it for her.
“Oh…ah…AAAHHH, Shit!” Raven shouted out loud, not caring if anyone heard her. The bliss of her orgasm flooded through her body like a tidal wave, completely engulfing her from head to toe. She kept working her fingers in her cunt, giving her wet squeezing walls something to grip on as they contracted, in and out, in and out, dozens of times.
With each vaginal spasm, Raven could feel gobs of thick, warm cum squirt onto her hand, coating it completely. The fluid also dribbled down between her ass cheeks, soaking her tight little anus, making it tingle. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, she calmed down. Raven felt very relaxed, body and mind. It was a good five minutes before she was aware of anything, her being bogged down in her lovely afterglow. Her body felt as heavy as lead, and her groin and thighs were absolutely soaked with cum. Raven slid her wet palm up and down her equally soaked pussy lips, taking delight in the warm slick sensation it gave her. She looked at her hand, fibers of cum connected from finger to finger, and a particularly long one stretched back down to her vulva.
“Boy, I needed that,” Raven said to herself, leaning back and closing her eyes.
“It certainly looks that way,” A voice said. Raven’s eyes shot open, and she sat up immediately to see who the intruder was. To her relief, it was only Starfire.
A very nude Starfire.
“Hey there, cutie. You wanna join me?” Raven asked, extending her cum soaked hand towards Starfire, inviting her to approach. The red head smiled in approval and laid down on top of Raven. They immediately locked lips, both moaning as they felt intense desire flood into them, feeling so much sweat soaked skin caress felt absolutely exquisite. Raven slid her wet sticky hand down Starfire’s back, covering it in her still moist juice. Starfire moaned softly, and then slid down until her lips were against Raven’s throat. She began kissing and licking the Goth’s sweaty skin with her very long 4 ½ inch tongue.
“Oh yeah, lick me Star. Mmmmm, you make me so hot,” Raven whispered seductively, tilting her head and and pushing her shoulders and neck up into Starfire’s hungry mouth. Starfire grabbed Raven shoulders to make sure she stayed in place, bracing her elbows on the bench for support. Raven closed her eyes so she could savor the sensation of Starfire’s long wormy tongue on her skin. The taste of Raven’s skin and sweat was intoxicating, so Starfire began moving down on Raven to find fresher sources, never letting her wet appendage leave her partners skin. She licked across Raven large round breasts, moving her hands around so she could give them a squeeze. Starfire slid her tongue against Raven’s stiff nipples, coating them in saliva. Raven shrieked out loud, her whole body steaming in ecstasy. And they hadn’t even got to the good stuff yet!
Raven opened her eyes, wanting to watch as the red head approached her loins, which were again throbbing for attention. She then noticed something out of the corner of her eye.
“Terra! What are you…Are you watching us!?” Raven spat angrily at the blonde, who was in the corner of the room wearing another white towel.
Terra was a little taken aback by Raven’s anger. The most she had seen out of her was an occasional glare or tiny smile. Before Raven could continue Starfire put a hand on her cheek and turned her to her face. They began whispering things. Terra didn’t move from her spot, but strained her ears to see if she could hear them. Raven sounded a little miffed, but Starfire but a finger to her lips, quieting her. She then talked about something that lasted a while, Terra couldn’t hear what and she didn’t dare move, least she made Raven angry again.
Finally, they stopped talking, but what happened next didn’t fail to surprise the blonde any less. Raven looked at her, smiling with an eyebrow raised up. Starfire sat up to let Raven go, and the gothic girl walked right up to Terra. She wrapped her arms around the blonde and pulled her against her nude body. If it hadn’t been for the towel…
“So, Star says you want to join us,” Raven said playfully.
“Well I just wanted to watch, y’know, see what you do…,” Terra said uneasily.
“Personally, I think a first hand experience would serve you a lot better,” Raven replied. Terra opened her mouth to say something, but Raven cut her off by kissing her, sticking her tongue deep it the blonde’s mouth. Terra was surprised at Raven’s ferocity, her tongue stirred against hers, enticing her to respond. Terra took a few steps back, trying to pull away, but she quickly backed into the large counter in the middle of the room, effectively cutting off her escape. Raven began pushing her a little, attempting to get her to lie down. Terra braced her hands against the counter, trying to fight Raven from pushing her onto her back.
“Come on baby, loosen up,” Raven said in between kisses. She reached for Terra’s towel,”We’ll make you feel good, I promise. Just relax.” The towel fell to a pile at Terra’s ankles, leaving her totally exposed to Raven’s hands. The violet haired girl grabbed Terra’s soft plump tits, squeezing them hard. The tingling sensation of that touch made Terra moan into Raven’s mouth. Raven moaned back as she felt Terra start to melt. The Goth finally achieved her objective of getting Terra to lie down on the counter.
Starfire sat on a nearby bench, watching the entire ordeal. She observed with wide eyes and a slack jaw as the two most beautiful creatures she had ever seen kiss, grope and fondle each other. It was like her ultimate sexual fantasy come true! Starfire could feel her loins dripping with excitement as she watched the writhing pile of flesh in front of her. Aroused beyond reasoning, her hand found its way to her wet loins. Starfire slid two of her long slender digits into her hot flower and began slowly pumping them in and out. She leaned back and spread her legs out, masturbating furiously as she watched Raven and Terra have sex, trying to keep up with them. She moved her fingers around inside her warm gooey hole, trying to find the right spot to hit to bring her pleasure to its most intense. She pushed her fingers into her g-spot, wailing out loud as the throb inside of her doubled its force.
Terra moaned again as she felt Raven’s fingers pinch at her hard little nipples. The blonde was more relaxed now, letting Raven’s hands explore her body, and she did a little exploring of her own, sliding her palms up Raven’s back, down to her butt, around to her wet clit. Raven did the same, driving Terra wild with desire. Nobody had ever touched her like this before, especially a girl. Terra had kissed a few guys before, but this was so different. Raven was so soft and supple, her body as sleek and smooth as a calm lake. Guys were just big and clunky. Raven gave her endless kisses with her full lush lips, right against her own, sometimes trailing to her neck and licking her ear, then back up to her forehead before settling back down to her mouth. All this while their naked bodies rubbed together, the endless feeling of so much hot flesh pressed together. It was bliss!
Raven could feel Terra squirm beneath her, moaning in pleasure. Raven was doing her best to gratify Terra, but also to take it slow so as not to upset her. It was hard for Raven, since she was so horny she wanted nothing more than to bury her face in Terra’s loins and lick her swollen pussy lips. She heard a slight wail come from beside her. Looking to its source out of the corner of her eye, while making sure paid attention to Terra, Raven saw Starfire finger-fucking her self. A pang of guilt hit Raven as she realized she had almost forgotten about the red head. Starfire met her gaze and Raven winked at her quickly, a silent signal. Starfire smiled and Raven was sure she got the message. Raven finally broke her kiss with Terra and began sliding down her body.
“Wait Raven, come back up here, please,” Terra whimpered, reaching for Raven with a shaky hand. Raven teasingly kept going.
Starfire saw her opening. She wandered over to the counter and laid down beside Terra. The alien princess lowered her lips to her trembling companion’s and began kissing her softly, and Terra instantly responded. She put a hand on the back of Star’s head, pushing her lips down even deeper onto hers. Starfire reached for Terra’s chest and began massaging her boobs, paying special attention to her erect nipples. She squeezed the pink nubs between her fingers, drawing a deep moan from Terra as a delightful pleasure filled her body. The blonde arched her back into Starfire’s strong hands, begging to her for more. Starfire lowered her lips to one of the blonde’s nipples, clamping her lips down on it. She slid her long tongue over it, covering the point with thick warm spit. Terra screamed, completely lost in delight.
Raven trailed kisses down Terra’s stomach, finally reaching her crotch. Getting fed up with waiting, she took her thumbs and spread Terra’s nether lips apart. A thick gob of cum oozed from the pink flesh, creating a small puddle on the counter. Unable to hold back any longer, Raven buried her tongue in Terra’s folds. She licked right up the slit, top to bottom, taking it extra slowly when she reached the blonde’s clit. Terra wailed loudly, almost sobbing as her body pulsed in ecstasy.
Terra was beside her self with pleasure, unable to control herself as she moaned like a sex starved animal in heat. She could feel the two girls, her teammates, working every inch of her body. She felt hands caress her EVERYWHERE, up her chest, down her toned thighs, between her legs. She felt hot tongues lick her nipples and cunt so slowly, in all the right ways. Her pleasure was starting to peak and she started feeling tense, in need of release. Starfire moved a hand down to Terra’s clit, using her finger to rub the almost solid nub in circles, while Raven pressed in right to her nose, inhaling Terra’s strong musky scent, which made the sorceress all the more stimulated. She dipped her tongue into her recipient’s slot, penetrating as deep as she could. Raven moaned as she felt warm, syrupy drops of fluid slide into her mouth, then down her throat. It tasted salty and sweet, like a weird sort of liquid candy. Whatever it tasted like, Raven couldn’t get enough of it. She drew her tongue in deep, and then slid it back out, taking some juice on its way out, which then glided onto the Goth’s gums. Starfire continued her suckling, deciding to tease Terra. She would suck lightly for a little bit, and then really hard, almost turning the nipple purple. Then she would lick those hard pink tips for a few seconds, soothing them, then suck some more.
Terra’s wailing started to increase in volume, and she felt like her whole body was tightening on it own. The feeling was especially intense around her lions. Raven and Starfire knew what was about to happen, and they helped Terra get their faster. Raven closed her mouth over Terra’s clit, sucking on it and flicking her tongue over it in rapid strokes, while Star sucked on her neck, her hands firmly grasping at the blonde’s hard nipples. Terra lasted only a mere few seconds before she had her first orgasm.
“Oooohhhh, YEAH, oh yeah, Oh god,” Terra screamed as cummed all over Raven’s mouth. Terra felt like an explosion had gone of inside her, a tremendous pleasure just flooded through her. Raven felt Terra’s walls squeeze her tongue tightly, while gobs of the blondes love juice oozed into her mouth and down her throat. Raven slurped up all the fluid she could get down, moaning in delighted as she swallowed a mouthful of the clear, thick liquid.
“You’re tasty,” Raven said as she pulled away, the rim of her mouth shimmering in cum.
“Let me see,” Starfire said, leaning closer to Raven. The alien girl slid her tongue across Raven’s mouth and lips, cleaning off the sorceress.
“Mmmm, your right, she does taste good,” Starfire remarked, licking her lips. The two smiled at each other, then they looked at their almost motionless partner.
“You alright?” Raven asked the blonde.
“Yeah. I just feel really, I don’t, relaxed…” Terra said dreamily.
“Yeah that happens,” Raven said, smiling. Terra sat up.
“Thanks a lot you guys, that was great,” She said, reaching for a towel. Raven walked over and grabbed her wrist.
“We’re not done yet,” Raven said quietly as Starfire walked up behind Terra.
Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg were still playing their games, although their minds weren’t on the game.
“I’m still confused about something,” Beast Boy said.
“The A- button is punch,” Cyborg droned.
“No, it’s about Raven,” BB continued, as his teammates looked at him, “I thought her powers blew up stuff if she got emotional.”
“I don’t know,” Cyborg said nonchalantly.
“Actually, Raven explained this to me once,” Robin said, “Sometimes her powers don't go crazy right away. Sometimes they just build up and release the next time she as an emotion.”
“Oh,” BB said, “What happens when they do release?”
“Not sure,” Robin said. A little noise suddenly caught his attention, and the couch they were on suddenly became engulfed in dark energy. “But I think were about to find out!”
The couch blasted into the air, with the three boys still on it. It shot clear through the roof, and a good thirty miles out to sea. All the while with three screaming Titans on it.
“Oh, yeah Terra, your doing great,” Starfire moaned as Terra lapped at the red head’s swollen pussy lips. Starfire threw her head back, groaning loudly. She was sitting on the counter, Terra kneeling on the floor before her, her face buried between the alien’s legs. Raven was sitting behind Starfire, squeezing her teammate’s large, supple breasts.
Terra reached around and grabbed Starfire’s ass, then pulled her lover’s cunt deeper into her mouth. Raven lowered her lips to Starfire neck, licking and sucking her sweat soaked skin. She pinched and stretched Starfire’s nipples outward, making the red head scream out as a succulent mixture of pain and pleasure bombarded her. As Terra’s tongue rapidly danced over Starfire’s swollen pink nub the blonde buried two fingers into her friend’s liquid hot pussy. Starfire shouted harder as she felt herself being penetrated by Terra’s long slender digits, which also began pumping in and out of her slick hole ferociously.
“Yes, right there, do not stop!” Starfire moaned. She put a hand on the back of Terra’s head, pushing the blonde’s face in further.
Terra sucked on Star’s clit, completely coating the already wet core with saliva, while her fingers slid around inside Starfire’s hot love tunnel. Terra moved her fingers in wide circles, stimulating every last crevice and nerve ending Star had. This, coupled with the very erotica massage Raven was giving her, was quickly sending Starfire on her way to orgasm.
“Oooohhhh, ooohhh, I…I am cumming….,” Starfire groaned as she felt incredible pressure build up inside her, but she didn’t quite go over. She was teetering on the brink, almost in agony. Raven squeezed her breasts until they were almost flat, sending a pounding wave of ecstasy through her while Terra upped the suction on Starfire’s clitoris. It was quickly over with.
“OOOOHHHHH Raven Terra YES YES Yes!” Starfire shouted as she came, spurting her juice into Terra’s mouth. The blonde jumped back with a start, catching a large gob of it on her face. Starfire whimpered loudly as she felt a wave of intense pleasure fire up her hot body. Raven kept squeezing at her lover’s tits to maximize the force of her orgasm, and it worked quite well. Starfire finally calmed down, feeling like every last bit of strength had been sucked out of her lovely body. They looked down at Terra, who was wiping her face off.
“Did I get you?” Starfire inquired.
“Just a little bit. I’ll be fine,” Terra said, continuing her facial cleansing.
“Here,” Raven said as she knelt down in front of Terra. She leaned in and began licking the juice off of her friends face. Terra moaned happily as she felt Raven’s thick wet tongue get rid of the sticky goop. Starfire came down beside them, watching curiously. Raven purred at the tastes she was getting. The flavor of Terra’s sweet skin and Starfire’s tangy cum blended together into one delicious cocktail. Finally, the gothic girl pulled back, licking her lovely lips.
“Well…I still feel a little rambunctious,” Starfire said.
“Me too,” Raven said. Terra didn’t say anything, she just moaned in agreement.
“Raven, do you think I should show Terra…you know…?” Starfire asked timidly. Raven just smiled and nodded.
“Show me what?” Terra asked. Starfire flicked her long tongue out of her mouth. She wriggled the nearly five inch organ around with snake lick quickness. “Whoa.”
“Do you want to feel that inside of you,” Starfire asked. Terra nodded in stunned agreement. The alien beckoned her to come closer. Starfire laid down on her back and Terra crawled over the red heads body in a cat like fashion, giving the alien princess a good glance at her nude, milky white skin. Terra lowered her loins onto Starfire’s hungry mouth, straddling her face with her legs. Starfire closed her eyes, groaning slightly as she enveloped the blonde’s nether lips with her mouth. Terra leaned back slightly, which made her swollen vulva flare open. Starfire drew her tongue against the soft pink flesh, taking a deep long lick. Terra’s whole body shivered in delight.
Raven sat nearby, watching the ordeal unfold before her. She saw Starfire slip her lengthy pink appendage into Terra’s dripping wet folds. The reaction was almost instantaneous; Terra threw her head back, moaning loudly as pleasure scoured up her body. The blonde closed her eyes, mindlessly rolling her hips into Starfire’s warm mouth. Raven smiled and walked over to Starfire’s legs. She stared at her friend’s engorged labia for a moment, before placing her hands on her friends lovely thighs, and moving her face closer to the middle of her where her legs met. She started licking the pink flesh, which made Starfire’s body jerk a little in surprise. Starfire moaned into Terra’s cunt, her long tongue working in circles, sending wave after wave of boiling hot pleasure through the blonde’s body.
“Oh yeah Star, oh Yeah, don’t stop,” Terra squealed, her body on fire. She grabbed the back of Starfire’s head, pulling her up further into her delectable loins. Starfire slid her tongue further in, wriggling it around, filling Terra’s body with throbbing, molten pleasure. Starfire was having a hard time concentrating on Terra since Raven was stimulating her cunt in the most perfect, cum inducing ways. She reached a hand up and became squeezing Terra’s soft supple tits, trying to make her cum faster so she could just lay back and enjoy Raven’s stimulation. Terra’s juices dropped into the alien’s mouth, and she slurped it all up, also creating a slight suction that made Terra’s screams even louder.
Terra felt herself about to cum, so she squeezed Starfire’s face against her crotch. Star pushed her tongue in further, while closing her mouth around the girls clit lips. She gave her one last thrust and suck, before the blonde exploded into her mouth.
“OH GOD, OH YES, AH GOD,” Terra yelled instinctively as the pleasure of her orgasm surged through her. Her walls were contracting to the width of a dime, going so hard she could feel it in her ass, over and over and OVER. He juice gushed down Starfire’s throat with each squeeze, coating it nicely. Terra released Starfire’s head, but the alien stayed where she was, cleaning her partner of all her tasty secretions. More poured out with each tightening, and Starfire was sure she must have gulped down at least a few ounces by now. She lapped away, licking it all up. After what seemed like minutes, Terra calmed down and slid off of Starfire, lying beside her, totally drained of all energy.
Raven kept lapping at Starfire, who could now fully enjoy herself. The red head arched her back, moaning out loud as hot throbbing waves of pleasure traveled along her every nerve. Raven licked at partner’s nub then pulled away, rubbed two fingers against the pink wet flesh, then plunged them into her friend’s hot moist depths. Starfire’s mouth hung open, shrieking. She was entirely lost in ecstasy. Raven started licking at Starfire’s nub again, the surge in pleasure almost sent her over the edge, but she was denied. Starfire whimpered in frustration. Raven heard this and she pushed her fingers in deeper, her tongue making harder strokes until…
“Oh RAVEN!” Starfire shouted as she, at last, came. The pleasure just exploded into her with the force of a hurricane, completely drenching her body in bliss. She gushed her honey onto Raven’s face, who was more then happy to lap it up like a thirsty dog given water. The feeling, for Starfire, was exquisite after having such a thunderous orgasm.
Finally, the three girls were all exhausted and utterly satisfied. They just laid on the floor, soaking up the room’s thick humidity. Oddly enough, it was foggier now than when they had first come in. They could barely see across the small room, the white mist hanging in the air like a silent witness to what had just happened.
“That…was great,” Terra sighed. Raven and Starfire just ‘Mmm’ed a yes.
“Wait a minute, the boys are probably wondering where we are!” Raven said, slightly alarmed.
“Yeah, let us get out of here,” Starfire said. The three got up and left the room.
“Boys, BOYS, are you here?” Starfire called out. The three girls, now in their respective uniforms, were busy searching the tower. They were currently in the main room.
“I wonder where they are?” Terra remarked.
“Probably out spending cash on crap they don’t need,” Raven droned in her usual dreary demeanor. The door to the main room opened.
“Boys, you have returned,” Starfire cheered at seeing the three forms enter the room,” I feared that…” She was cut off in mid sentence by the scene before them.
The boys were soaking wet, and they didn’t look to happy. Robin was wringing out his cape, and Beast Boy was trying to dislodge a fish stuck in his belt. Cyborg just looked like he could use a good polishing.
“What happened?” Raven asked. Robin looked at her with another unreadable expression.
“Nothing happened,” Robin said in an odd tone of voice, as he and the other two boys turned and headed towards their rooms.
“But,” Starfire began
“Nothing…” Cyborg started.
“Happened,” BB finished. And they were gone.
“What was that all about,” Terra asked.
“They’re just being Fuck-tards. C’mon, let’s watch some T.V.” Raven said, then turned towards the aforementioned device.
“Where is the couch?”
Author’s ramblings:
…Yeah…I don’t know what to think of this one. Please read and review. Remember, I don’t care how harsh or knit-picky you get. I always use feed back, good or bad.
12/03/2004: Had to fix some weird grammar stuff. Data base screwed up and some lines looked like they were in german or something. =)
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