Sublime Awakenings | By : Kailean Category: Comics > Squee! Views: 1478 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Squee!, JTHM, or Invader Zim, nor any of the characters from these works. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Sublime Awakenings: Chapter 41
Todd groaned low in his throat, blinking away the double vision that first greeted him as his foggy mind tried to pry what it desperately hoped was fantasy away from something else that failed to materialize as reality. Shit. This wasn't a dream. He hadn't even had any dreams, just a blank void of nothing from the moment the tranquilizer had entered his system. And now he was in his very own containment tube, but this one held no liquid. His arms were suspended above his head by some kind of metal cuffs that attached to the top of the chamber and his feet were barely dragging the ground.
“Todd! Keep quiet! They don't know you're awake yet!”
The voice was in his head, but somehow he knew to look to his left, where Shmee was in a different sort of enclosure and once again free of his bear form. “Shmee, what's happening?”
Nothing much. Just a bunch of tests. You're not supposed to be awake yet, but they're finished with you anyway. Bitters said that she only has a few more with me.” The energy being's mental voice was full of cautious optimism. “Relax, my boy! These tests will document the changes that have taken place within us both since that fantastic, high energy experience that we shared! And then the findings can be used to pave a whole new path of energy feeding for my people, and instead of just causing fear, we can be as a type of spiritual guide to the sublime!”
“What? Why?” There it was again! That swirling vortex, all that possibility, all that oneness. Shmee's last words sent a shiver down his spine.
“Shh. Not out loud. They'll hear us and put you under again. Because of that experience, we are both changed, and I now possess the knowledge of a more rewarding way for my people to get the energy that we need. Bitters' tests will just confirm the technical details for her people, and then you and I will lead the way.”
“...oh.” Licking dry lips, the teen forced himself to stand and gain his bearings the best he could before looking up at the cuffs again. He managed a small smirk. They didn't look very advanced, and he had a fair amount of experience with various kinds of restraints thanks to the D.H.M.I. Taking a few deep breaths, he pulled his legs up, walking on the side of the tube and pushing up and off so that he was hanging upside down by the cuffs.
“Todd, what are you doing?” His words were once again condescending, but not so biting as before.
“Trying to get out of here. You're”, he paused for another breath, “assuming way too much, Shmee. And I'm not just going to magically start trusting you again.” Bending his thumbs as far in, against he rest of his hand, as they would go, he placed his feet firmly against the top of the tube before pushing off as hard as he could. Teeth clenched tightly as the joints in his thumbs snapped out of place and the bottom of the containment unit hit his upper back when he fell. Normally, he could use his other hand or a flat surface to push the thumbs aside, but his position this time had not allowed that.
Shmee shook his head at the other's actions. “I hate it when you do that popping thing.”
“And you think I enjoy it? My life just calls for it...a lot.” Todd moved the thumbs around a couple times, feeling the pain subside. His hands were a little chaffed, but not much worse for wear. It was nothing compared to getting out of a straight jacket.
“Would it help if I were to apologize?”
“Not unless you really were sorry, so don't bother.” The boy slowly stood back up on even weaker legs, examining the chamber for a possible method of escape.
Shmee sighed. “You know, it's not entirely my fault that your life has turned out the way it has. If that girl had never-”
“Don't, Shmee, just don't. We've already been over this. It wasn't Letta's fault, and that's the end of it. And it's not even like the problems started there. Think about why I was sent to the institution in the first place.”
“Because you told those moronic aliens to take your parents instead? How was that my fault, humm?”
“That part wasn't your fault, but why did they come to my house in the first place? Probably because your stupid trauma sponginess brought them there.”
“Fine, fine. Then it was partly my fault. All of this is: the good along with the bad.”
Todd sent the anaphasic life form a mild glare for still thinking that this was somehow good. Sure, that bit with the vortex had been interesting, but overall, good was not what this was. And there was no way out of the stupid tube!
“Besides, my boy, if not for me, you might never have-” His words died abruptly as a Bitters reentered the room, her black boots clacking in a fast paced rhythm against the lab floor.
Zim tagged along with a bored expression. These tests were TIRESOME! He hadn't signed up for this! The Dib was going to be irritable after having been locked up in a closet for so very long too, and GIR was probably tearing the top layer of his base to shreds! “Sooo...are we done here?”
“No, Zim. No, we're not, you pathetic, useless excuse for an Invader! But don't worry. I'll let you get back to your little human 'love',” she paused to repress feelings of the utmost revulsion, “-slave soon enough. One more series of tests and this operation will be complete.”
Todd closed his eyes tightly when Bitters' gaze ran over Shmee and himself as carelessly as if they were week old roadkill. She was still in her teacher disguise. That was kind of odd.
“Well, Shmee, I have completed all of the necessary tests on you and this human boy and have come to the conclusion that you are both malfunctioning horribly. So, I've decided to put Todd down and find a new...more permanent home for you.”
“What? There must be some kind of mistake! Those problems that we had before weren't caused by that experience! If anything, my energy pattern has become more stable than ever before!”
“Yes, well, that may well be, but stable energy patterns don't sell planets, do they? You see, Shmee, I'm afraid that I've been working this case for a long, long dreary time and I am SICK of it. Do you know how many monies it would cost to restructure the entire contract with your people when taking these changes into account? How much time, effort and resources would have to be redirected? You race might not even be interested in purchasing other sentient peoples anymore! Do you know what that would do to my race's profit margin! It's entirely unacceptable. And since I can't have you dying on me and taking all this knowledge back to the Veelob collective, we're going to try something new with you.”
Shmee could both feel and see the soft blue glow that surrounded him folding in, closer to his inner form, at those words. This was all wrong! It wasn't supposed to happen this way! “W-what would that be?”
“Computer, bring me the victim child.” Bitters' smiled, but knew that in the human guise, it would come out as a sneer. There was no reason for her human counterpart to smile...ever. It was hard enough for her true form to do so.
Todd's eyes shot open at her last words as he deemed playing asleep no longer very helpful. “Victim child?”
Bitters turned an angry glare on Zim. “ZIM, why is Todd no longer unconscious?”
“How should I know! ZIM is no medical drone!” The invader's posture straighted quickly as the Iorkian advanced on him. “I mean, eh, the sedative that my amazing robot bee administered should have kept him out for another good hour, Sir!”
Making a sound between a hiss and a growl, Bitters backed off, looking Todd over again. “It's all that time in the mental institution. He must have developed a tolerance, like the female.” She glared back at the tubes where the boy's despicable parents resided. Neither of the two were unconscious at the moment, but she had tested them both extensively the previous night.
“Bitters, I urge you to rethink this! Todd and I can be a very valuable asset to your people!”
“SILENCE, fool! Your fates have already been decided!” The decrepit looking alien paused to look up as a system of transportation tubes carried a small containment unit in from another room. The chamber was lowered just above the nearest operating table where a small boy was deposited. He moved about, yawning and smacking his lips, obviously drugged and not quite awake. “Excellent. Now, raise the electromagnetic compression tank.”
Breath coming faster at the sight of a tinted, but mostly transparent structure rising from somewhere inside the table to conceal the boy, Todd moved closer to the glass-like material of his own prison. “What are you doing! You can't just...Zim! Are you just going to stand there while she does something horrible to that little kid!”
“Why, yes, stink-beast, yes, I am. Zim cares nothing for such lowly creatures as yourself and this Earthen larva.”
“Quiet, Zim!” Bitters turned back to her captives. “Todd always was an inquisitive one. Always thinking, always questioning my rules, the skool, the text books. Well, Todd, you'll be pleased to know that I've decided to use this particular subject on your account. His mother and grandfather, two truly nothing humans who ran some pitiful excuse for a”, another pause to shudder, “'burger' establishment, were in an unfortunate, highly convenient accident some months back. They were both brutally maimed.”
She smiled to assure the retched teenager that whatever terrible truths that he was sure lurked behind the excuse were correct. “I was able to recover the boy and fake the details of the family's 'move' without raising suspicion. He has no family left, none except for one man that I believe you know as well as anyone could hope to, so he should be a prime subject for this next experiment.”
Todd felt a strong emotion that could become either anger or sorrow building more and more as she went on. He had no idea who she could be talking about, but everything else, what she had done to that kid and his family, was crystal clear.
“You still don't get it, do you? Think boy, think very hard. This vermin is the offspring of someone you know.”
Giving the tinted tank a hard, penetrating stare, Todd still had no real clue. The boy looked like he probably had some Hispanic heritage, but that was fairly common where they lived. Still, the only people that he could possibly be said to know “as well as anyone could hope to” Pepito had probably slept with a lot of people, but that boy had to be seven or eight years old. It wasn't possible. But that only left one other person. He felt like his brain was going to shutdown before even considering that as a possibility.
“It's that stupid neighbor of his! What are you planning?”
“I'll tell you, Shmee-”
“No. No, it can't be. It just...isn't possible. Nny would never. He...he can't have any children!” The words slipped from Todd's mouth in a daze, surprising even himself.
“I am afraid, child, that it is possible. I have had Johnny C.'s DNA on file for eight years now, ever since he spoke to Shmee in your dwelling unit. And I have kept watchful eyes on him.” Bitters' eyes roamed over the containment units of the energy beings. “His DNA shows much promise for my endeavors, but you humans have proven somewhat...difficult to grow to a useful age in lab settings. I have had failures with both his clones and his genetic offspring. Luckily, even he is not completely immune to the largely doomed and futile need to pass on his traits.”
Todd still looked confused, but she plowed on nonetheless. “As I was saying, this boy is a near perfect candidate for my next test. Because I can not afford to let you die, Shmee, and you have recently experienced a connection with this subject's biological father, proving that your energies are compatible, I shall attempt a merger. A complete merger! If it is successful, your energy and this boy's will blend seamlessly. Your consciousness will spread throughout his being, far too thin to be of any influence. Well, in theory. You will live as one being until the day he dies, and by that time, it will be too late.”
“Wow. That's a good plan.” Zim nodded in approval. “Almost as brilliant as the one I would have come up with!”
“Why, thank you, Zim. Now, we commence with the final test! Computer! Begin the merger!”
Shmee's color paled considerably as his cage was transported by mechanical arms to the compression tank, where it connected with a small hole at the top. As far a he knew, nothing like this had ever been attempted! The thought of dying, of denigrating to billions of tiny energy particles and finding that collective mass that would wrap him safely in the presence of his race, was infinitely more welcome. As it was that could not be accomplished in this captivity. And there as nothing he could do to save his human either.
“Stop! Bitters, you have to stop! What...what if he dies!” Todd screamed, banging his his fists against the front of the tube as Shmee was sucked down the small hole, which was then sealed tight. Reasoning hadn't worked with Zim, and it probably wouldn't work with her, but he had to try. “This is just...just so wrong, so cruel.” A tear slide down his cheek as the tank energized. Inside, Shmee turned completely white. His energy arched down, around the child, while the child's energy arched up, mixing. Todd's nails scrapped uselessly against the wall of his prison, serving only as a mild distraction because of the horrible screeching that was produced, his head falling against it in defeat after the light dimmed.
“You humans with your 'fair' and your 'right' and your claims of 'inhumanly cruel' treatment. Well, I hate to shatter your beliefs, but the universe doesn't care about those things. Did you know that chimpanzees will rip the young of their own species literally limb from limb in order to insure that the genes of their own communities are passed on? Those are nature's dictates for your own pitiful world, and they are no different that what I am doing now, for my own people.” Bitters smirked at the still living child when the compression tank retreated into the table, the computer announcing that the merger appeared to be a success. “Computer, wake the victim child.”
Another robot arm injected the small boy with a syringe, and a few moments later the he was moving again. A hand swatted at what he assumed to be a bug on his arm, and he rolled over, only opening his eyes when he lost balance, nearly falling off of the table. Propping up on elbows, he raised his head to look around the room in sleepy confusion.
“Hello, doomed child,” Bitter hissed, stepping closer.
The boy made an epping sound, quickly curling in own himself, when he realized that this wasn't just a weird dream after all. “M-miss Bitters? Where's my mommy? Is this...the underground classroom!”
“Yes, child, this is the underground classroom. And your 'mommy' is on her way to pick you up right now...if, and only if, you comply with an easy series of questions that I am going to ask you.”
“Then I can go home?” His hazel eyes grew larger as he gazed around the room at all of the confined people. Had they all been trapped down there when they were his age!
“Correct. Now, who am I?”
“Uh, Miss Bitters. You substitute for Miss Flemmings sometimes.”
The teacher nodded. “Who are you?”
The boy cocked his head at the basic questions. Maybe this was like a lie detector test and she needed a base reading before the real questions? Or maybe he had been in an accident? “Leon B. Wian. I'm in the second grade and my favorite color is blue.”
“Very good, Leon. Now, who is this boy?” She pointed a sharp finger at Todd.
“Ummm.” The boy scratched his head of unkempt black locks. “He's...I don't...Todd. His name is Todd.”
Bitters face was consumed by a victorious smile/snarl until the boy finally soiled her revelry with his answer. “What! How do you know that?”
Leon hugged himself, shrinking away from his substitute once again. “I dunno know. He's just...Todd. Can I go home now?”
“NO! Your knowledge is unacceptable! Computer, scan this child's brain for any added sentience since the merger!”
“But!” Metal arms shot out of the table, binding the boy before he could complete his protest. Wires with suction cups attached themselves to his head in several places. He struggled in vain before finally beginning to cry. “I...I...just wanna go home!” He sniffed loudly. “I want my mommy! Why? I...I didn'”
“Oh, but you did. You questioned my plan, just like Todd here. Didn't you, Shmee?”
The child only continued to cry.
Todd dropped into a near sitting position inside the tube, trying hard not to cry along with the kid. He had allowed himself to hope, vainly, that after Shmee was recaptured, his life would be better, that stuff like this would stop happening to him and those around him. But that didn't appear to be the case. And now he found himself undecided upon what outcome to even wish for the boy on the operating table. Either way, Bitters wasn't going to let him go. He glared angrily through tears at Zim, who was leaning nonchalantly against a chamber beside his own, drumming his three fingers against his own arm in boredom.
Returning the glare, Zim stuck his mighty Irken tongue out at the pitiful, helpless wormbaby, swirling it in long circles through the air in a very inhuman, and thus superior, manner.
“Analysis complete,” the computer announced, “subject's brain contains only one sentient personality. Personality is almost a complete match to previous scans.”
“Almost complete? Explain!”
“Subject Shmee has been fused with subject Leon, resulting in subtle changes in subject Leon's brain wave patterns. This is to be expected. There is no evidence to suggest a second personality currently exists.”
Bitters grunted, unhappy with the situation, but willing to accept it. It could have been much worse. “Very well.”
“Finally!” Zim pushed himself off of the containment chamber, stifling a yawn. “Are we done here NOW?”
“Sure Zim, you can leave.” Bitters waited until the pathetic excuse for an Irken Invader was halfway across the room before speaking up again. “But, before you go you might want to watch this.”
“EH?” Zim stopped mid-stride, turning around and marching back to Bitters' side in an irritated manner. He was beginning to think that she enjoyed wasting his precious Zim-time! And he really didn't want to stick around for the Sqeaky-worm's demise.
“Computer, pull up a viewing monitor. Bring up the feed under code name 'moron'.”
A black-gloved finger shot out to point at the monitor when Zim's main lab appeared on it. “What! What is the meaning of this!”
“I was talking with the Tallests last night-”
“What is the meaning of this! Tell to ZIM!”
“I said, I was talking with the Tallests-”
The Iorkian shook her head in annoyed resolve. “That's it! Computer! Blow it up! Replace Zim's base with nothing!”
There was a flash of light and fire, then the feed when to static. Zim dropped to his knees on the cold, metal floor in emotional agony just before a tremor shook the entire base, making the humans in the gel filled tubes wobble back and forth. That meant it was real. His base was gone. GONE! “NOOOO! My base! My glorious base!”
“This time it's all gone, Zim. That means you're trapped here. But that's really the least of your problems because I can't have you and that meddlesome Dib conspiring to ruin all my plans, now can I?”
“What! How DARE you! The Tallests will not stand for this! I will find a way to contact them and-”
“The Tallests are the ones who asked me to do it! I told them about our arrangement and they were outraged that I would even consider leaving any amount of power, however meager, in your incompetent hands!” They had also seemed slightly terrified, but there was no reason to mention that understandable truth.
“You LIE, teaching drone! Oh, yes, you're going to have to do better than that to fool the might ZIM!”
“Whatever you say, Zim. Computer! Apprehend the Irken! We'll extinguish his worthless, troublesome life along with Todd's!”
When the robotic arms returned to capture him, Zim jumped into action, dodging them expertly. Metal arms came from his pak to slice through several of them, sending electric sparks flying. This continued for a good five Earth minutes before he finally missed one, his pak arm landing on the manual control panel to the operation table instead. It sliced through that metal as well, sending a shock through his system. He cringed as his pak began the reboot process, sending him tumbling to the floor in the mean time.
“Ha!” Bitters laughed as more arms descended from the ceiling to restrain the fool, “Zim, that was truly miserable!” All he had managed to do was set her back a few robotic arms and release the victim child from his confines, both of which would have no effect and would be easily remedied not long after he was dead.
The mechanical arms took a hold of Zim's ankles and wrists, holding them apart from his body just to the side of Todd's tube. There was still nothing he could do, but at least he wouldn't have to feel as bad for Zim as he would the kid.
“Well, Todd, it looks like you'll at least have the pleasure of watching your betrayer die before you follow yourself. Any requests as to the method?”
The teen looked down for a moment before forcing himself to talk. “Something fast.”
Bitters rolled her false human eyes. “Fine. Somehow, from you, I was expecting something more creative.!” Her speech fell apart as she looked down to see a sparking robotic arm protruding from her upper abdomen. She coughed splatters of translucent pink blood that turned a yellow-green after landing on the Irken in front of her. Backing up, she fell against the computer panel on the wall. Her form slumped against it before she spoke once more. “In-in-in-it-iate self...destruct...”
“Self-destruct Process initiated! Ten minutes to core meltdown!” The monitor that had previously displayed the destruction of Zim's base flashed a digital countdown from ten minutes, a low graphics rendering of an explosion playing in the background.
Todd's teary eyes widened not just at Bitters' plight, but at what lay behind it: a little boy dripping with green, alien blood. The boy walked forward, picking up another arm on the way. When the kid reached the tube, a small hand pressed flat against it. Todd stared at it dumbly before finally pressing his own hand against it as well. “S-shmee?”
The boy nodded. “I can't keep this up. I can't...hold my thoughts together. You have to get out of here. This entire base will be destroyed.” He backed up a few steps before applying the sparking end of the arm to the panel of Todd's containment unit, kicking it afterwards until the transparent sides retreated into the top. As Todd crawled out of the chamber and toward him, he fell over, losing control of the human child as his consciousness refused to stay together enough for actual thought.
“Shmee? Shmeee! Leon?” Todd caught the boy just as he was about to hit the floor, finding him unconscious. “Shit.” He looked up at Zim, who was still being held by the arms, even as his pak shocked him back to life. “ Is there a way to stop the self-destruct?”
“Negative. Self-destruct in eight minutes.”
“Nooo!” Zim's intact pak legs emerged once again to cut him free of the arms. He spared a quick glare at Bitters' body before running for the computer interface terminal. “Good job, Squeak! Computer, there HAS to be a way! Tell to ZIM! NOW!”
“Please enter override code. Self-destruct in seven minutes.”
Todd pushed himself up with the kid in his arms, willing his legs to remain steady. “Zim, we have to stop it! All these people-”
“ZIM knows this, Sqeaky-human! Make silence now while I use my amazing brain to find a solution!” The Irken's hand went to his head, absentmindedly stroking his own lekku in an attempt to calm his nerves. All of those humans in all of those tubes weren't really that important to him personally, but he could really use that base! And if he just left without trying after what he had already pulled, then the Dib would never forgive him. Not that he cared or anything!
Todd lay the boy back on the table, picking up a robotic arm himself to free some of the humans, including his mother, from the gel tubes. Much to his disappointment, most of them weren't conscious and simply lay on the floor like dead fish. His mother actually flopped a dying fish.
“Self-destruct in five minutes!”
“Mommy, why's it so hot? Is the air conditioner broke again?”
Looking back to Leon, who seemed to be dreaming again, Todd realized that the sweat that now covered his body wasn't just from the stress. The entire room was burning up. “Zim! Why is it so hot?”
“Because, human! The base is going to self-destruct! For covert missions, most races employ self-destruct mechanisms that completely obliterate any evidence that they were ever there!” He looked down at the meager information that he had been able to pry from the computers figurative grip. “This whole base is about to reach several times the temperature of the horrible Earth's sun!”
“That's...that's really bad! How do we stop it!”
“I...ZIM have an idea! You take that smeet out of here as fast as your pitiful human legs can carry you, and ZIM will stop the self-destruct!”
“If I stop to explain it, there will be no time to pull it off! Now be gone with you!” Zim sent the Earth-monkey a warning glare. The human looked around at all of the others on the floor and in the tubes with almost desperate eyes before finally conceding to the command of ZIM.
Todd cringed at how hot it had already gotten when his hand contacted the metal of the table as he scooped Leon into his arms again. “Which way is out?”
“There!” Zim pointed in the opposite direction from which they had entered the base. “Just keep going through that hall, out the only human door, up the stairs, into the old elementary skool and outside! Get as far away from the skool as you can!”
“Three minutes until self-destruct!”
“Good luck, Zim!” Todd took off in a hard run.
The teen turned back around impatiently when Zim called his nickname, shocked that he was actually aware of the proper pronunciation at all. “Yeah?”
“Tell the Dib...tell him that I'm...that I'm sorry. Tell him that he has been a worthy adversary! And that his head isn't really big!”
There was so much that he wanted to say to that, but instead he gave an intense nod before commencing with the running. He followed the hall for at least a full minute before finally reaching the “human door” and finding himself at the bottom of a stairwell. One floor up was what he assumed to be the real underground classrooms. Two floors up was the boiling room, and by the time he had made it that far, it was truly boiling. The metal of the floor was melting the gym shoes that he had borrowed from Pepito and he could hear warning sirens blaring from below.
The boy shifted in his arms, blinking up at him with scared eyes. “Todd? Your name is Todd? Where are we?”
“We're...don't worry. We're leaving.”
“It's hot.”
“I know. Here.” He kept walking, moving the boy around in his arms enough to pull the long sleeved shirt form his chest with the help of a lot of ripping. He wrapped it around Leon before risking the stairs that would take them to the ground level. Those stairs were steeper than they looked, and he managed to burn his own bare arms and sides several times on the way up, but the kid was probably okay because he wasn't crying out. As he ran through the halls of the elementary skool, toward the double-door front exit, the melted rubber on the bottom of his feet tried to stick to the floor, but was instead mostly left behind in a trail brown strings. The heat was making dirty paint peel off the walls...or maybe the skool was just in disrepair. There was a loud creaking from somewhere below that he didn't allow himself time to worry about.
When he finally reached the exit, he caused himself great pain by kicking one of the doors open, thus pressing the melting rubber that much more against his socked feet. But they were free! He stumbled haphazardly down the stairs of the skool, past a troubled looking policeman, trying to put as much distance between them and it as he could before he inevitably fell over from exhaustion and maybe passed out from pain. It only occurred to him several yards later that the policemen was in danger too. “Run! Run! It's going to blow!”
The policeman turned on his heels, following and then easily catching up with the teen. “You that Castil kid?”
“Yes, but you need to run!” Todd winced when the man wrapped a rough hand around his burned upper arm, but was thankful all the same for the faster pace that it gave them.
“Hey! I found him! It's the kid! And some other kid too!” The young officer shouted loudly to the small group that was already running towards them.
“No! No, go the other way!” To Todd's dismay, his own shouts were ignored as two more officers, a firefighter, Pepito and his parents all gathered around him. The firefighter took the boy from his arms, but they still weren't moving. “Run! We have too-”
A loud rumble barely preceded a shook wave that was enough to knock everyone but Señor Diablo and his wife, whom he caught, to the ground. Todd looked back just in time to see the entire skool building collapse in own itself, most of the crumbling material falling below ground to cover what had been Bitters' base and the underground classrooms. A plum of smoke and cinders rose into the air. It was gone, but the explosion was over. They were relativity safe. But all of those people, his parents, Zim. They were all probably dead. He heard the kid crying, heard an officer radioing for help, felt Pepito's arms around him, but he could only manage one more word before finally allowing himself to pass out. “Zim.”
Pepito's worried eyes narrowed a little at the word. He looked up at the debris surrounded hole where the old skool used to be. Hopefully that little accursed being was dead. He pulled Todd closer, trying to avoid toughing the, mostly second degree, burns as his mother dropped to her knees beside them.
“We need an ambulance with a medical team!” Rosemary lay a reassuring hand on her son's shoulder. “He'll be alright, honey.” When he forced a small smile, the hand retreated to pick up a walky-talky that was attached to her emergency help volunteer vest so she could contact Johnny and Elize and then Brian and Letta. Professor Membrane's children had been out of contact for a while now. “Hello. Mr. C.? We've found him. Could you please meet us at the hospital?...”
He could already tell that many a human soul had been separated from its body in that place mere moments before. There were, in fact, additional energy signatures, but Pepito couldn't identify them. His father had used the ASE to finally figure out their location after Todd had awoken and that Leon kid had guessed where they were. He had mentioned that there were a number of energy beings in the base, so those signatures could belong to them as easily as Zim. Maybe he didn't even have a soul. Pity.
--Leon's mommy is the “pretty girl” who gave Reverend Meat to Nny. He is a “Bub's Burger Boy”, which is a pretty obvious rip off of Bob's Big Boy, whose original founder was Bob Wian. info:
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