Braving it in the New World | By : EvaBrick Category: Comics > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Views: 10133 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Ninja Turtles, nor am I making any money from them. I'm just borrowing the boys for a while. I do own my original characters. |
Thanks for the reviews! It's nice to know someone's reading. It feels so great to get some feedback when I've put so many years into this. I'm building towards something huge. I've started the third part of the trilogy so I'm trying to get this second part moved along. The third part will be heavily Mikey and Donnie. Don't worry though, there's still lots more chapters to go in this story. :)
Charlie shifted and looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was 2:32am and she hadn't slept yet. She sighed and rubbed her cheek against Don's hard bicep, which was serving as her pillow while they spooned. His other arm was draped over her and his warm hand cupped her breast in his sleep. It was a nice feeling to be held and loved, Charlie thought. She squirmed a bit and Don mumbled in his sleep.
Neither of them had moved since they'd made love around 10pm. She already felt so full and uncomfortable that she didn't want him inside her so he'd spooned her and rubbed his length between her legs, against her wet pussy. He'd reached around and fingered her while he did it. It wasn't quite as good as actual sex but it had been nice to be intimate. Charlie shivered as she remembered his mouth against her ear, urging her on while she came around his hand. Don was so hot.
Charlie sighed. She was so ready to have the baby but the excitement and physical discomfort made it impossible for her to get any proper sleep lately. She wiggled carefully out of Don's arms and covered him back up with the blanket before she wandered out of the bedroom. In the last week, she'd woken him up more times than she could count and it made her feel bad to see him so tired during the day. There would be enough sleepless nights once they had the baby. Charlie stopped in the bathroom to wash his dried semen from her thighs and to pee. All she did lately was pee. She thought about going to their own little sitting room but then decided to see if there was any more cake in the big kitchen. She tried not to look down at her body. She felt so fat but she was so hungry all the time!
It had been fun, going out with the girls. She hadn't done that in a long, long time. Their first stop had been to get a better haircut for Evelyn, who had decided to trust the other two girls enough to pick something for her. They'd gone for something similar to 'The Rachel' hairstyle and it really suited the pretty musician. Charlie thought it made her look younger.
Then they'd hit three thrift stores and she and Estrella had picked out some new, cheap stuff for Evelyn. It was trendier than her long skirts and loose tops and they'd made sure to coordinate everything so no matter what she wore, it would match. Evelyn had been skeptical about the skinny jeans, since they'd come into fashion after she lost her sight so she wasn't entirely sure how they looked on people. Estrella had insisted on them and it turned out that Evelyn had quite a nice figure under the frumpy clothes.
Estrella had also picked out a very light eyeshadow for Evelyn and a pink lipgloss. “They're so light, you can't fuck this up, chica” she'd said. “Just tap your finger in it and swipe your eyelid. You'll barely see it but it'll give you a little pop.”
Evelyn looked like a fresh new penny by the time they were done with her. They'd made sure to keep her bohemian style, since she seemed to like scarves and long sweaters, but she looked downright trendy now.
The under-cupboard lighting in the kitchen was motion-activated and it clicked on as Charlie approached. It was a nice touch that Don had added and it gave off enough light for her to root around. There was no cake to be found. “Damn!” she hissed.
“Look behind the toaster,” Raphael's voice said quietly from somewhere in the dark.
Charlie glanced toward the large common area that had once been the church's sanctuary but with the light on in the kitchen, it made the rest of the church too dark for her to see more than a few feet away. She pushed the toaster to one side and found a thick slice of cake on a little plate. She tore the plastic off and got a fork from the drawer before heading into the darkness.
“I hid it for ya before Mike got it,” Raphael said.
As Charlie's eyes adjusted to the dark, she could see her brother-in-law lying on one of the couches with an old afghan pulled over him. She settled on the next couch over. Miguel was staying the night so Raphael could be home with his family. Miguel was sleeping in Raphael's bed.
Raphael had stopped by Estrella's after work to collect the little boy. Charlie and Mike were stunned by the transformation. Miguel no longer swore and he seemed to worship Raphael. Whatever the red turtle said was law.
After the supper dishes were all cleared away, Raphael sat with Miguel at the kitchen table and helped him with his homework. Then he'd joined the turtles in the dojo where he'd followed through most of the first kata before settling down with Charlie in Splinter's old chair to watch the big boys work. This seemed to be the highlight of Miguel's day. Every few minutes, he'd hop up and try some of their moves, which amused the turtles to no end.
“Were we ever that small?” Mike wondered, as Miguel flopped down at Charlie's feet, completely winded.
“Hard to believe, isn't it?” Raphael chuckled.
Donatello had looked into Charlie's eyes and smiled. She knew exactly what he was thinking... this is what it would be like to have children running around.
By eight o'clock, Miguel was asleep on the stack of gym mats in the corner of the dojo. None of the noise seemed to bother him. Raphael had scooped him up in his strong arms and said something soft in Spanish. Miguel put his arms around the big turtle's neck and Raphael rubbed his little back as he carried him upstairs to bed.
He came back down a few minutes later and flopped down on the couch next to Leo to watch a movie with the adults.
“You make that look easy,” Charlie had said as she rubbed her belly.
“You'll be fine, babe,” he said, reassuringly.
“If I hadn't seen that with my own eyes, I never would have believed it,” Leo said.
Raphael rolled his eyes and focused on the movie.
Back in the present, Charlie ate some cake.
“Thanks, for saving me some,” she said. “I feel so fucking fat, Raphael.”
His deep chuckle floated through the night. “Yer not fat, babe.”
Charlie turned and put her legs up and pulled her nightgown down a bit. It covered less everyday. Raphael was always easy to talk to and the darkness was making it easier to confess what she hadn't told anyone.
“I'm scared I won't get the weight off after I have the baby and that Donnie won't be attracted to me anymore,” she said. She stuffed some more cake in her mouth. “I'm so hungry!”
Raphael chuckled again. “That ain't gonna happen. He loves ya too much fer that. I'll help ya get back down to yer usual weight. We'll just do more cardio and less tai chi fer a while.”
“What if I can't do it?” Charlie sniffled. “Oh great... now I'm going to cry into my cake.”
Raphael shifted and she knew he was looking at her. “You can do anything, Charlie. You'll go right to yer last breath. Do ya remember what that makes ya?”
Charlie sniffled again. “Dangerous,” she said. She poked the cake with her fork. “The frosting isn't making me feel very dangerous,” she said. “Just fat.”
“Yer beautiful,” he said. “Donnie tells ya that all the time.”
Charlie took another bite of cake. “He's my husband. That's his job.”
“I'm not yer husband and I'm telling ya yer beautiful,” Raphael said, “so ya have to know it's the truth.” He hesitated. “You smell so good when yer pregnant,” he said, so quietly she almost couldn't hear. “So trust me, there's no way Donnie's not attracted to ya.”
Charlie finished the cake and licked the icing off the fork. “How much can you guys actually smell?” she asked. “Don talks about it sometimes but I think he's still so afraid of not appearing totally human to me that he's not being completely honest sometimes.”
“What's he told ya?” Raphael asked.
Charlotte shrugged and set the plate on the coffee table. “He says I smell different right before I have my period and he says I smell good now that I'm pregnant. He says he leaves his own scent on me when he rubs his cheeks on mine but I can't smell that.”
“I can,” Raphael said. “I can smell when you've been with Don, which ya totally were tonight.” Charlie croaked in surprise and Raphael shrugged. “You asked,” he said.
Charlie rolled her eyes. “Anything else?”
Raphael paused. When he spoke, his voice was dangerously dark. “Fear. Sometimes when we fight someone, we can smell their fear.” He rolled onto his back and propped his head on his beefy arms. His voice sounded far away. “The smell of the earth after it rains... I like dat a lot. It pulls at my heart and I dunno why.” He coughed and his voice deepened. “Thanks fer talkin' to Estrella today. I dunno what ya said to her but she was...” he trailed off.
When he'd gone to pick up Miguel, Estrella had pushed him into into her bedroom while Miguel had been watching cartoons. A big shove sent him back onto her bed and then she was kneeling between his legs, stroking his thighs.
“You've gotta be quiet,” she whispered as her hand moved up between his legs and stroked the edge of his balls where they were tucked under his shell.
Raphael had propped himself up on his elbows. “What are ya doing, mami?” he asked.
“Trying to thank my boyfriend for looking after my kid while I go strip for other men,” she quipped. “Unless you don't have time for a blow job, papi?”
Raphael had shut the hell up and let himself drop down.
“She was glad to see me,” Raphael told Charlie.
Upstairs, Leo was lying back in bed with a couple of pillows propped under his head. The moonlight shone in through the blue glass of his window. He loved this room, even if it wasn't finished. He dialed Evelyn's number on his shell cell and waited while it rang. He'd only called her once before and that was just to tell her more braille books were in. She answered on the fifth ring.
“Hey,” he said. “It's me... Leo.”
Evelyn giggled. “There aren't any other guys calling me,” she said. “I assumed it was you.”
“Oh,” Leonardo said. He wasn't sure what to say now.
“I'm glad you called,” Evelyn said. “You in bed?”
“Me too.”
“Did I call too late?” Leonardo asked.
“No,” Evelyn said. “Call as late as you like... I like to stay up and read. But not Saturdays though. I have to be up early on Sundays to play the organ.”
“I like watching you play,” Leo said. “You... you have beautiful hands. I could never do what you do... not with my big fingers.”
There was a pause.
“What can you do with your big fingers?” Evelyn's voice was lower and darker.
“W-what?” Leo stammered.
“Do you trust me, stud?”
There was another pause.
“Yeah, I think so,” Leo said.
“Then turn your light off,” Evenlyn said.
Leo reached out and clicked his bedside lamp off. “Ok.”
“Shut your eyes,” she whispered.
“Ok,” he breathed. He was pretty sure he knew what she was doing, but it seemed too impossible. He wasn't ready for this. What if she asked him to do something he couldn't? What if she got grossed out? What if he panicked?
“Relax,” she said, gently. “There's no one here but us. Imagine I'm lying on the other side of your bed... I'm wearing pajama pants and a tight t-shirt... no bra or panties.”
Leo felt his pulse quicken as he imagined her nipples poking against the fabric.
“Tell me what you're picturing,” she urged, kindly. “I promise I won't laugh.”
Leo hesitated. He couldn't possibly tell her that. What would she think of him?
“It's okay, Leonardo,” she whispered. “Talk to me. We're both blind in the dark. Tell me what you see in your mind.”
“Y-your nipples,” he sputtered. “Hard against your shirt.”
He swore he could feel Evelyn smiling on the other end of the line. “Mmm,” she moaned. “They are hard, actually. I'm running my fingers over my t-shirt and I can feel them.
Leo gasped and felt himself harden.
“Keep your eyes closed and lie back,” she whispered. “Can you picture me touching myself like that in your bed?”
Leonardo took a few meditative breaths and allowed his mind to hold on to that image. He pictured her smooth skin and long hair glowing in the moonlight like it did in the church where she played. In his vision, she had her head on his spare pillow and the blankets were folded down around her waist. Her shirt was snug over the swell of her breasts and her dexterous fingers were stroking the hard little lumps of her nipples.
“Yes,” he replied. His voice sounded choked.
Evelyn's voice was soft in his ear and it almost was like she was next to him. “Want me to take my top off?” she whispered.
Leonardo licked his lips. “Yes.” There was some rustling on her end of the line. “Did you really take your top off?” he asked, surprised.
“Mmm-hmm,” she replied. “Can you see it?”
Leo kept his eyes closed but turned his head toward the place where his dream lover lay. The moonlight made her skin almost glow and now her hands caressed her lithe body. “You're running your hands all over,” he said. “Through your hair, down your face and neck to your... your... breasts...”
This time Evelyn gasped.
“Your skin looks like it's made of moonlight,” he whispered. He wondered what colour her nipples were but he didn't dare ask.
“Oh, Leo,” she breathed.
Leonardo swore he could feel her breath on his cheek. He pictured her smooth belly disappearing under the sheet. “I...” he cursed his shyness. “I wish I could touch your stomach. Is your skin soft?”
“Yes,” she whispered. “I'm soft everywhere.”
“I'm hard everywhere,” he said, innocently. “We train a lot and then there's the shell. I think our skin is thicker, too.” He sighed into the phone and ran his hand over the spot in his plastron where Bubba's ice pick had gone in. It was almost completely healed. He wished for the millionth time that he was human.
There was a breathy gasp on the other end of the line.
“You're hard everywhere?” Evelyn teased.
Leo felt himself blushing as his pulse quickened.
Evelyn's voice was soft and dreamy in his ear. “And if I reached out and slid my hand down your chest and under the blanket, what would I find?” she asked.
“Nothing,” Leo breathed. “It's... under my shell.”
There was another pause. “Is it hard inside your shell?"
Leo nodded. “Yeah.”
“And that doesn't hurt?”
Leo almost laughed. Evelyn didn't beat around the bush and he kind of liked that. “It's not comfortable,” he admitted.
“So what would I feel if I put my hand between your legs right now?” she asked.
A fresh wave of shyness swept over him as his dick throbbed, begging to be allowed to drop down. Evelyn seemed to sense his nervousness.
“If you ran your hand down my stomach and under the sheets... can you see it?” she whispered.
“Yeah.” Leo swallowed and the image of her in his bed floated back to him.
“The first thing you'd feel is the waistband of my pajama pants. There's a ribbon running through it that I have tied in a bow,” she said.
Leo's pulse pounded. He loved feminine women... Lisa had been very feminine. He pushed all thoughts of her out of his head and focused on the image of Evelyn with the pretty bow just above her... her... He wondered if the bow was pink and he started to sweat.
“You'd have to undo the bow for me,” Evelyn continued. “I'm still playing with my nipples, remember?”
Leo's throat cracked as the churl threatened to start. He took a deep breath and willed himself to be silent.
Evelyn giggled. “You like that I'm touching myself for you? Maybe you'd suck on my nipples while your hand slips down to cover my pussy.”
This time, Leo's erection actually started to hurt. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand and hesitated again before reaching down between his legs. He wanted to do this... he was so nervous but his body was screaming for it... Evelyn's voice soothed his nerves and excited him all at the same time.
“If... if you touched me...” Fuck, what if she rejected him?
“Between your legs,” Evelyn prompted. “What would I feel first?”
Leo ran his finger over his tail. He couldn't say it.
“It's okay, stud,” she whispered in his ear. “Pretend it's my hand, squeezing the muscles in your big thigh and you can feel my breasts pressed against your arm. If I slid my hand up to the bottom of your shell and dipped my fingers under the edge... what would I feel?”
“M-my tail,” Leo managed to say. “I have a tail.
“What's it look like?” Evelyn asked. “Describe it to me.”
Leonardo sighed in relief that she hadn't just hung up the phone. “It's... it's about three or four inches long... it's thicker at the base and tapers off.”
“Would you like it if I curled my finger around it?” she asked.
The churl rippled in his throat and he couldn't stop it. He held the phone at arm's length while he freaked out.
“Leonardo?” Evelyn's voice sounded far away. “It's okay... Estrella told me you guys can purr. It's okay... I was ready for it... Leo? Come on, stud, talk to me.”
Leonardo got the churl under control and brought the phone back to his ear. Purring? He didn't know what to say to that.
“I'm here,” he said. “Sorry... I... sorry.”
She giggled and it sounded like music. “It's okay, Leo... really. Would it make you feel any better if I reminded you that I have holes in my head instead of eyes? I'm much weirder than you think you are.”
Leonardo took a deep breath. It did actually help, as much as he hated to admit it. “Keep talking to me,” he said. “Please.”
“Well,” Evelyn said. “If I was stroking your tail with my finger, would I be able to see your balls?”
Leo took another breath. “Yeah... and the head of my... it points down and the tail folds over everything.” He bit his lip and traced his tail.
“You said once that it drops down,” Evelyn continued. “Would you let it drop into my hand?”
Leo instantly relaxed his muscles and moaned as his dick dropped into his own hand. “Yes,” he gasped. He pictured her, kneeling on all fours between his legs, asking for his dick and it nearly finished him.
“Does it look like a regular dick?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he breathed. He stroked himself once and the churl started up. “It's green though.” He didn't add that Don had told them that Charlie said they were bigger than a normal human. He didn't dare... it sounded too douchey. “Is that weird?”
“It would be weirder if it wasn't, don't you think?” Evelyn asked. “Are you circumcised?”
“No,” Leo said. He stroked himself again and wondered if it was okay to do that.
“My pussy is soaked,” Evelyn said. “Want me to finger myself?”
“Yes!” Leo gasped. “Oh God, yes.”
“It's so slick and wet,” she said. “Will you touch yourself for me?”
Leo moaned and began jerking off in earnest. Precum was leaking from his dick and that made it easy to slide his hand across himself. He ran a calloused thumb over the meaty head and shivered at how good it felt. His brain was swimming and he felt high. He wondered if her pussy was as pink as her lips.
“I wish you would kiss me,” Evelyn panted. Leo guessed she was just as busy as he was. “I so want to be kissed.”
“If... if you were here,” Leo ground out. “I would. I'd... I'd want to be on top of you with your legs around me and... I'd kiss you.”
“Oh, stud,” she breathed. “Oh!” Evelyn moaned loudly as she came.
Leo came a moment later and his cum slopped over his fingers and splattered across his plastron. He groaned and pressed his shoulders back into his pillows as he milked the last few drops out.
They both lay panting and Evelyn hummed a note of contentment. It was the sexiest thing Leo had ever heard.
“Good?” she asked.
Leo nodded. “Fuck yes... I've never... I've never done anything like that before.”
Evelyn hummed again. “You did great... did you cum on your chest?”
She chuckled and somehow that sounded sexy too. “Want me to lick it off?”
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