Spellbound | By : Praetor Category: DC Verse Cartoons - Teen Titans > General Views: 50383 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, the DC comic book franchise nor the Cartoon Network TV series. I derive no profit from this work. |
Same as before, hyper cock, beach ball tits, senseless sex. If you liked the first chapter, it is more of the same.
Beast Boy lay in that transitory phase between alert and asleep, absently tossing and turning in the bed as his sore muscles would struggle for comfort. On one twist on the sheets, his long, flaccid cock was ripped off his thigh. The green skinned organ was caked in pussy juice, spit and man cum; which had glued it to his thigh upon drying when he fell asleep.
He let out a shocked yelp and he sat up straight, the 23 inch cock flapping around between his naked legs.
‘Are you alright?’ asked the emotionless Raven from the bed side
‘Yeah,’ he said ‘sorry. My dick got stuck again.’
‘I need to clean it off better then.’ she said
He looked over at his girlfriend. It could be said that they were going steady now. It had been a couple days since the mishap with the spell book and half of it, they had spent fucking in one of their rooms. Garfield was not ashamed of nakedness and slept in the nude anyways, whilst Raven was still a little shy. She sat with one leg crossed over the other, thick grey skinned thigh on full display for him. She had put her leotard back on but eschewed the robe, letting her purple hair fall free around her head and neck.
The lithe boy sat naked as he stretched, his green body looking thin and short, which made his already impressive member look even larger. He noticed she was reading a book and then caught his breath when he realized what it was.
‘Raven, not that one!’ he squeaked while diving for it
She lifted the book and he slid over her thighs, landing bent over her lap in a very compromising position.
‘It’s alright Gar, we shouldn’t hide anything anymore.’ she said as she thumbed through his journal
It was just a collection of thoughts he had, but a lot of them were about Raven. Juvenile attempts at poetry, doodles of them together, observations and theories, and other scattered private thoughts.
‘The artistry improves as the pages go on.’ she said as she set the book down on his back
‘I had a lot of practice and an excellent model.’ he said
‘I can tell.’ she said before playfully spanking his green bum ‘up now.’
He rolled off her legs and sat on the bed beside her ‘I rather like this one.’ she said while pointing to one of the drawings
It was one of his better sketches of her, this time however she wore heeled boots that went up to her calf. Fishnet stockings adorned her muscled legs until they connected with the booty shorts around her wide waist. Although they were the tinniest shorts imaginable, looking more like panties that happened to be leather pants with a thin utility belt around the waist band. The barely went over her wide hips before her toned, narrow waist and abs became bare. Her chest was covered by a thicker leathery looking top that seemed to be a tight shirt with no sleeves and a cleavage window. The boob window was framed with a lighter purple Raven like symbol she used as a logo elsewhere. in front of the neck was a broach that clasped her cape around her neck.
Her fur lined hood was down, with a thicker coat than she was used to using. Her arms had gothic bracers on them and a couple fingers had talon like accessories. Her made up was a little different, more KISS like with black diamonds over the eyes in liner and straight lines halfway down her cheek bones.
‘The shading is pretty good on this one.’ she said
‘You don’t feel, objectified?’ asked BB
‘A little, but that’s not such a bad thing. After all, what’s the harm in flaunting a little.’ she said with a pop of her chest that sent those huge knockers bouncing
‘Old Raven would have never said that.’ said BB
‘I don’t know, I didn’t wear the leotard just because it was practical.’ she said
‘Maybe we should get a His and Hers costume.’ said Beast Boy
‘I have an idea for a costume that is similar to yours.’ she said as she put the book aside
She stood and flipped around, facing Garfield, and put her hands on his knees ‘You’ll wear boots, riding chaps, and an open vest.’
She slowly danced to her knees before him, sliding her hands up his thighs to get near the base of his crotch ‘with a neck tie, and nothing else.’
‘Wouldn’t that be inappropriate?’ he asked with a shudder as her hands started messaging down his slab of dick meat
‘Oh what, this little thing?’ she asked in a mocking tone ‘don’t worry, you’ll wear a cock sleeve. You’ll just have a third leg flopping around down there. No one needs to know it is a dick.’
‘That doesn’t sound like a very convincing disguise, remember. Kids watch us.’ said BB
Raven kept her blue eyes on him as she double fisted his dick with her hands, aiming the stiffening cock at her face.
‘How is that any different than what Starfire and Harley Quinn do? Besides, you know Robin wears his tights too tight to show off his bulge. You’re packing something so much better…’ she said, then left her mouth open as she approached his dick
There was a knocking on their door.
‘Friend Raven, or Beast Boy?’ called Starfire from the other side
The both whispered a curse as they scrambled for their clothes. Beast Boy was left hanging, or standing rather, watching the half globes of her great grey ass jiggle behind her as the leotard got so wedged up between them it disappeared. She grabbed her cloak and threw in on, swishing it around her as she moved away from the bed. Beast Boy didn’t think he could make it to a singlet in time and simply dove under the sheets, using the blankets to cover his nakedness.
Raven pressed the button to slide the door open and Starfire invited herself in, flying through the door with the red flame streak from her long hair that trailed behind her. She did a back flip inside and floated down to her feet.
‘I gave myself the make over, tell me friends, what do you think?’ she asked
She had light purple boots that enhanced her already impressive height. She towered over both of them at 6 foot 4 and had long, fiery hair that was as long as she was. Her boots went up to her knees where they had guards that left her built thighs exposed. Her skin was naturally orange and seemed to shimmer, making the tone more evident. She ditched the skirt, and pants all together, replacing them with a purple pair of shorts so short that they didn’t even have leg sleeves. Which made them trunks, but they didn’t go over her wide hips either. Her well-muscled abs were in full sight with her ripped torso almost completely exposed.
Instead of a shirt, she wore what was almost a bra, seeming to be a metallic strap that supported her breasts and ran around her back, and nothing else. There was very little bounce control and she already had an impressive pair of boobs that now stood proudly from the front of her chest. Her shoulders were covered with purple puldrons that linked around the back where the bra connected and nothing else once again. Her well defined arms were free except for purple bracers that had covers for the back of her hands. She wore a smile on her face that made those glowing green eyes shine even brighter.
‘I think that’s a make under.’ said Raven
‘Are you going to the beach?’ asked Beast Boy, snaking a hand under his arm to keep his beast hood still
‘I am trying for a more confident look, one that tells those watching that I know my body and am proud of how I look.’ she said with a twirl to face Raven
‘I didn’t say it was bad, Star.’ said Raven ‘I was considering a similar make over. Maybe you can help me on it tomorrow.’
She said that last part with a wink to Beast Boy, alluding to their earlier conversation about her costume. He didn’t notice though because his eyes were locked on Star’s behind. The scant trunks she wore disappeared into her muscular posterior. She had a muscular back with dimples of Venus near the bottom, but her glutes were very robust and hung from the trunks that wedged in her rump like a thong. Both orange half globes jiggled slightly with each move and practically begged to be spanked.
‘and Beast Boy?’ she asked, turning around to face him
‘Fine, you look great.’ he said with a thumb up, and a cock up if she could see it
‘But there’s one thing I think can really help you.’ said Raven as she closed the door behind her
‘and what might that be?’ asked Star as she turned back around
‘How would you like a figure like this to boot?’ she asked while throwing her cloak back
Starfire brought a hand to her mouth and sputtered ‘Raven, what happened? Are you all right? Your Ognags have become Magumbos!’
‘I am quite alright, friend Starfire.’ said Raven as she put her hands on her hips ‘are you?’
Starfire cupped her breasts. They were still quite large, probably E cups if he were to guess, but they had nothing on Raven’s.
‘Yes, I am just flustered. I kind of liked being the most endowed.’ she said with a pang of disappointment
Apparently, the spell turned the recipients into sexual threats as well.
‘Might I, feel them?’ asked Starfire
‘Sure.’ said Raven while thrusting her chest out even more
The tall Amazonian alien princess reached out with a hand and tapped her left breast, sending it jiggling.
‘Oh, they feel so real.’ she noted as she then fondled her
‘Because they are real.’ said Raven
Starfire rubbed and squeezed them through the leotard while Beast Boy rubbed his dick under the sheets. He kept it between his legs, but it was getting hotter under the covers.
‘These are wonderful’ she said as she pinched the edges beside the breasts and pulled them together
The cloth tugged on her boobs and then the knockers spilled out. The huge grey tits fell outwards before swinging back together, turning the clothes into a thread between her water melon sized tits
‘Woah, careful Star. We are guests in this room.’ laughed Raven
‘Sorry, I thought you and Beast Boy were intimate now.’ she said
Both of them exclaimed ‘What!?’
‘Are you not a couple? We thought you were for years.’ said Starfire, never ceasing to juggle the tits and play with them
‘No, it’s not like that. Or at least not until recently.’ she said
With the jig up, Beast Boy sat up, letting the cloth slide off to reveal his scrawny nude upper body
‘So what do you say? Want a set like this?’ asked Raven
‘I would love to look like this.’ said Starfire ‘can you make it so?’ she asked
Raven simply held her hands to Starfire’s shoulders ‘Inde dotare übertrieben oppai y libidine.’
Before their eyes, Starfire glowed lightly with purple energy as her breasts began to swell. Her beautiful dark green eyes looked down with those glowing emerald green irises and she smiled, seeing her tits begin to spill over the small bra that held them. The soft orange knockers began to overtake them and, in a moment, break out of them. They tumbled free, orange skinned breasts with pink nipples danced before her as Starfire began giddily jumping.
‘Oh, they’re so magnificent.’ she said
Beast Boy got to experience the back version. Her thighs began growing a little, losing some of their tone but getting a lot thicker. Her ass ballooned as well, getting fatter as the glutes under it grew. The purple trunks disappeared entirely as her butt cleavage of orange flesh grew to swallow them. Soon she had a large apple bottom jutting from her trunks that was at least as big as Raven’s.
Starfire was getting very top heavy, each knocker bigger than her head but as they approached Raven’s titanics, they finally settled.
‘Oh, is that it?’ she asked, slightly disappointed she didn’t eclipse Raven
‘What do you mean is that it?’ You could suffocate a man with those.’ said Raven as she returned her favour, lifting and feeling Starfire’s boob
‘Oh, they’re so sensitive.’ said Starfire
‘It’s another effect of the spell.’ said Raven ‘You’re also probably feeling a little hot.’
‘Indeed. I am getting bothered. I am starting to yearn for the dick.’ she said
‘Wow, that’s blunt.’ said Beast Boy
‘It’s the words I think are most accurate.’ she said ‘In my native tongue, I would be wishing for a fierce trangorla, to be filled with a nice, big, stiff flobnarg. But you wouldn’t be able to help me with that.’
‘Beast Boy might be able.’ said Raven
She turned Starfire around and leaned against her, both looking at him sitting half covered in the bed.
‘But he is your boyfriend. I cannot solicit favours from him.’ she said, ‘and Robin is much to busy to help me with this.’
‘There’s always Cyborg.’ said Beast Boy with a nervous laugh
‘Maybe he has the right tool.’ wondered Starfire
‘But Beast Boy is right here, and he has the best tool for this job.’
‘I cannot do the cheat on you. You are my friends.’ she said with a side glance at Raven
‘It’s not cheating if I let you.’ she said ‘and I am doing more than that, I am asking you to.’
‘Uhm,’ said BB ‘don’t I get a say?’
‘Are you telling me you don’t want to fuck this?’ asked Raven as she reached with the hand over her shoulder to lift an orange breast, and the let go to spank her
‘Yes, I mean no, I mean…’ Beast Boy stammered
‘Look Garfield. You’re a beast, I can’t keep you to myself. It would break me; and it would be selfish. What we have should be shared.’ she said
‘You’re serious?’ asked Beast Boy
‘Dead serious. I love you, I know I have your heart. That’s what matters. Where your dick goes doesn’t matter, and besides. We both love Starfire, and she deserves the best.’ Raven explained
Then with a whoosh, she waved her hand and sent the blanket flying. Now uncovered, Beast boy sat in the bed completely naked. Slim, short green skinned frame bare to the two girls. His majestic fuck stick stood up instantly, now free. All 23 inches free floating in the air with its fist sized head weeping precum.
‘Oh my…’ said Starfire
‘I know. Woof.’ said Raven
The two women walked over to where he lay, Garfield swallowing a knot in his throat. This was every teens’ wildest dream, a threesome with two hot alien babes. Not only that, one was a deer friend and the other was his girlfriend. Add to that the fact that they wouldn’t look out of place on a hentai cover and the fact that he had to peer around his bowling pin looking dick to see them coming and he was the most excited he had ever been in his life.
‘It’s so big Raven, how do you take it?’ asked Starfire with wonder as she got on the bed and started crawling over
Garfield’s beast began bobbing in the air as it pulsed with excitement. He watched the two women crawl over the bed to him, their huge tits dragging along the surface below them as their bubble butts wagged in the air behind them.
‘Eagerly.’ she said as she crawled up beside him
Starfire got between his legs and looked over the member, glowing green eyes wide as she took in the sight of it.
‘Such raw, erotic power. How big is it?’ she asked
She started playing with it while Raven answered.
’14 inches soft, down to the knees when he’s walking.’ she said
Starfire put her elbow on his pelvis and held the green monster against it, marvelling at how it exceeded it in length and girth.
‘When he gets hard, 23 or 24 inches.’ said Raven with a smile while holding Beast Boy’s arm and messaging his chest ‘We got it to 25 once, that was after teasing him for half an hour in the shower.’
Starfire made a fist near the top and compared the size. Then wrapped her fingers around the top near the thickest apart. The digits couldn’t close around it and when she started pumping, the wrinkled foreskin slid up and around the head.
‘and these balls.’ she moaned, merely holding his cock filled her with a lustful resolve
‘They hang a cool 7 inches below him, each comparable to a tennis ball.’ Raven said
As she talked up his cock, her hands slid over his bird cage chest and spindly arms. He didn’t know what she was gaining from messaging his scrawny form but he liked it none the less.
‘Why are you bragging about my cock?’ he asked with a glance over to Raven ‘it’s not even real.’
‘Does it feel fake to you Star?’ Raven asked while meeting his gaze
‘Oh yes. I feel the warmth of it, the pulse through it.’ she said as she added another hand near the bottom to help jerk it
‘and make no mistake Beast Boy.’ she said with a peck on the cheek ‘this is my cock. I expect to get it anytime I ask. It only happens to be attached to the man I love, and I am simply letting Starfire use it.’
‘Oh thank you very much Raven.’ said the Tamaranean
Her strong grip went from stroking his muscle to holding it in place as she opened her mouth wide, those plump lips framing her mouth. Beast Boy jerked when she plunged down onto him. She ran a little hotter than Raven, the heat of her mouth rivalling that of the sorceress’ pussy. The wet tongue slid under the cock head as the lips drew tight around it under the helm. She moved her hands up and down, meeting in the middle while twisting around. He suspected that she did this before.
‘What’s the matter, girl caught your cock?’ asked Raven as she rolled onto her side
Her heavy fun bags cascaded into each other and slapped onto his chest, the grey skin of the firm orbs clashing with his green skin. She put a hand in his hair and held him closer while kissing him on the lips.
He couldn’t see past the pretty face as they locked lips but he could feel Starfire take him deeper into her mouth. Her lips went past the thickest part of the cock as her tongue swirled around the head that was housed in her mouth. Her hands continued working the slab of beast meat in front of her, keeping his hot dick flesh tender as she fed more of him into her mouth.
Moans escaped between from her lips as her jaw was stretched wider by the cock, then through her nose as breathing past the organ became impossible. Raven broke the kiss and put her head next to Beast Boy, the both of them watching Starfire blow him. The gorgeous alien princess had wide eyes as she devoured him, shoving her face down his dick. She began choking on it, getting the bulbous head past her throat and into her neck.
Beast Boy was amazed and stifled a grunt as the hot, slick walls of her throat clamped down around his third leg. It created a bulge in her throat that travelled farther down her next the more she bent her tall form over him. She had to sit up on her knees and slide forward, pushing her fat ass up in the air, to take more of him down her throat.
Raven got up at that point, walking around the supine Beast Boy and bent over fire on her knees. There she reached under the sucking Starfire and popped open the top button of her trunks and pinched the waistband near the hips. It wasn’t an easy glide because of the tightness of the pants but after a couple good tugs, she pulled the trunks out between the cleavage of her new, explosive ass and pulled them down around the phat curves. Then slid them further past her thick thighs as Starfire took even more of the cock in. Rave gave it a suggestive tug and Starfire took the hint, lifting her legs in turn enough for Raven to get the trunks past the knees and then tossed them off her legs.
‘Oh my Star, I think you’re quite ready.’ Raven said
Beast Boy guessed that meant she was very wet already. Raven gave her a couple playful spanks, watching the orange ass cheeks bounce around. She must have been as enticed by jiggling girl flesh as Beast Boy was. She then turned a hand palm up and slipped it between her legs. Starfire’s eyes, closed as she savoured his man meat, slid open at the intrusion, with the attempt as a smile from her stretched lips indicating she liked it.
She was having an easier time of it than Raven did. Maybe because of her hardier form, longer physique, or pure eagerness on the part of the free spirited girl. She closed her fingers around the base of his cock to steady it as she pushed farther down. Her opened wide mouth was still being stretched by the sheer girth of his pulsating green rod as she slid down, guttural gak sounds emitting as his hard fuck staff battered her throat. The bulge that travelled down her neck disappeared past her sternum, the penis pushed so deep inside the tall fiery vixen he could feel the beat of her heart, vibration of her throat and the heat of her core.
All of which was overwhelming for the Teen Titan. He squirmed around visibly, Raven was no longer holding him steady as he kicked with his legs and gripped the sheets. The grey skinned sorceress was instead getting Starfire ready for phase two, a hand on her hip for stability and another deep between her legs. The heat that saturated his tunnel snake as it bored through the alien’s mouth hole was as thrilling as the smooth, slick muscles that stretched against him as Starfire went nose deep into him.
There was so much cock flesh in her mouth that her tongue could only slather around where ever it was pressed, saliva leaking from her stretched lips and running down around his cock where they collected on and dripped from his balls. She wagged her head and twisted her body, stirring the churning rod crammed in her mouth and down her body with her mouth, neck and chest. Her hands drifted down to his heavy cum logged balls and caressed them teasingly. Then she grabbed onto them, one in each hand, and pulled with just enough force to cause concern but mostly exciting him even more.
He jerked back up into a sitting position and grabbed Starfire by the hair. His hands gathered locks of the long, fiery red strands in his green grip and he pulled aimlessly. He didn’t know what he was doing but he felt like he had to do something. The pleasure of her blow job and ball play was driving him wild.
He started to pull her off him, wanting to stop the bombardment of pleasure that was ravaging his cock, then realized that he didn’t want it to stop yet either. So he pulled her back down onto him, thrusting his hips up at the same time. He did that a few times, causing Starfire to lose her grip on the slippery balls that then bounced around and smacked her chin. Her eyes went wide, shocked by the sudden burst of energy as he throat fucked his friend. His cock coursed through her heated core as she held onto hip hips, this time for her support instead of his.
It was Raven who pulled him off her, yanking him back to the bed so he could lie in the damp spot from where he was sweating.
‘Easy there Beast, while I don’t think she needs to breath, you definitely need to save that precious load.’
Starfire pushed herself off him, fully extending her arms and still having a little bit of dick meat still between her lips. She twisted her head and hacked, spitting the 23 inch prick out. The long rod was fully engorged now and pulsating with renewed energy.
‘Oh my, Beast Boy, or should I say, this boy’s Beast, is most impressive.’ she said, not even hoarse from the gut busting blow job
‘and you are very well suited for cock sucking.’ said Raven with a pat on her head
‘Why thank you friend.’ beamed Starfire, taking that as a full compliment
‘Now let’s see how well you ride it.’ said Raven
‘Oh yes, I would like to do so.’ she said while rising on her knees
She grabbed the middle of the dick to steady it while she crawled over him on her knees, barely managing to clear the cock with her long legs. Her puffy pussy was a shader darker orange than the rest of her although she might have just been horny. There was a short and trimmed patch of fiery red hair around it in a tapered top shape that framed the entrance. Then she stopped once she was over him, the head of his unsheathed dick almost kissing her netherlips, and then looked him in the eyes.
‘If he would like me to.’ she said
It was a weirdly worded question, but he was taken aback all the same. She was asking for permission once more, just to be safe. As excited as they both were, this would technically be a serious betrayal to two partners. He already had Raven’s approval, in fact, the busty demidemoness was on her knees behind Starfire at that moment, holding her hips and smothering her back with her enormous bosom. She had every intention of helping her friend fuck him. Starfire would be betraying Rabin though. While it was true that she had a very lucid grasp of sexual commitments in a relationship, and it was uncertain how serious both of them were about it in the first place, he would still be betraying Robin by taking his love interest like this.
‘Well, I mean yeah, I really want to… but…’ he stammered
‘But what?’ both Raven and Starfire asked
His double foot long dong was aching with need. He could feel the heat of her moist sex radiating off her cunt lips into his cock head, her grip on his cock the only thing keeping it from bouncing around in the air with lust.
‘Well, you and Robin…’ droned Beast Boy
‘Fuck him.’ said Starfire
‘What?’ asked Beast Boy
‘I think those are the words you would use.’ she said ‘always backstepping when it’s time to move on, always more focused on the missions than us, always running off to other cities on whatever goose chase he’s on now. Besides, our relationship is our problem. What I want right now is to fuck myself into bliss with this beast.’
‘Our Starfire is getting a little vulgar.’ mused Raven as she reached over her shoulder to fondle a tit ‘I like it. So what do you say BB. Is this a good time to develop a sense of comradery?’
He knew the answer to that ‘No.’
He sat up a little and steeled his resolve ‘Do your worst.’
Starfire beamed a toothy grin as she pushed the head of his cock against her slit and pushed. She was a bit more durable than Raven, so it took a little more effort. The shimmering head of spit and precum laced cock pushed against the dripping lips, getting smushed as she put more and more weight until there was a give.
‘Ah, fuck!’ Beast Boy shouted
He put his hands on her thighs to brace but there was no stopping the Tamaranean. She let go of his fuck stick, the head now firmly lodged in her hot, moist love tunnel. Her muscles tensed as she pushed herself down farther. Her legs flexed to force herself onto the long, girthy man meat while her cunt muscles, though stretched half to breaking, squeezed heavenly tight around his member.
‘Oh fuck indeed, Beast Boy. You are so wonderfully big.’ Starfire squealed
She pumped herself on his cock, her legs bouncing and tensing as she lowered herself two inches down for everyone up. Raven was behind her, steadying her friend with a hand on her hip and another one that went over her shoulder to hold a tit. As she bounced on him, her eyes wide with excitement and body length red hair dancing around her head, those new basket ball tits also sloshed around on her chest. The orange orbs tried to bounce all around, smacking into each other and Starfire’s arms, save only the intervention of Raven’s roaming grey hand. It occasionally fondled a breast, held it, played with the nipple, or just slapped it around into its sister.
The small, green Titan could only grip her thighs and hold on, gritting his teeth as she slammed herself onto his salami. The heat and tension were even greater than Raven’s, due most likely to her alien biology. Starfire eased herself down his shaft, sliding a little more with every thrust on his pussy pounding gut buster. Even though he was a mostly normal human, his engorged member seemed easily capable of beating the alien woman’s walls.
‘You’re, so, hot, Star…’ grunted Beast Boy as the energetic spitfire bounced herself off him
With a final hurrah, she closed the distance and ground her clit against his pubic bone. She fell forward, resting her knees on the bed besides his chest, and placing her arms on his bony shoulders. Those heavy breasts dangled pendulously over him now, swelling towards the end and jiggling with every slight move. Just as with her mouth, due to how tall she was, the double foot long dick stuck all the way in her didn’t seem to be a bother. There wasn’t so much as a bulge even though he could feel his cock head thrust deep inside her and squished with all the might of her abs and heat of her guts. The physics behind it were mind boggling but he decided it had to be something about the magic.
‘Oh Beast Boy, I have never been so delightfully stuffed in my life.’ she practically sang ‘I can feel it, so marvellously huge, deep inside. Oh, ah… So hot, I can feel your heart beating through it. Can you feel mine?’
He was still gritting his teeth and had closed his eyes to avoid further stimulus. Truthfully, it was so pleasurable he was becoming numb to it.
‘It feels so good it hurts, Star.’ he burst
‘Best end it quickly then.’ said Raven as she spanked Starfire with both hands
As if spurring a horse, that got Starfire going again. Those thick, built, legs tensed as she slid forward over BB, those fantastic tits swaying over him like twin chandeliers. Then slammed herself back down with enough force to shake the bed. He and Raven made love and were very sensual in their motions, Starfire had no such reserve. She rocked back and forth on him, slamming his cock into her and making her tits clap above him with her recoiling. Raven knelt behind her, slapping her ass to keep her going and reddening those cheeks, or so he imagined.
‘Get him Star, sate the beast. Take it all, leave nothing. Fuck him into the bed, fuck him…’ she urged
In her excitement, Raven got up on her knees behind Starfire and started grinding on her. She grabbed a hip of Starfire and a shoulder as she brought her waist to the other’s. Then started dry humping her rump. The grey skinned vixen’s hips collided with the fat ass cheeks of the well-muscled bum on Starfire. The collisions sent her phat ass wobbling and pushed her up his cock even more on the upswings, which made the down swings even more intense.
‘Fuck him, fuck, fuck, fuuuck…’ Raven chanted like a mantra as she pelvic thrust her friend onto the horse cock of her boy friend
Her enormous boobs bounced off Starfire’s back and wobbled in the air behind her. Beast Boy let go of the thighs of Starfire and held his hands into the air, grabbing hold of her dangling boobs. Starfire moaned and huffed wordlessly, the rut and humping sapping the energy from her voice as she rode him to orgasm. He could recognize the signs now, Starfire’s breath was becoming more rapid, her movements jerkier. Her eyes, once wide with excitement, were now shaky and half lidded. Her pretty, orange skinned face was getting a blush now, spreading from her cheeks all over.
‘Fuck! Beast Boy! Oh god… Raven! Fuck!’ she sputtered
Each time she cursed, there was a flare up of her powers, her long hair jumping up and glowing fiery red as if she were taking flight. For all he knew, she would. So he held on tighter. He held the boobs together, watching the excess wobble between his fingers and outside his hands. He lifted and dropped them, watching them slosh, before pulling them apart and swinging them back together. He would have enjoyed just doing this, but he couldn’t focus because of the energy he had to divert to supressing his own impending orgasm.
Starfire came first though. Her last curse drew out and became a scream as she grabbed Beast Boy’s shoulders with a grip so tight he feared she would break them. Her hair whipped around, forcing Raven off her as it glowed with red energy, her eyes shining so green he couldn’t make out any pupils. After a moment of her looking like she was about to charge him with star bolts, she began contorting. The seizures of a mind blanking orgasm rocked her whole body. Her legs quivered so much she fell onto him, those huge tits cushioning her as she began squirming around on him.
This had the effect of tightening her already incredibly hot cunt around his cock, as well as surging with even more heat. As her body writhed, his dick was subjected to the most amazing sensation he had yet experienced, the love tunnel squeezing him all over with a vice grip as it milked him for all his worth.
He couldn’t hold it anymore either and busted. He felt his balls draw tight as his already battered numb cock spazzed out inside her. The humungous prick spewed its load deep inside her. Cum torrented through his cock pipe as he shot the biggest load of his life deep inside the alien. He was also kicking and squealing now, his arms whipping around for sheets to grab while his legs dug holes in the bed under him.
They came down from their highs and reflexively held onto each other, entering a post coital embrace. Beast Boy’s arms wrapped tight around her back, holding those amazing boobs to him as she drew her legs tightly to his side, cradling his smaller body with the mighty limbs. Starfire held his head over her shoulder, both struggling to catch their breath as Raven slid to their side, watching them recover.
‘So that’s kind of what we look like going at it.’ she mused
Starfire said from the face buried in the pillow over his shoulder ‘Oh thank you Raven, for letting me use your boy friend’s cock. and thank you Beast Boy, for this magnificent thrill ride.’
‘Anytime Starfire.’ he said, petting her head and stroking her hair
‘Now get off him Star, his dick needs to breath.’ said Raven with a pat on her back
Starfire sat up, sitting on his still half hard cock as she rose. Those new, great tits bounced and settled in front of her.
‘and thank you both for this new body. I love it, and shall have so much fun now.’ she said with a laugh
Still weakened from the orgasm that rocked her body, she could only fall back. Landing between his legs, she pushed with her own legs to get him out of her. Inch by inch, his length member was exposed to the cool air of the room as she pulled it out of her. She got most of the way off before the back pressure from his load and her secretions forced the rest out. The green snake, looking amusingly like a large anaconda now, bent and twisted as it was evicted and a rush of frothy white spunk poured out of her gaping cunt.
The muscular pussy pulled itself shut shortly after, the Tamaranean princess being a very durable breed, and the giant globule of cum had to leak out like a crushed creamy doughnut. She groaned as she was relieved, laying there with her legs over his and the two making a line.
Beast Boy sat up, looking over the mostly naked Princess. The clasps of her bra that wrapped around her chest had fallen off at some point, so she wore only the knee high boots since Raven removed her trunks. Those enormous breasts had nothing holding them in shape, so they flattened out on top of her chest, forming twin pancakes with wide nipples that flowed to the sides and shifted up, covering half her face.
Beast Boy decided to provide that support and pushed Star’s long legs apart. He slipped out easily enough, for once thanking his scrawny build, and straddled her waist. She looked at him from between the boobs as he shifted up, now sitting on her toned stomach as he lifted his snake like cock and dropped it in the valley between her boobs. It landed with a splat, soaked from their combined juices and shimmering in the room’s light.
‘Are you ready to go again?’ she asked with a smile ‘because I don’t think I am.’
‘Not yet Star, this is just the natural habitat of the rare Garfield Beast.’ said Raven for Beast Boy
‘Give it some time between these hills and it will be ready again shortly.’ he said as he grabbed her tits from the side
He reached under each and got a good grip, his fingers sinking into the warm, firm masses. He lifted and shifted them, watching the flesh pool together in the centre as he pushed them over his cock. The orange breasts devoured it, smothering it in warm sweat lined tit flesh. He pushed them together even tighter, making a tunnel around his two foot long dong as he started grinding his hips. The dick was too soft to tunnel its way through rigidly, but the tits were softer and with a natural groove under the ballooned masses, it was able to slide comfortably between them like a pig in the mud.
He could feel it already, the warmth of her firm basket ball tits in his hands, and his own natural stamina and magical lust, was enough to restore the vitality in his cock.
‘Oh, I can feel it. The head is poking out of that delicious foreskin.’ said Starfire gleefully
‘Relax Star.’ said Raven with a smirk as she saw the head poke out from the top of the crack the hand pressed cleavage made ‘the next one is mine. Feel free to help me as I helped you…’
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