Braving it in the New World | By : EvaBrick Category: Comics > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Views: 10133 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Ninja Turtles, nor am I making any money from them. I'm just borrowing the boys for a while. I do own my original characters. |
Raphael wiped down the bar and coffee machine and wondered if and when Estrella would let him kiss her again. The last two weeks since the nightclub attack had been really stressful for her, although he’d been trying to be helpful. That night, she’d found out for sure that he wasn’t completely human. He’d known she’d always been suspicious, but there had been no way to hide it anymore. Raphael didn’t blame her for being scared and for slapping him the first time. She said it was for lying to her, but he knew the Foot had terrified her beyond anything she’d ever experienced and that her fight-or-flight instincts had kicked in. The second time she’d slapped him though, he’d lost his patience and had grabbed her. He’d pinned her against the fridge and they’d stared each other down for a few angry seconds before he’d leaned in and kissed her.
Raphael knew he was fiery, but he didn’t know he had so much passion in his soul. The kiss wasn’t rough, but it was thorough. And when his hands went to her waist and hers went around his neck and she kissed him back with the same fierce passion… wow. He’d never felt anything like it.
But the next time he saw her, she’d said she needed space. She told him she was grateful for him saving her life, but that she wanted some time to recover and find a new job. Raphael had kept baby-sitting Miguel as she needed him to, but they hadn’t touched each other again. Their eyes would meet and he would feel like the air changed between them, but that was all… until this morning.
The elevator had dinged and Estrella had strolled into the café.
“Hi,” she said. Today she was wearing heels and a tight blue tube top under her denim jacket. Her skirt had loud, red flowers and fluttered and clung to her thighs. Like most of her clothing, it was a bit on the short side. Her long nails were bright red and matched her hoop earrings. She had a clunky red bracelet on one wrist and her hair was down.
“Hi,” Raphael responded. “Ya look hot, mami.”
She met his smirk with one of her own and did a twirl that fluttered her skirt up indecently high. “This old thing?”
Raph leaned his elbows on the counter as she sat down. “I’m glad ya came in,” he said, honestly. “I’ve missed yer visits.”
“Me too,” she said. Her lips were shiny with lip gloss and her eyelashes blossomed with high volume mascara. “Sorry, I’ve been in my own little world. I needed some space to get my head straight.”
“I understand,” Raphael said. “It was a traumatic experience. And this,” he knocked his knuckles against his plastron. “It’s a lot ta take in. I really appreciate it that ya haven’t gone blabbing to anyone about us.”
She shook her head. “After what you did for me, I would never do something that would hurt you… besides, no one would believe me.” She put her elbows on the counter across from him. They were about a foot apart now.
“So do ya still need yer space?” he asked.
“I think I’m good,” she smiled.
Raphael leaned in and kissed her. Her lip gloss tasted like raspberries and watermelon. He flicked her lips with his tongue to get a better taste and then they were making out right at the bar. That same crazy passion that had gripped him the last time they kissed washed over him and he pulled back quickly while he could still stop himself from pulling her over the counter to him. Her ample breasts rose and fell as she panted. He realized he was doing the same. A few customers were staring but he didn’t care.
“I… I don’t know how…” she gestured to his lower abdomen. “Can we even… does it work that way? Will it hurt?”
“It drops down. Yes we can, and no it won’t,” he responded. “Ya know the pregnant lady at the counter downstairs?”
“That’s my sister-in-law.” Estrella’s eyes widened as the implications ran through her head. “So yeah,” Raph continued. “It works. The relationship, the biology, it all works.” He reached out and took her hand. In Spanish, he added, “Do ya trust me, kochanie?”
She swallowed and licked her lips. “Si.”
“Do ya want me?”
Her eyes fell to his muscular arms. She thought of how he’s saved her in the strip club and about how he’d been willing to watch her son for her for free. He was the baddest boy she’d ever met, but she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. And the passion in his kisses… she wanted more of that. “Si,” she responded, huskily.
Raphael slapped one big hand on the bar and vaulted easily over the counter. “Mike!” he yelled. “Yer on yer own!” He grabbed a stunned Estrella by the hand and led her boldly out of the café, down the back stairs, and out a secret underground door to the sewer where he’d parked his motorcycle that morning. She gasped when she saw it. Her bad boy was getting badder by the minute.
“Ever been on one?” he asked, as he helped her climb up behind him.
“No,” she gasped. “My mother always said they were death traps.”
Raphael laughed and gunned the engine. She yelped and clutched him hard, her soft thighs and arms fitting neatly around his shell. The vibrations from the engine went right through the seat to her crotch and she squirmed against him as he took off through the sewer. It was dark, but his headlights lit the way.
Raph drove them back to the church much more slowly than he’d driven to work earlier. As much as he wanted to show her that he was the badass she craved, he wasn’t stupid. She didn’t have a protective shell like he did and neither of them was wearing a helmet. He wanted to give her a thrill, not paralyze her.
He parked by their backdoor light at the underground church entrance next to the bike Mike was fixing up with Don. He hoped off and turned to help her down. Her hair was tousled from the wind and her olive cheeks were flushed. He straddled the bike again, facing her this time, and pulled her into his lap for another kiss. This time, she slipped her tongue into his mouth. He moaned and ran his hands over her round thighs. He liked a curvy woman. He threaded his fingers in her hair and kissed her neck as she rocked gently against the warm leather seat of his bike. Her hands gripped his ripped thighs.
“Fuck, your muscles are so hard,” she gasped. “I have been looking at your legs for weeks.”
“I never skip leg day,” he chuckled against her collarbone. The smell of her arousal was drifting up from her crotch and he shuddered. He coughed slightly to clear the impending churl from his throat.
“I need to tell ya somethin’,” he said. He used his ninja training to brace his nerves and pulled back to look at her as he continued. “I’m a virgin and I need ya to show me how to touch ya the way you like.” She blinked at him for a moment and he wondered if he’d been too direct.
“Really?” she asked. “You’ve never?”
“Never. I mean… who would want to? We’re not totally human… you understand that right?”
Estrella nodded slowly. “If it makes you feel any better,” she said, “I don’t know anything about your body. You’ll have to show me what you like too.”
Raphael closed his eyes and let the tension out of his shoulders. Don had been right… the right girl didn’t laugh. The right girl was willing to teach him and be patient. This was going to be okay. He smirked and put his hands on her round butt. He picked her up and settled him more closely to him so she straddled his thighs. They kissed again and he took her hand. He dragged her fingers down his chest. “This front part is called a plastron. The back is a shell. I have no feeling at all in the back… it’s like armour.”
Estrella traced a scar in his chest. “The front looks pretty tough too.”
He nodded. “It is.” He traced a finger down the grooves in his plastron and hissed at the sensation. “There are some nerves in the grooves. And we’re pretty sensitive under our shells too.”
Estrella moved her hand up to investigate. “Isn’t it all attached to your chest?”
“There’s a few inches around the sides that aren’t,” he said. He leaned in and kissed her neck. She smelled like peach body wash and he hardened at the thought that she might have used it all over. He licked at her neck and kissed under her jaw.
She leaned back and shrugged out of her jacket. The tube top only took a moment to pull down. Her breasts were spectacular and Raphael’s hands were drawn to them like magnets. She put her hands over his and guided his motions as he cupped them and thumbed her nipples. Estrella made an excited noise and Raphael moved his hands around to her back. He leaned her backwards a bit and supported her weight with his strength while he leaned down and laved her nipples with his big tongue. He mouthed at her breasts and she sighed and sagged into his hands. Her head tipped back and she relaxed against his mouth.
“You don’t need any help from me,” she said encouragingly. “You’re a natural.”
Raph stopped abruptly and tilted her back upright as he cleared his throat again. “Speaking of natural,” he said carefully, “I hope ta hell this doesn’t scare ya, mami…” he cleared his throat again. “Sometimes make a weird turtle noise when we get turned on. We can’t stop it.”
Estrella raised an eyebrow. “An involuntary reaction? We’ve studied those in class.”
“Yeah, well, dis is a bit more animal kingdom than what I assume most women would be comfortable with,” he said.
“Try me.”
“Kiss me,” he whispered.
Estrella leaned in and kissed him with the same runaway train passion that had swamped him twice before. They clung to each other as they each fought for control of the kiss and suddenly the churl broke free from his throat.
Estrella pulled back a few inches. “Am I making you do that?”
“Yeah, baby,” he panted. “Yer smokin’ hot. I can’t help it.”
Raphael knew this was it. This was the make-or-break moment where she would decide to stay or go. This was the hurdle she would have to get over… the acceptance of him as not fully human. Accusations of bestiality swirled in his head, but he pushed them away. He was human, damnit. In his heart he was human!
“That’s kinda hot… y’know, that I’m making you do that,” she said.
“So ya ain’t turned off or freaked out?”
She shrugged. “I’ve gotta kid. That’s usually a bigger turn-off for men than anything else.”
Raphael snorted and found her wet lips again. Her sharp human teeth grazed over his tongue and he moaned. He kept one arm around the small of her back to keep her steady on his bike. His other hand slipped brazenly between them and went under her skirt. He grazed his knuckles gently over the front of her panties. They were satin and very wet. He churled as he wondered if she was going to leave a wet patch on the seat. He hoped she would.
“Tell me what ta do,” he whispered between kisses.
“Cup me with your palm,” she breathed into his mouth.
He turned his hand around and did as she said. He moaned as he felt her warm, puffy lips under the satin. He rubbled his palm gently over her a few times and Estrella put her arms around his neck. This gave her the leverage she needed to grind against his hand. The extra pressure squished more moisture through her panties and made Raphael’s dick press so hard against his shell that it actually hurt.
“Let’s move this inside,” he said, “before I’m crippled.”
Estrella tugged her top up and glanced down at his crotch as he led her up the stairs to the main floor. She gasped and crossed herself as she saw where they were. Raphael knew he was taking a bit of a chance, bringing a human back home to see where they lived, but he was assuming that she wouldn’t know exactly where they were located in the big city. Still, there wouldn’t be that many abandoned churches if she did want to track him down. She squealed as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her up to the loft where his room was.
“It ain’t nothin’ fancy,” he said as he pushed his door open with his foot. “We’re still renovating.”
“Oh Raphael,” she gasped. “It’s beautiful.”
A round, stained glass window took up the farthest wall and shone yellow and pink light on the floor. The only furniture was a large mattress and a lamp on the floor and a chair in the corner with some things tossed over it. There was a stack of books in the corner and a meditation rug lay on the floor under the window. Raphael mentally thanked Master Splinter for teaching them to make their beds every day no matter what… the place was sparse, but at least it was tidy. He dropped to his knees and lay her down gently on his bed.
“Are ya sure about trying this, mami?” he whispered as she reached for him.
She nodded and kissed him. As she pulled him down, he rolled over the top of her and kept going until she lay on top of him. She laughed excitedly and ran her nails over his chest. He took her hand and kissed her fingers.
She slid down his legs a bit and stood up at the side of the mattress. For a moment, Raph thought she was going to leave but then she pulled the top of over her head, kicked off her heels, and unzipped her skirt. “Show me everything, Raphael. You be you and I’ll be me and we’ll meet in the middle.”
The skirt hit the floor and Raphael gaped at the black satin thong she had on. She turned around and arched her back sexily as she touched her toes and wiggled her booty. Raphael got up on his knees. She righted herself and watched as he let his dick drop down. He sighed in relief as the pressure subsided. Estrella whistled and knelt down in front of him.
“You’re thick,” she said.
“Yer thick,” he replied, reaching out to cup her ample backside. “Dat booty of yers drives me wild.”
She pressed her chest against his and he watched as her breasts mushed against his hard plastron. He wrapped his arms around her and held her for a moment. He wasn’t an emotional sap like Don and Leo, but he allowed himself a few seconds to absorb the miracle that was happening to him. He was quite a bit bigger than her and his weeping cock pressed against her belly, just underneath her soft breasts. He wondered if she might let him slide his dick between them sometime. A warm hand stroked over his balls and his entire body shuddered in response.
“Lie down, Raphael,” she whispered.
He did and she slipped the thong of her smooth legs before she straddled him. She took his dick very gently in her hand and positioned herself above it. “It’s okay if you don’t last long,” she said softly. “People usually don’t on their first time. I won’t be upset, okay?”
He nodded in gratitude and held her thighs as she slowly sank down over his tip. He gasped at how good it felt and his body bucked uncontrollably. She lifted off with a chuckle.
“Try to stay still, papi. You’re a big boy and I need to go slow, okay?”
Raphael nodded again and resorted to the calm breathing techniques he used in his training. He’d never felt such loss of control over his body in his life… and she’d called him papi… his heart swelled.
Estrella lowered herself slowly down again and a half-moan, half-howl ripped from Raph’s chest at the pleasure. She rocked herself up and down, sinking a bit lower each time until every inch of him was inside her. Raphael sweated and trembled with the excursion of staying still. It felt sooo good. Mike was right… this was a pleasure so great that he never could have imagined it existed. How had he lived so long without it? Estrella sighed and leaned forward. She propped her elbows on his trembling chest and wiggled her hips a bit.
“You’re stretching me so wide, papi,” she said dreamily. “You’re probably ruining me for any other man… I have never seen a dick this thick and I see a lot of dicks in my line of work.”
Raphael wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. Another man? Never. “Good,” he rasped. “I wanna stretch dat pretty pussy of yers so it fits exactly around my dick and no one else’s will ever feel right.”
It was Estrella’s turn to shudder. She lay flat on his chest and put her hands on his broad shoulders. “Hold me close to you and rock your hips into me,” she whispered. Raphael slid out a little and then pushed back in. He nearly sobbed with the bliss. Estrella moaned as he hit the sweet spot inside her. “Again,” she cried. “More!”
Raphael held her immobile against his chest and let his hips do the work they were made to do. He pumped in and out of her and she encouraged him on with moans and curse words. He made it to about twenty strokes when a white heat grew in his balls and exploded through his body. He shouted as he came inside her and gasped for air. He lay still for a moment, then nuzzled his nose into her hair, marking her. He didn’t know why he did it, since no one would ever smell it but his brothers, but it felt like the natural thing to do.
Estrella wiggled out of his grip and sat up as his softening dick fell out of her, leaving a trail of his cum on her waxed, bare lips. “You did great,” she said as she lay down next to him. She scooted up higher to rest her chin on his shoulder. Her hair spread across his pillow.
Raphael caught his breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm. He turned to face her and slipped a big arm under her head to keep her close. He nuzzled her face and she tipped her head up and nuzzled back, even though she clearly had no idea what he was actually doing. Her reciprocation set the churl off in his throat again.
“Does that turn you on?” she laughed.
“Yeah,” he replied with a sigh. He reached down between her legs and slipped a finger along the slit of her lips. They were creamy and slippery from their combined juices. His finger flicked over the little bump and she gasped against his cheek.
“Is that yer clit?” he asked.
Raphael stroked it a few more times and she parted he legs to give him easier access.
“Press a little harder and do a circular motion,” Estrella said. She rolled onto her back and put her hands on his hard forearm to adjust the angle a bit. A minute later, she was bucking off the bed, cumming against his hand.
“That wasn’t as hard I thought it would be,” Raphael mused as she gently pulled his three-fingered hand up from her too-sensitive clit.
She looked at his finger that had a mix of her shiny, clear juices and his white cum. “You have bigger fingers than average,” she said. “It’s probably an advantage.” They both looked a his hand for a moment, then she slowly pulled it to her mouth and sucked the juices off. Raphael felt his dick twitch again.
“That’s hot,” he grumbled in his deep voice. He looked down between them at the mess between her legs and then back to her eyes. He swore her pupils dilated as silent communication passed between them. He’d tasted his own cum before a few times, just out of curiosity, but he wondered what hers was like. Don said it was good.
“You don’t have to,” Estrella said. “Men don’t like the taste of their own cum. They think it’s gay or something.”
“You tasted yers with mine,” he said as he slid down the bed and parted her legs. “Besides, I’m new at this. I dunno what I like yet.” The scent of their combined arousal was so heady that he felt drugged. He leaned in close to her centre and breathed deeply. “Holy shell, dat smells good,” he rasped.
“Do you have a better sense of smell then I do?” Estrella asked from up near the pillows.
Raphael was so far gone he didn’t even respond. He nuzzled into her pussy and licked his wide tongue straight up the whole thing. It was amazing… wet and soft and delicious. He was vaguely aware of Estrella’s gasp of surprise as he licked everything away from her inner thighs and vagina. A thin trickle of their cum leaked out of her and he licked that up too. She held his round head as he ate her, unable to take her eyes away.
Raphael was hard again and dropped down from his shell. He gripped his erection and gave himself a few firm strokes before sliding back up her body. He knelt over her as he stroked himself and she kissed him deeply, tasting all that was still on his tongue.
“That was so fucking hot, papi!” Estrella got up on all fours and quickly took his dick in her mouth.
“Oh, fuck yes!” Raphael yelled to the ceiling. His hormones were pumping, he was at one with his turtle instincts, and he felt so high from the pleasure that he didn’t think he’d ever come down. He knew that his life now existed for this exact purpose. He pulled her hair back from her face as she slurped at his leathery balls. Her mouth stretched around his dick again and when she looked up at him with her big, olive eyes, he thought he would come right then and there. She seemed to sense his struggle and let him fall from her mouth.
Estrella got up on her knees and kissed him deeply. She held his head in her hands and waited until his eyes focused on hers. “I want to try something, but I need you to go slow and be gentle, okay?” she said in her sweet accent. “I don’t want you to hurt me.”
That sobered Raphael up a bit. He held her tenderly in his arms in a bear hug and stroked her hair reverently. “Ya can always trust me, kochanie,” he said. “I’d die before I ever hurt ya.”
She kissed him again and turned around so she was on all fours with her glorious backside tipped up to him. “Take me from behind,” she whispered. “It’ll be deeper so be gentle at first.”
Raphael couldn’t believe what she was offering him. He moved up behind her and stroked her back. She arched under him and reached back to guide him to her entrance.
“Yer a fuckin’ goddess,” he said. He closed his eyes and held her hips as she slipped his tip passed her sopping lips.
She laughed and wiggled against him as he carefully sank into her. “Go slow.”
Raphael grunted an acknowledgment and rubbed his thumbs affectionately over the curve of her round backside. It was definitely going deeper than before but now that the edge was off, he felt he had more control over his arousal.
“Dis is amazin',” he whispered in his husky voice.
Estrella hummed in pleasure. “Better than you thought?”
The churl rattled in his throat in response and he shut his eyes in bliss.
“You ain't seen nothin' yet,” Estrella giggled. “I am gonna rock your world, Raphael.” She clenched her inner muscles around him and he yelled in surprise. She started rocking back and forth on him, clenching each time she impaled herself.
Raphael swore in Japanese and gripped her hips. She was going to kill him and he didn't even care. Estrella moved faster against him and he found himself meeting her with gentle thrusts. He knew from spying on lovers from rooftops and from watching porn that this position could get rough but he didn't want to hurt her. She'd told him to be gentle and that was what he was going to do. Hell, at this point, if she told him to jump off the roof, he would.
He felt something brush against his balls and he realized that she was fingering herself. His hips bucked at the mental image and she yelped. “Do that again,” she moaned. He thrust harder into her and her sweaty pants turned into a long wail of pleasure.
“Oh fuck yeah!” Raphael moaned. “You're so fuckin' hot, babe!”
Estrella's motions faltered and Raphael took over. He pulled her hips against his as he thrust against her, guiding her deliciously onto him. Her cries and wimpers filled the room and she flopped down lower so her cheek and breasts rested on the mattress. Raphael slipped in deeper at this angle and they both cried out at the new sensation. He could hear her soaked vagina slopping and then her wet fingers cupped his leathery balls. He gasped and a growl escaped his throat.
“Oh yeah!” she panted. “I wanna hear that!” The rattle caught in his throat as he moaned again, then resumed. A shudder went through her body. “I'm cumming!” she squealed. “Raphael!” She spasmed around him and grasped his balls at the same time. Raphael exploded inside her and doubled over in exhaustion. He locked his elbows and put his weight on his arms so he wouldn't crush her. They stayed like that for a minute, with his dick still inside her while they both gasped for air and came down from the intense high.
Raphael finally rolled away onto his side. He pulled her hips over and spooned her against his plastron. Her head rested on his bicep and he wrapped his big arms protectively around her. She shivered as she felt his penis slip back inside him. It was weird but not too weird, she decided. He nuzzled into her hair and kissed her sweaty neck.
“I think I love ya,” he said. His voice was darker with the extra testosterone boost. His chest rumbled against her back as he spoke. “Ya don't gotta say it back, mami, but I'd do anythin' for ya and I think I love ya.”
Estrella hummed sweetly and rolled over to face him. He was so warm and hard. She kissed him and rested her head back on his arm. She wasn't sure what to say. Somehow she'd always known he wasn't wearing a costume... maybe it was because of her son's belief that the turtles were real... maybe Miguel's childish imagination had rubbed off on her. She saw a flicker of insecurity in Raphael's eyes.
“I don't know what to say Raphael,” she said. “I like you... a lot.” She thought for a moment before continuing. “I like hanging with you. I liked sleeping with you and I'd be willing to do it again.” She sighed. “I've been pretty guarded with my emotions for a long time. My own parents threw me away... men don't want me.”
Raphael looked straight into her eyes. “I want you.” His gaze was intense and fiery. “An' we don't throw people away in our family.”
She smiled sadly. “It's not just about me,” she said. “There's Miguel. I have to think of him too. I can't get into something where he'll get his hopes up and then get hurt.”
Raphael nodded. “Yer a package deal. I get dat. Ya need me ta love ya both.”
Estrella nodded. “And this...” she knocked her knuckles against his plastron. “How does this work? You said the relationship works... but how?”
Raphael shrugged. “Charlie an' Don love each other enough dat the differences didn't matter.” He took a breath. He hated sharing his business with others but the situation called for it. “Ya can talk ta her if ya want.”
Estrella nodded. “Okay but she doesn't really know me... will she think I'm prying into her life?”
“Nah, she's cool.”
They looked at each other for a moment and he leaned into kiss her again. He pulled back and nuzzled her face.
“Thank you fer dis,” he said. “Whatever happens... dis meant more ta me than ya know.”
Estrella stroked her hand over his round head and he shut his eyes as she rubbed the back of his neck. “If I had died that night Miguel would have gone into a foster home,” she whispered. “You saved us both.”
Raphael chuckled quietly and his shell shook a little. “Well, ya said ya liked bad boys.”
Estrella pulled him in for another kiss. “You're the baddest boy I ever met, papi.”
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