Superbabes: Cancelled Order | By : KorgTheOrc Category: DC Verse Comics > Batman Views: 8160 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Batman, or any DC character used. Orders and all Superbabes characters belong to @SnowWolf25. This story is parody and does not depict real-world people or events. I make no profit. |
Superbabes: Cancelled Orders
Cancelled Order #4: Power Girl
DISCLAIMER: Power Girl and Anarky are property of DC and Orders, Tom, & the Superbabes are property of @SnowWolf35. All events are fictional and not based on any real-life person or event. This story is parody and intended for persons 18 years or older only.
Everyone stared at the two women sitting across from each other. It was dead silent as they locked gazes with each other, although both of them were all smiles.
It was shift change from afternoon to evening shift, and Lucy had come in to help out a short-handed day-shift while also putting in some much-valued face-time to new customers that would likely be adding to her delivery orders the coming week. Veronica was on night shift the rest of the week working the 2 for 1 deal with Alice, and as was the case when she and Lucy were there at the same time, they continued what others referred to as “The Great Challenge”.
Being the two most ‘seasoned’ (i.e. slutty) of all the employees, the two had developed a game based on their equally lurid histories, each of them trying to outdo the other in some past debauchery somehow, whether it was number of partners, strangest place, craziest partner, etc. A poker chip sat between them on the break room table, representing today’s current wager.
Lucy rubbed at her chin, still lost in deep thought. The other girls stood with bated breath.
“On the rear seat of the school bus. In Junior High. Both on our way TO a field trip and BACK from it.”
The girls seemed to give this due consideration, plus a few low whistles of approval.
“I call bullshit,” Jenny interjected, shaking her head in disbelief. “A teacher would have noticed."
“Not if you convince two guys to be distractions on the way up so that they get the turn on the way back,” Lucy said, waggling a brow at her fishnet-wearing co-worker.
“Right, freak-meat, what you got to top it,” Ashe asked Veronica. She would have been wagering money on the redhead being the freakier of the two, but Orders had banned most side-betting aside from card games after the arm-wrestling incident.
All eyes swiveled to Veronica, who was calmly taking a sip of her drink out of a paper cup as if to draw out the suspense.
She gave a beaming, lovely grin once she finished and replied, “Oh, that’s easy. On a rollercoaster at Six Flags!”
There was a stunned silence, followed by Alice sputtering in disgusted realization. “Oh my GOD, was that the 6th grade field trip with Mr. Ackers class? Tell me that is not why you ditched me for two hours with Tall Bobby and Kevin Weems!”
“The line was really long…” Veronica said in apologetic tones to her best friend.
“Not remotely the point!” Alice said, rolling her eyes.
“And I still call bullshit,” Jenny added. “Just… how? The logistics of it are insane!”
Veronica shrugged, as if it all should have been fairly obvious. “Well, it was one of those standing ones with the floor beneath you. You know how they’re supposed to secure you into different harnesses side by side? Well, I convinced the ride guy to secure us all in the same harness, and-“
Alice waved her hand, her childhood memories of fun at an amusement park now marred. “Stop, please stop.”
“Of course, afterwards, I had to do something for the ride operator…”
“Oh my god, please stop.”
“And the guy at the photo station.”
Sierra bounced her way in somewhat literally, that ample chest of hers wobbling in her costume whenever she moved at a relatively quick clip. She nudged Jenny, having only caught the last minute or so of the conversation. “What is it this time, who lost their virginity in the weirdest place?”
“No,” Jenny replied, “‘first DP’.”
Sierra watched as Lucy pushed the lone poker chip to Veronica, she and the others giving applause to her winning this particular round. “You’re all very weird people.”
Orders had been doing her best to block all of this out. The less she heard about the early-years exploits of her two biggest sex-fiend employees, the better off she felt she was. Besides, taxes didn’t do thems-
Orders felt a headache coming on as her purple eyes flashed and a path opened up before her…
TIME: 10:21pm (0.8 seconds into the future) PLACE: Gotham (Superbabes)
“Superbabes. We now deliver.”
“Yeah, uh, can I get the Power Girl meal?”
“Two double D-licious patties on a set of firm buns, with thick, shapely fries and a shake.”
“… Seriously?”
“Hey, you ordered it. Anything else?”
“Yeah, delivered by Power Girl, please.”
“We expect her back in sixty minutes or the police will be notified. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address?”
TIME: 10:23pm (2 min. into the future) PLACE: Gotham (Superbabes)
“Sierra, you got one.” Orders tore off the receipt slip with all the customer’s info and handed it over.
“Sweet. About time I got one this week,” the busty blonde said, looking it over before stuffing it into her cleavage given the lack of pockets on her outfit.
“The perils of a recession,” Orders said flatly, returning to doing the books for the restaurant.
Sierra zipped over quickly to her own locker, getting a few things she liked to take along ‘just in case’: wet wipes, a fresh tube of lipstick, mouthwash. Jackie referred to it as ‘the hooker’s emergency kit’. A cough caught in her throat that she quickly cleared, but not before Alice gave her a look from the next locker over
“You still fighting that bug?” The pale young woman asked.
Sierra waved a gloved hand at her. “Getting over it. Doc said it’s a mild sinus infection, so I’m all hopped up on these big horse-pill antibiotics he gave me.”
Alice looked incredulously at her. “What?! Why the heck are you working deliveries then? Antibiotics mess with birth control, dummy!”
“Oh relax. Do you know how many guys actually ever finish inside me versus on these babies,” she replied, hefting up her all too ample chest in the Power Girl get-up. “Besides, I need the money. Worse comes to worse, I snag a plan B.”
“And here I thought only Veronica and Lucy liked it risky,” her pale coworker replied with a roll of her eyes. “Where’s it at?”
“Some place called Ralston Heights, I think?”
Alice stared at her blankly for a second. “Sierra, do you, perchance, watch this new TV show they call ‘the news’?”
Sierra, missing the point completely, continued to toss a few items in a clutch bag. “I actually just have streaming services, not live TV.”
“I mean doesn’t the term ‘Ralston riots’ sound familiar?” Alice continued, used to powering through certain levels of ignorance given her longstanding friendship with Veronica.
The blonde perked up and looked like she was trying to work out why the name sounded so familiar. Realization dawned on her face. “Oh yeaaaaah, the place with all the protests last week? They looted an Auto Zone or something?”
“No, they set up an autonomous zone. It’s when they drive all the cops out and set up barricades to protest. I guess Orders didn’t hear either. You sure you wanna make that run?”
“Please. Like any of us haven’t been to wa-a-a-a-y sketchier parts of Gotham before,” The top-heavy blonde replied, giving a dismissive gesture with her hand.
“They literally made cops run away. Gotham cops.”
Sierra bit her bottom lip in a moment’s thought. No cops did mean no one to send if the guy ordering decided to keep her ‘occupied’ longer than the norm. A smile blossomed on her face as an idea struck.
“Operation Tango!” She said in hushed tones, trying to make sure Orders didn’t hear her.
Alice squinted at her in sheer confusion. “Operation what?”
“Operation Tango,” Jackie’s voice said from Alice’s other side, making her jump. The redhead was like a cat sometimes. She had just gotten back from a delivery and it wasn’t hard to tell with her hair still mussed and her lipstick smeared from what had likely been an intense face-fucking. She continued, unabated, opening her locker to grab a fresh tube of lipstick and reapply while gazing into a small mirror on the locker door. “It’s where she takes Tom on a run with her. She’s done it a few times.”
“Jackie, shush!” Sierra said firmly, casting a glance to their boss, but grateful to see her head still buried in taxes and receipts.
“Why… on earth… would you take your boyfriend on a delivery?”
Sierra shrugged, snapping her small clutch purse closed. “Insurance. Y’know, for shady neighborhoods, repeat problem customers…”
“Customers not getting you off and having someone to immediately get railed by in the car…” Jackie added.
The blonde leaned behind Alice’s back and reached over to give Jackie a flick of her ear with her thumb and forefinger. “Also that.”
“If Orders finds out you dragged Tom along as a back-up bang to a delivery, she might literally fly you to a volcano and throw you into it.” Alice said bluntly.
Sierra, closing her locker and walking past her co-workers and roommate respectively, gave a parting wave to the tattooed goth and the redhead. “Relax, what’s the worst that could happen?”
TIME: 10:46pm (25 min. into the future) PLACE: Ralston Heights (Anarky Free-Zone)
The side-trip to her apartment had been a relatively brief stop, Tom hadn’t needed much prompting to come with given that his current evening plans had included ‘watch a lot of TV and eat cereal’, although he was always a bit reluctant to go along with ‘Operation Tango’ whenever his girlfriend declared it. Not because he minded looking out for her or escorting her places, but because he was genuinely terrified of Orders and of her finding out. The fact that she was getting fucked by someone besides him during such runs was usually a non-issue. After all, it was the story of how they met, so who was he to judge?
Tom was busy acting as navigator with the Waynze map app, veering down side-streets and freeway on-ramps to get them to the order location post-haste. Looking up from his phone screen, he gave Power Girl a tap on her shoulder, distracting her from looking out a side window. “Um… babe?” Tom queried, directing her attention straight ahead with a point.
What should have been a through street at the four-way intersection was entirely blocked off, a wall having been formed out of plywood, sheet metal, and enormous truck tires. A cursory glance at the buildings that flanked the barricade showed the roofs to be ringed with razor wire, no doubt freshly put up after the protests. Large red letters were spray-painted over the mish-mash of wood, rubber, and metal, spelling out ‘ANARKY FREE-ZONE’.
“Charming,” the stacked blonde said, taking in the sight of it all. “I don’t think that’s how that’s supposed to be spelled.”
“No, that’s the name of the guy who organized the protests. He’s some big ‘revolution for the sake of revolution’ type. Some folks think it might not even be one person.”
“All those people, and not one dictionary between ‘em, huh?” Power Girl teased, squinting at the barricade. “Is there another way in somewhere around the block or something?”
Tom typed on his phone, doing some basic fact-finding before shaking his head. “All the communal aid programs say to leave food at this intersection.” He shrugged at his girlfriend. “We could try knocking?”
PG sighed. It couldn’t have just been a nice penthouse in Gotham Heights, could it? She gestured with a gloved hand to Tom, who promptly handed her the bag of food before they both climbed out of the car and locked it behind them. Though in fairness, anyone desperate enough to try and steal the piece of junk that was the Superbabes delivery car was in dire straits indeed.
Power Girl’s heels clicked noisily on the otherwise silent street, drowning out the muffled sneaker steps of her boyfriend as he tagged along. Barricades aside, it didn’t look like some place that’d seen vicious riots only a weekend before, although the odd patch of scorched concrete and glass here and there told the story of flung Molotov cocktails at some point. The Gotham PD was stretched thin as it was, both on manpower and funding, and while they may have been likely to return, the residents of Ralston Heights were currently victorious in expunging them from the area, it seemed.
Up close, the barricade looked a lot more solid than the hodge-podge that was visible from a distance. It may have been hastily assembled, but gave the impression of being reinforced enough to probably keep everything short of a car slamming in to it from knocking it down. Closer inspection showed that one piece of the sheet metal was segmented from the others, possibly some kind of door, although with no handle on the exterior of any kind.
Power Girl looked at Tom, who gave her a similar expression of befuddlement and a shrug, prompting her to rap on the possible door on the barricade. “Superbabes…”
TIME: 10:49pm (28 min. into the future) PLACE: Anarky Free-Zone (S. Entrance)
“Special Delivery Service,” she finished, unsure if she was likely to have anyone even answer her back. Therefor it was a bit shocking when a flap of metal raised, a pair of eyes staring out at her and Tom.
“Unless you’re a resident, the heights are closed ‘til further notice, sugar-tits,” a gruff voice said from behind the wall of wood and metal. The eyes darted to the bag in her hand before the voice added. “Leave it there and I’ll take it in, though.”
PG had quietly bristled at the colorful nickname, but let it pass. Getting in was going to be hard enough anyway. “No can do. Customer ordered more than just the food.”
“What else, then?”
She said nothing, but did sweep a hand in a vague gesture at herself starting from the chest on down, raising a brow pointedly at the ad-hoc gatekeeper.
A mild snort of amusement came from behind the wall. “Cute. But we’ve had cops trying to sneak in for days. How do I know you ain’t one of the pigs?”
Without missing a beat, the busty blonde opened a few snaps on her costume and let those massive tits of hers wobble into view. She cupped both together, hefting them up a bit and giving the sentry an eyeful. “Cops known to whip the gals out in public far as you know?”
The man behind the barricade’s eyes widened as those enormous mounds of hers wobbled into view, briefly looking to the side as if consulting with someone else. As Power Girl put ‘the gals’ back in her outfit, a hand stuck itself through the view hole, holding out an index card with something pre-printed on it. “You both read that for the camera and we’ll let you in.”
She blinked and took the card from his outstretched hand, looking it over a moment before realizing it wasn’t filled with some kind of hideous lawyer-speak. In fact, it seemed pretty straightforward. Looking up from the card, she could see a phone was being held up to the spyhole, that apparently being ‘the camera’.
With a slightly put-upon sigh, she spoke, repeating the card. “ ’I hereby affirm that I am in no way affiliated with law enforcement and agree to abide by the rules & bylaws set forward by the community members of the Ralston Heights Free-Zone.’ ” She looked at the phone camera, as if to make sure that was all, then handed the card to a nervous looking Tom.
“Is this really necessary,” Tom said with a squint, the eyes peering out at him from behind the phone looking annoyed.
“Look, you don’t wanna read it, you can hang loose out here while we let Tits here in. Otherwise, read the fuckin’ card.”
Tom sighed, looking over at his busty girlfriend who gave him a pleading expression that he couldn’t find it in his heart to deny. Looking down at the card, he recited the brief agreement before offering it back to the sentry.
The flap of metal closed back down, and the sound of chains being unlocked preceded the whir of a motor as the wall slid to the side. Apparently they had assembled the barricade on the front of an automatic driveway gate, which stopped short after three feet or so to let in the blonde and her boyfriend. The segment of metal meant to look like a door was clearly there to misdirect would-be gate crashers.
Once they’d slipped through, the sentry clicked a remote and the wall began to slide back into place. Up close, he looked to be a thirty-something wiry Asian man with a full beard and lengthy hair, wearing what looked like a bullet-proof vest that was a stark contrast to the green cargo shorts he had on. He also wasn’t alone, the person he’d no doubt been conferring with being an enormously tall man holding what must have been some sort of assault rifle. Clearly Ralston Heights was not joking around when it came to running out the cops.
Not wanting to linger around armed men longer than necessary, Power Girl started to stride forward when she was blocked by the smaller of the sentries.
“Ah-ah. Rule #13 there, sweet pea,” The Asian man said, pointing to a large piece of red poster paper hanging prominently from a building side.
PG’s eyes scanned over the black text that stood out on it. Most of it seemed to be your average rules about community support, utilities, sharing of workloads and so on that seemed reasonable enough, but around rule 7 or so the handwriting had changed into an imperceptibly more aggressive tone. It started to mention something about ‘community patrols’ and ‘fees for patrol groups’, making the whole thing sound like a protection racket. Rule #13, however, made her balk in disbelief.
Rule #13: All women out after 8pm within Free-Zone territory are to be considered ‘free-use’ for entertainment by all community patrols unless given clearance by Community Patrol Commander.
“… You can’t be serio-US!” PG’s voice yelped at the end as she felt hands push her hard up against a nearby mailbox, the wiry frame of the smaller sentry pressing up against her thick ass from behind as his hands began to tug the crotch of her leotard to the side.
“Hey! Knock i-urrk!” Tom had rushed forward, fully prepared to punch the sentry sometime into next week when a massive arm from the taller man with the rifle caught him around the neck, dragging him back a few steps and saying something in Russian that he could only assume meant ‘calm down’.
“Leave him alone!” Power Girl looked back over to Tom caught in the big man’s grip, her own situation momentarily forgotten as she worried for her boyfriend’s well-being. She felt hands run along her body, one giving her curvy ass a hard spank that jiggled the flesh.
“Shit, this is some fuckin’ body,” The Asian man said to himself as he tugged himself free of his shorts. “And relax already, sugar-tits. Sergei ain’t gonna hurt your pimp. Are you, Sergei?”
The large Russian said something back in his native tongue with a laugh, and although Tom struggled against the man’s arm, his grip was like iron at holding the young man in place. He managed a breath here and there, but whenever he struggled harder against the tall sentry, the man flexed his arm and choked him until he settled back down.
“He’s not my pimp, asshole, he’s my boyfrieeeAAAAH!” The stacked blonde felt her words cut off once more, this time as a fat prick rammed itself with little fanfare into her exposed cunt from behind. Hands gripped tight at her hips, forcing them against the mailbox as the wiry man began to pump away at her.
“Ohohoho FUCK, this pussy’s definitely pro,” The shorter of the sentries said in lurid praise, the sound of her hips being forced against the blue metal of the post box ringing out with steady thuds as she tried to worm away from him to little avail.
“St-stop! Just stop!” She said through clenched teeth, almost sounding more annoyed than angry or scared. She couldn’t believe how quickly this night had taken a bad turn, and tried not to think about how Tom could see her whole sordid predicament.
The Asian man’s hips slapped loudly against her thick ass as his hands lifted to grab ahold of those massive tits of hers, squeezing almost painfully tight as he enjoyed what was probably the best lay in years, even if it was none too willing. “Unf! Sorry baby, but… ah…. rules is rules!” He said between grunts, not sounding even remotely sorry at all as he raped her from behind where anyone on the street could see.
Bastard! Just fuckin’ cum already, she thought, trying to endure the impromptu fucking and keeping her gaze straight ahead. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Tom or she might have started to tear up, and she didn’t want to give the little asshole the satisfaction. She could still hear him though, grunting and occasionally choking as he tried to get free of the big Russian.
She tried to clench down as the smaller sentry hammered away with wild abandon, the thud of her hips against the mail box filling the air with a steady rhythm all the while. He wasn’t pacing himself, just trying to get off as quick as possible, and anything she and those strong kegel muscles of hers could do to help him along was only too welcome.
“Ah! Fuck! Take it, bitch,” The smaller sentry snarled from behind, his cock slapping to the hilt just before a warm gush of seed filled her quim. Power Girl grimaced at the sensation, thinking back to her earlier conversation with Raven, and worrying if her boyfriend had just watched her get knocked up by some total scum of a guy.
She grunted and stood her ground as he emptied his nuts inside her, giving her thick PAWG ass a fresh slap as he started to pull out of her. “Whoo… The pay on this job sucks, but the benefits are great.” He said with a chuckle.
“Can you PLEASE let him go now,” she pleaded, gesturing to Tom who looked beat red and had been screaming into the Russian’s arm in fruitless fury the entire time. “Why the hell is that even a fucking rule?! I thought this was some kind of big civil protest movement!”
The Asian sentry gave a dismissive hand wave to Sergei, prompting the big man to let Tom go, but swiftly training the rifle on him to let him know not to do anything he'd regret. The wiry guy tugging his shorts back up, smirked and took a picture with his phone of the freshly fucked Power Girl for posterity. “It was, ‘til about 4 days ago when the East Street Phantoms decided that a spot with no cops was the perfect place to set up shop.” He paused to put away his phone and light himself a cigarette as Tom rushed to his girlfriend’s side and hugged up against her protectively. “The whole ‘community patrol’ is just them running wild and doing what they want. Hell, anyone who didn’t vote on their new ‘rules’ found themselves having some nasty accidents.” He shrugged, as if to say ‘but what can you do’.
“And you just go along with it?!” Tom snarled, still holding onto PG as she steadied herself and re-adjusted her costume back into place.
“Hey, I ain’t about to go fighting no East Streeter over their desire for easy pussy. You wanted in, them’s the rules. Ain’t my fault you didn’t ask what the rules were beforehand,” the wiry man said, blowing smoke in Tom’s face.
“Fine, just let us out,” the blonde said, feeling like she needed a dozen showers. No order was worth this much trouble.
“Ehhh, no can do,” he replied, pointing up to the red poster board sign.
Rule #4: For security reasons, please exit via a different entrance to hinder police surveillance.
“Hilariously, one of the original rules too,” He said, waggling a brow at PG and Tom.
“Fine,” Tom said, a certain amount of steel and vitriol in his voice despite the looming threat of the armed Russian. “Where’s the next nearest exit?”
The Asian man scratched at his bearded chin, as if he had to think about that. “Well, that’s be the exit on DeVoe. About eight blocks thataway.” He said, pointing North-ish through a tangle of buildings.
Power Girl promptly grabbed at the bag of food that she had dropped when she’d been forced up against the mailbox, mostly just not wanting to leave the two with a free meal, and started to stalk away with Tom, wanting to put as much distance between them and her assailants as fast as possible. A harsh shout in Russian stopped her as she swiveled on her heel to face the armed man, eyes wide. She didn’t like the way he was smiling.
“… What’d he say?” She asked cautiously.
The smaller sentry walked over to Sergei and took the rifle from him, the enormous Russian walking towards the stacked blonde as the Asian man kept the rifle sighted on Tom. “Pretty sure he said to get your tits out.” He held a hand up to the sign, tapping Rule #13 on the poster board with a vicious grin.
TIME: 11:04pm (53 min. into the future) PLACE: Anarky Free-Zone (Ajax Street)
Power Girl was still coughing up cum a street or two away after having been treated to a rough face-fucking by the Russian brute, the man probably having been born in Chernobyl to get a cock as freakishly large as he had. If he hadn’t been a rapacious bastard, he would have been the type Raven would have adored getting on a call.
Tom had once again been unable to do anything but watch as the other man had kept the gun on him the entire time, forced to see his girlfriend gag on the muscled bastard’s huge cock until he’d shot what seemed like a gallon of cum down her gullet. He still grimaced thinking about her hands slapping ineffectually against the huge sentry’s thighs in an effort to try and get him to let up. He wasn’t sure what to say, but knew enough not to ask if she was OK, which seemed like a stupid question. “It’s only a few more blocks.” He didn’t know where they were, but it seemed like the comforting thing to say.
PG nodded, walking briskly to try and spend as little time in the area as earthly possible. She didn’t want to think about the fact that there were probably guards at the other barricade entrance too, but at this point she was resolved to do what it took to get out of the blocked off neighborhood. The delivery was officially off, given the circumstances. She wished there hadn’t been so much scattered debris along the streets, no doubt left over from the riots, as she would have preferred to go barefoot instead of her heels announcing her every step.
It might have been only been eight blocks, but it was hardly as straightforward as the wiry sentry had made it seem. Every so often a street dead-ended, or was blocked by cars that had been used as cover during the original riots, necessitating them to take longer footpaths around or duck through alleys in roundabout routes. They had already stopped once to hide behind a dumpster as what sounded like a trio of men had wandered past, waiting until their voices and footfalls had faded before pressing on.
“I swear,” she mumbled to herself, “I’m never taking a job in this part of town even if the cops ever DO take it back.” Tom seemed to nod in support of this idea, though both of them were stopped cold as a piercing whistle sounded from somewhere amidst the series of concrete buildings and dark alleyways.
Several men stepped out ahead onto the street they’d been trying to quickly pass, appearing out of doorways and from side streets. PG quickly whirled around, planning to retreat back the way they’d came when a responding whistle came from back down the alley, several more street toughs strolling up to cut off any means of escape. Her eyes darted to the side, hoping for a path to bolt down, but more and more men seemed to simply pile in from all directions, like they had just been waiting in the dark for someone to show up.
The signaling whistles soon changed to leering catcalls and shouts, the press of men on all sides forming into a loose circle around both her and Tom. Some were openly brandishing guns, while more than a few carried baseball bats, hockey sticks, even pieces of rebar. All of them wore the same green and blue gang colors in some way, a bright contrast to their dark skin as almost all of them were black save for a few exceptions.
“Oo, shit. Lookit the titties on this one!”
“That ass so thick you could get lost in it!”
“’Ey, bring that ass over here, Power Bitch!”
PG could feel her pulse racing at being hemmed in, Tom putting up his fists in some kind of futile effort at boyfriend-expected toughness. It didn’t particularly help however as a full beer can caught him in the temple after being lobbed, sending him stumbling a few feet in a momentary daze of pain and accidentally bumping right into what was probably the largest man Tom had ever seen in person before. Shirtless and staring down, the man was like a wall of pure muscle that put even the earlier Russian to shame, a dark-skinned monolith of a man that looked like he spent every waking hour lifting weights. The powerhouse of a man reared back a fist and, almost casually, slugged Tom in the gut with such force that he crumpled to the ground with a choke and wheeze, much to the vocal amusement of the others surrounding them.
Power Girl didn’t hesitate to run at the huge man, trying to do the same to him with a well-placed smack to his abs, but it felt like she was punching a wall given how thick the muscle on the man was. “Leave him alone, you fucking asshole!”
The big man looked more amused at the effort than anything, grabbing a handful of her short bob of blonde hair and painfully twisting it in his grasp, making her squeal and contort her body to try and alleviate some of the pain. “Well fuck me, Lin was right. This some fuckin’ beaucoup, Grade-A piece of ass right here,” he said in a voice that was deep enough to practically rumble out of that massive chest of his. One of those enormous palms swung out and caught her on the cheek, actually knocking the spit from between her full lips and causing her to stagger back a few steps in his grip before that other hand painfully tightened and twisted a handful of her short blonde locks.
“Aaaaugh, fuck!” She grit her teeth and winced as he kept that solid hold on her tresses, thumping her hand ineffectively against his chest and stomach again as she failed to wriggle away from him.
The other men were starting to close ranks into a much tighter circle, each of them armed in some way that made the idea of escape more and more remote, even if the busty blonde weren’t in some muscled thug’s iron grip, much less having to haul the still downed Tom along. Her boyfriend actually managed to sit himself partially upright, only to be hauled forcibly onto his feet by another member of the street gang, a gun being jabbed into his ribs to let him know what the penalty of trying to be a hero would get him.
The leader of the group gave a cant of his head to indicate Tom, but kept his gaze locked on Power Girl’s. “He your boy or your trick?”
PG sputtered, still writhing in the man’s grip. “He-OW-he’s my boyfriend, jerk!”
This seemed to draw a deep and hearty laugh out of the man, the sound of it booming among the mostly deserted streets. He finally turned his gaze to regard Tom as his ‘guard’ guided him at gunpoint to a nearby street lamp. “My man, you have good taste in pussy. 'Fraid we gotta borrow it for a bit, though.”
The gang member on Tom yanked his wrists back behind the street lamp to promptly be encircled with steel, a pair of handcuffs holding him tight in place that he struggled against all the same. “Let her go! I’ll fucking kill yo-UGH!” He was cut off as the street tough slapped the gun hard into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him once more and making him feel like he was going to upchuck as he coughed.
“Thank you, Trey. Just for that, you get next. But first…” The big man said, his free hand moving to shamelessly unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants.
Power Girl’s struggles intensified, the cold reality washing over her as surrounded and entrapped as she was by the various members of the street gang. No, no, no, not again. No in front of Tom, she though in her panicked state.
“Sit your ass down, ho!” The man practically roared at her, using his grip on her hair to force her down into a harsh squat that only served to show off that thick ass and her luscious thighs to those around her. “You want your boy to be walkin’ outta here instead of carried out, you gonna be niiiiice and friendly with me and the boys. After all…”
He began to pull himself free from the confines of his pants, hauling out a slab of meat that he none too gently slapped against the side of the blonde’s face. She’d thought the Russian had been big but this… this was a whole other story. There was no way it wasn’t a full foot of black cock meat, at least, if not a few inches more. And if that’d been all, she might have managed but the thickness of it was monstrous, putting her in mind of her own wrist in terms of comparison. Having it slap against her cheek felt almost violent from the sheer heft and weight of that beastly member.
“… rules is rules.” He finally finished, smirking down at her as he pulled his hips back and leveled that enormous tip in front of her lips.
“W-wait, please, j-just wait a sec…” She all but babbled in panic. The idea of someone using such a monster on her mouth made her jaw ache just thinking about it. “May-maybe we can work something ou-AWGLAK!”
Her pleas had hardly been wise under the circumstances, the enormous black man taking the opportunity to simply shove forward and stuff several inches of that bloated prick between her lips, the dark flesh a stark contrast to her milky complexion. Her mouth felt strained, like her jaw might dislocate at any moment as it struggled to fit around such a girth. The thought of biting down was pushed aside as, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Tom handcuffed to the street lamp, and could only guess at what they’d do to her if she did.
“AHLK….GLRG….AWGL…” The only sounds that emanated from the blonde was a rare sensation for her, namely the big brute setting off her gag reflex between her panic and the proximity of that thick black cock-tip already hovering near her tonsils after only a slight push in. She tried to fight and tamp it down, breathing hard through her nose as she stared at the rest of that length yet to go.
“Mm, watch them teeth, white girl,” The leader grunted down at her, keeping that grip on her hair while his other hand roamed around those massive mounds and the front of her outfit. “Let’s get these big ol’ tits out too. You ain’t puttin’ them away the rest of the night.” His hand found the little breakaway clasps that, unlike on the REAL Power Girl’s outfit, let her heft those enormous breasts of hers out at a moment’s notice, and yanked them free to expose her.
The catcalls from his men started anew as their leader put her on display, some of them openly groping themselves while one or two began to record her debasement on their phones.
“Shit, I’mma nut all over them titties!”
“Not if I get to ‘em first!”
“You can have ‘em, I want that fat fuckin’ ass after Big Jay done with her!”
She felt aghast as they all started out calling ‘dibs’ on various parts of her, like she was just some piece of meat. She felt a brief tingling at the corner of her eyes, but fought against it. No! No crying, she thought. I won’t give these fuckers the satisfaction…!
Her thoughts were interrupted as that hand tightened in her hair once more, eliciting a muffled squeal around that prodigious shaft of his. “No getting’ lazy now, girl. Wrap them fuckin’ titties on my dick while you work that fuckin’ mouth.” He said, the tone of his voice making it clear it was not a request.
Wincing from both the painful grip and the strain of her mouth pried open so wide, she reluctantly began to comply, raising her breasts up from underneath to surround the shaft. The cheers and whistles as she did so was just one more burning shame upon many as she tried to work that ample tit-meat around his length. Normally she was lucky if even the tip of a shaft made it out of the top of her cleavage, but ‘Big Jay’ as he was apparently called managed to slide well beyond to the point of still managing to rub near the back of her tongue. Wanting him to both loosen his grip and not take any anger out on Tom, she began to swivel her head a bit as her lips moved up and down upper part of his cock, leaving a wet sheen on the ebony flesh.
“Mmnph… mm… nnnf… mm-ULK!” The noises she made were none too pleased, but ones of effort, particularly when he gave a jab of his hips up and sent more of that meat towards her throat.
“Faster, Power Bitch,” he snarled, his free hand giving her cheek a reprimanding slap even as his cock bulged it out every stroke or two. “You gotta lo-o-ong night ahead you, don’t be checkin’ out on it this early.”
She finally ventured a glance up at the muscled gang leader, scowling at him even as she was forced to take his dick between her full lips. She gave that sumptuous, jostling shimmy of her breasts with her hands that she often saved as a finisher for well-behaved customers, but this time simply wanted this over with as quickly as possible.
The big man enjoyed the newfound enthusiasm out of his blonde captive, working his hips toward her in hunching thrusts that forced that enormous tip to slide just barely into her throat each time. The wet noises sputtering from her throat increased as she tried stay coordinated working her chest and mouth on that utter monster of a dick at the same time. “GLRG… GLRK…AWGL… GLRK…!”
Tom was used to seeing his girlfriend taking dick, but even in the times that it wasn’t his, it was usually on some video she made, or even just barely glimpsed the few times she’d brought him along on one of her runs. This was much more up close and vivid, and painful to watch knowing she was being forced to do it, her tone trying to take the enormous man not one he’d heard before. The fact that she was doing it to make sure nothing happened to him only added to the shame and guilt, the young man straining against his cuffs like he hoped they’d somehow snap free.
Big Jay seemed to notice the angry gaze of Tom as he was receiving what was possibly one of the top three tit-jobs of his life. “Woooo-eee! This slut got a throat on her! You get this every night too, huh, white boy?”
“Fuck you,” Tom spat out, giving a fresh tug against his cuffs.
The gang leader laughed uproariously again, PG swearing she could feel it shake the entirety of his frame right down to the dick that was currently waggling against her tonsils. “Just for that, you don’t get a turn after the rest of us!” He started to visibly buck his hips harder, making the blonde cough and gag anew around his cock as he thrust himself both between her jiggling tits and those plump lips of hers. “Your boy’s tryin’ to bring down my mood, blondie. Use them fat fuckin’ bimbo tits to bring it back up!”
She could only struggle to keep her rhythm under this fresh assault, her drool dripping down from her over-taxed mouth to fall on the rest of that shaft and into her cleavage where he was pumping away, making for a more slippery experience as She tried to endure him. Her jaw felt like it was clicking on every particularly hard thrust, the man’s brutal prick easily the largest she’d ever had treat her so roughly.
Her hands momentarily ceased the squeezing and jiggling of her bust to instead start ineffectually slapping against the man’s muscled thighs, trying to get him to ease up, her mouth a litany of obscene wet noises. “GLGLGLKGLGLGLGLAWGLGLGL….!”
“No quittin’ on me, bitch! Take that shit!” He grunted at her between thrusts, his fat, dark sack slapping nosily against her wobbling mounds as he kept up those punishing rolls of his hips to her face. He didn’t seem the least bit interested in going easy on her, the man apparently thinking a pro like her should be ready for anything, no matter how rough. “Here… we… GO…!”
With the last word rumbled out, she felt that monster in her mouth throb hard just before thick shots of cum began to force themselves down her throat. Normally a champ at swallowing a load offered to her, even sprung on her in surprise, the tension and his roughness made every gulp feel like a sputtering choke on the warm semen, her fists banging uselessly on his legs as she tried to get some kind of relief or gasp of air from it. The panicky spasm of her throat made it feel like it was entirely packed to the brim with cum, that no more could possibly be forced down from his considerable load without suffocating her.
Tom could only look on in despair as the massive black male forced Sierra to take his release, her cheeks puffing out in strain and her eyes wild with apprehension. He could see her keep straining and pushing at the man’s legs, but to no avail, the cuffed young man seriously starting to worry the brute might make her pass out from his roughness. He was about to shout something, even at the risk of getting a fresh sock in the stomach or face for his trouble, when Big Jay finally let go of her hair, prompting his girlfriend to abruptly pull back and fall onto her hands and knees.
And just like that, a veritable river of cum was forced back up and out of Power Girl’s painted lips, unable to keep it down and letting the white semen splash onto the pavement in choking heaves of her chest. She could barely even process that laughs and lurid comments from the other gang members as she coughed up their leader’s thick load, trying to catch gasps of air where she could, her tits jiggling hard each time. The tops of her breasts had caught part of the flow of semen, and it gave her mounds an obscene slickness that shown in the street light, droplets of spunk trailing down her milky skin.
“Shiiiiiit, ain’t you know you supposed to swallow, ho?” Big Jay said smugly, wiping some sweat off his forehead as he watched the big-busted working girl sputter and cough on all fours. “That’s alright though, we’ll teach you before the night’s out, ain’t that right, boys?”
A fresh round of cheers and catcalls rang out, but it was all PG could do focus on just breathing again. Her gaze lifted to see Tom looking back at her, that shame in her burning all the brighter. She wanted to tell him to look away, that it wasn’t his fault, but the slippery feel of the cum in her throat only produced more coughs.
A trace of movement caught her eye, and she glanced at the nearby apartment building to see someone looking out through a crack in the curtain on the first floor. It looked like a 40 or so year-old woman, her face caught in a tight expression of sadness & helplessness for the sight in front of her, but also something that it took a moment for the blonde to place.
It was inordinate amounts of pity, but all surrounding the same sentiment:
Better you than me.
At almost the same time as the curtain snapped shut, rough hands hauled her back up onto her knees as a fresh, slightly younger voice snapped out at her. “Big Jay may not mind, but you don’t swallow my shit down, I’mma make you lick it up, bitch.”
Her head tilted up, chest still heaving a little as she got her breath back, to see the owner of the voice talking down to her. It was the man that had gut-checked Tom a few minutes ago, and his pants were unzipped and tugged down to display another thick black cock directly in front of her which, while not near as large as Big Jay’s, was still daunting. Especially after the rough ride she’d just underwent.
“Pl-*kaff*-please, just give me a second t-to…!”
She was stopped short as she felt something warm slap against first one side of her face, then the other, twisting to see two more of the street thugs had crowded in on either side of her, their fat, dark shafts already stiff from the show their boss had put on with her.
“Nah… you ain’t got a second, bitch.”
TIME: 11:43pm (92 min. into the future) PLACE: Anarky Free-Zone (Intersection)
The top-heavy blonde was cut-off as one brutal face-fucking was traded for another, her head yanked away from the man to her left so that the man on her right could take his turn ravaging her throat with little regard for her comfort.
“Swallow that shit, slut! Bigger than anything your little boyfriend got!” The current man in her gullet snarled, shoving hard on the back of her head to make sure she stayed deep on the black shaft raping her throat. The man on her left continued to slap and rub his spit-slick cock against the side of her face as his friend made use of her.
Although tears of strain from the vicious treatment had smeared her makeup, she still kept up her resolve, refusing to let herself break down in front of the group of men. She’d already taken two others besides Big Jay, having dutifully jerked or sucked them off even amidst painful handling. That fresh lipstick had been leaving rings on each of the men that was a stark contrast to the darker flesh, vile little markers showing off how much she’d been forced to take already.
In front of her, forgoing a chance at her mouth, the third of the trio had pushed her large breasts together and, aided by the slipperiness of the cum that had already drooled onto them, was slapping his hips away to fuck between them. Although not nearly as large as their leader, the man was still big enough to have that thick tip, glistening with pre, pop up from her cleavage over and over again. His grip on her mounds was painfully tight as he rode her chest, fingertips digging in enough to leave marks. “God DAMN, these gotta be the best motherfuckin’ titties in Gotham, son!” He said between lusty pants, the sound of flesh clapping against flesh filling the air from his thrusts.
One of PG’s gloved hands was being forced to stroke along the slippery length of the last man to fuck her throat, while the other uselessly pushed against the hips of her current violator, trying for some measure of relief in his rough thrusts that she couldn’t manage. She’d gotten rough treatment from groups before, but she’d always felt like the one in control those times, summarily cutting off anyone that overdid it, or convincing them to go easier. This, however, was simply her at the mercy of the crowd.
That bulbous tip pumped away at her now aching and abused little throat, the blonde struggling to try and swallow the heavy shaft down with the fury of its drives between her pouty lips. Drool dripped down the length of it and onto the man’s balls as they slapped against her chin. She desperately wanted to take a firm and healthy bite out of the man, but whenever she caught a glimpse of Tom still shackled to the nearby street light, it subdued the impulse with a heavy pit in her stomach.
Said stomach was soon treated to a flood of semen as the man pounding her throat came with a tug of her face up against his hips, not letting her pull back despite the frantic thumps of her hand on his thigh to let her up. “Aghhhh, drink it, cow tits! Swallow that shit!” He growled out, hunching his hips at her face as rope after rope of cum splattered deep in her gullet.
When he finally let go, she pulled her mouth free to cough and sputter for air anew, spitting up some of the man’s seed into a growing puddle on the asphalt in front of her from her various debasements. She could still hear the unmistakable booming voice of Big Jay from behind her even as she hacked and coughed, her eyes widening a bit as she heard him rumble, “Make some room.”
She looked over her shoulder to see the man had completely shed his clothes, every line of muscle on that fit African-American frame standing out in the orange-yellow glow of the sodium street lamps. If she’d had him on a normal call, she might have been delighted by such a body, but all she felt at the moment was increasing terror as she saw that monstrous cock of his jutting out from his hips.
She tried to find her voice again after the past few rough deep-throatings she’d been on the receiving end of, but her tone was still unsteady as a result. “Please… please don’t. Just let me suck you again. I-I’ll swallow it all th-this time…!”
His large palm came crashing down on her milky white ass as if he was punishing her for even suggesting such a thing, or maybe just for talking back in general. A painful red handprint became almost immediately visible on her thick backside as the large man gripped her by it. “A trick afraid of some dick. Ain’t that some shit?” He chuckled to himself, that fat black cock slapping heavily down in the crack of her ass and grinding against her. The cum and the slick remains of her spittle still clung to the meat from earlier, making the slides of it slippery against her warm, much paler flesh.
Power Girl didn’t know which hole he intended to try and use, but frankly neither option seemed too appealing to her. A loud, muffled voice of protest drew her gaze over to Tom, who was once against straining against his cuffs. The gang members guarding him had gotten tired of his hollow threats and had since wrapped and tied one of their shirts around the lower half of his face in an ad hoc gag. The tone suggested he wanted all of their hands off his girlfriend, but particularly the massive gang leader as he prepared to mount her.
The panic rose suddenly as she felt that enormous tip lash up and down against her slit, its only lubrication being what she had slobbered onto it from the deep fucking of her mouth a bit ago. “Pl-please, no, no, no, no, no, not in front of my boyfriend, just sto-“
Her voice was caught in her throat as an enormous amount of muscle was put behind a thrust from her assailant, her eyes wide and unfortunately locking with Tom’s at the exact moment she felt so very much of that more than foot long shaft force its way into her unwilling cunt.
Only then did tears of pure despair begin to well up in the blonde’s eyes as she let out a blood-curdling shriek, the last thin walls of resolve torn through with a deep plunge of that cock into her depths. Any presumptuous pretense at being as tough as her costume’s namesake was shattered, and she could only bawl as not just “Power Girl” was fucked in the streets, but Sierra the delivery girl was as well.
“AAAAUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHH, NNNOOOOOOOOOOO! TOO MUCH! TOO MU-HU-HUUUUUCH!” She cried, desperately trying to scrabble away from the muscled powerhouse, only to be both blocked by the man still fucking her fat tits and held onto by her hips as Big Jay’s cock throbbed against the walls of her pussy.
A fresh slap on her ass echoed out on the empty streets as Jay shifted his hips, snarling down at the costumed woman. “Shut your ass up, bitch! We still got more to go before I let yo’ ass quit!” He angled his hips up only to slam down harder into her, the head of that dark prick slamming into her cervix almost immediately and keeping him from sinking to the hilt. She squealed at the impact, tears flowing from the roughness before he started a punishing tempo of thrusts into her, not caring for anything except trying to get past that last barrier.
“Yeah, get that shit, Jay!” The man still fucking her tits shouted luridly, the various other gang member cheering and whistling at her misery as the brute eagerly worked away at trying to fuck the blonde’s very womb. The cock flashing in between her jugs roughly was drooling precum onto her wobbling flesh, clearly enjoying the powerful slams being visited on the blonde from the other end that only served to make her bust push back against him.
“Ngh! Lemme in there, bitch! Gonna ruin this pussy…!” Jay grunted between hip-shaking thrusts, his toned, muscled ass working up and down quickly as he jackhammered into the yowling blonde. That girth rammed away at Sierra as he pressed his weight down on her from above, leaning in harder still every time he connected with her depths.
The erstwhile Power Girl deliverywoman gave a fresh screech in pain as she felt that cervical ring of hers start to give way, her hands reaching behind to try and push back on his massive frame in futility. “Ahuh…. ahuh… nnnnnghhhhh, staaaaaahuh-huh-aaaaahp! Y-you’re gonna break meeeeeee….!” She squealed between fresh hitching sobs, feeling nothing at all the strong heroine she paraded her sexy body around dressed as.
Jay, for his part, didn’t even to bother acknowledging her mewling pleas, simply treating her like a piece of fuck-meat to be abused at his leisure. It was like he was taking out every frustration he had on her body, like every memory of racist white women he’d had to deal with fueling every powerful slam into her strained little cunt, making her tits jiggle anew on the other man’s thrusting prick.
Her eyes flared with fresh panic as she felt him start to grind that hard prick against her back walls, no longer just content to keep hammering at her cervix, but making a concerted effort at trying to get past it with that bloated prick of his. “Nnnngh… can’t… keep me… out… BITCH!”
The last word hit along the same time as a fresh jab of his hips, sending that immense cock past her last barrier and directly into her womb. Sierra had never felt so filled before, nor so utterly violated. She squealed at the heretofore unknown pain as he finally slapped balls deep in her, her cries getting a fresh rally of cheers from the other gang members who had seen their boss do this to many a girl before her. “AAAAAUGHHH, NOOOOOO!”
Her hands balled involuntarily into fists as the two men kept up their assault on her at either end, her forelegs kicking up and down in useless protest as she tried to fight the over-stuffed feeling of the man fucking to the back of her womb. When Jay’s hips started to pick up speed, an icy chill ran down her spine as she recalled Alice talking to her in the locker room earlier.
Antibiotics mess with birth control, dummy…
She’d planned on getting some Plan B in such an event, but who knew how long the gang intended to keep her trapped for. Days? Weeks? Her struggles intensified, but all they earned her was another slap on her thick ass and a sharp grip in her short blonde hair from behind. “NO! PLEASE! NOT INSIDE! YOU GOTTA PULL OUT…!”
Jay was stone-silent aside from the grunts he made as he savagely pounded that monstrous length of his into her, the thud of it hitting so deep inside causing her to shiver each time. She could feel his shaft starting to bloat all the more and knew with horror what he was about to do as his pace turned faster still.
Big Jay’s grip on her hair became like a vise as he shuddered and thrust himself to the hilt in her. Hard spurts of warm cum began to coat her inner walls as he let loose, his muscled ass flexing with every shot as he seeded the big-busted blonde. He grunted as that fat cock filled her up, his own prick soon swimming in own spunk as he deposited it all directly into her well-fucked womb.
“NUH-OOOOOO! AUGH, GAWD!” She cried in utter despair, her tear-blurry eyes happening to lock on Tom’s for an instant. She could see he looked practically on the verge of tears himself at the state of her, a mixture of anger and helplessness as he looked on at another man likely knocking up his girlfriend against her will. She felt a massive wave of shame wash over her and turned her head away. “TOM, DON’T LOOK! DON’T LOOK AT ME, AUGH, GAAAAWD, NO….!”
As if to add insult the injury, the man between her tits thrust up with a grunt as that fat tip began to shoot its cum onto her already messy chest, a spurt or two of his seed catching her on the neck and chin as well before it all started to pool in her cleavage. He gave her breasts a painful swat as he pulled himself free, leaving a red imprint on her pale flesh as she continued to break down in a crying heap.
The muscled gang-leader began to pull back, mirroring the action of his subordinate by giving her thick ass one last demeaning smack, his hips having to tug hard to work free of the grip her womb had on the front few inches of his cock. “Now that ain’t a half bad pussy to rent!” He laughed, standing to once more tower over the distraught blonde.
Big Jay gave a critical eye at the rest of the men, some of whom had been grabbing at their own crotches watching the big-titted woman’s utter debasement. “Well,” he shouted, snapping the rest of them to attention. “The fuck y’all waiting on! Buffet’s open!”
The din of cheers and hoots filled Sierra with dread, actually managing to get her on her feet and bolting a few steps toward Tom, perhaps out of some instinct of protection from the only familiar face. It was all for naught though as dark hands roughly grabbed at her curvy and cum-dripping body, the barely costumed woman hauled back into the embrace of the various men with a scream while Tom shouted into his cloth gag.
TIME: 12:21pm (130 min. into the future) PLACE: Anarky Free-Zone (Sidewalk of Intersection)
“Mnnf…mnngh…PWAH… ah-huh…pwease…nuh murr…”
The Power Girl-looking woman mumbled the words around the cock that had been fucking her throat mercilessly, only now having pulled the tip back just to her mouth so the assailant could force her to taste the load he dumped onto her tongue. Her eyes were red from crying non-stop, and her voice was beginning to get hoarse both from her screams and the rough treatment the men had been doling out on her gullet.
“Uh-huh, you wish, Power Slut,” The man in her mouth grunted, holding her head in place as he stirred that thick semen against her tongue. “You got half the crew to go, then the first half gets seconds.” The man pulled his black cock from between her lipstick-smeared lips, slapping her messily across the face with it to leave a trail of spittle and cum along her cheek and the bridge of her nose.
Two other men double penetrated her from atop and beneath as they had her facing up, making sure those massive jugs of hers were on display for all to gawk at. Two more made her jerk them off near her chest, the fat cock-tips jammed up against either breast as they thrust into her palms. None of them were gentle about it either, only caring about getting their ebony pricks as deep & hard into her luscious frame as possible. Not a one had bothered with anything like a condom, and by now, her holes felt practically overflowing with the street gang’s various loads.
Every so often she could see Tom out of the corner of her eye, but he had taken to looking away from her, trying not to behold the poor state of his girlfriend as she was literally gang-raped in the street. It made her heart hurt to see, but he was the only comforting presence in the midst of all of this, and it was the better alternative than looking at all of the horny, leering faces of her assailants or their cocks.
She whimpered as one of the men between her legs gave a familiar shudder and a slam down of his hips to hers, feeling yet another deluge of cum flood her already well-fucked cunt. Even on the job, she had never felt so used, like a cumrag to be jizzed in and tossed aside.
Any ability to dwell on that was cut off as another man soon forced himself between Sierra’s lips, her throat bulging out at the sheer size of him, the wet gagging sounds starting anew as she felt another replacement take his place in her pussy, thrusting hard enough to force some of the excess cum from her poor little hole with his pumps.
TIME: 12:21pm (130 min. into the future) PLACE: Anarky Free-Zone (In front of streetlight)
“Hold her still!”
“Man, grab her fuckin’ arms already!”
The costumed blonde struggled hard against the multiple men as they tried to keep her in place, her body an utter mess from nearly a dozen different men so far. Getting a nut in on the stacked young woman was all well and good, but Big Jay enjoyed the idea of breaking the feisty delivery girl, and his suggestion had filled her with renewed fear and anger.
To make things even worse, they had forced her onto all fours in front of where Tom remained shackled, making her boyfriend behold every moment of what was to come by holding his head in place. He struggled against his bonds, but with all the success that he’d had the past hour or so.
“You really think you gonna walk around me with an ass that fat and I ain’t gonna try an’ open it up?” Big Jay said with a laugh, both of his hands clapping at the still stinging, reddened cheeks of her rump. Several of his gang had a tight grip on Sierra nee Power Girl to keep her from trying to scramble away as he and two other naked black men flanked her.
“Now, best record we got on a bitch’s ass is me, plus half of one of the boys. Somethin’ tells me we gonna break that record.”
“Break SOMETHIN’ anyway,” One of the men next to him chuckled, being passed back a bottle of lube they’d gotten from a nearby stash. The three men had already slathered up their shafts with a healthy amount of the stuff, their considerable lengths having a lurid sheen in the light of the nearby street lamp. The third man then began to pour some down the crack of Sierra’s already cum-slick ass for good measure, more for their own ease rather than any comfort on her part.
“BASTARDS! LEMME GO…!” The blonde shrieked, already having felt Big Jay’s cock painfully stretch out her pussy and not remotely wanting to see how her ass faired with it. Her say in the matter was clearly disregarded however as Jay squatted down on powerful legs behind her, gripping tight to her hips even as she tried to wriggle out of it.
“That’s it, shake it, bitch!” Jay laughed, savoring her distaste and loathing at her predicament as he slapped that lubed up cock against the crack of her ass. That stiff piece of meat soon trailed down between her cheeks to her already well-fucked back hole, but even after numerous men, Sierra could feel how intimidatingly large the gang leader was by comparison.
She thrashed in the grip of the multiple men, nearly wild with fear as she looked at Tom, not knowing what else to do. She was manic after the past hour of treatment at the gang’s hands, and just wanted to be left alone. “TOM, HELP ME! PLEASE… DON’T LET THEM HURT ME! I DON’T WANNAAAAAAAAAEEIIIIIIIIIIIGH!”
Her voice broke into the shrillest scream yet as that brutal cock began to push up into her ass, the woman making noises even she didn’t know she was capable of. Even some of the fearful residents in the nearby apartment opened their curtains a bit to see what could make the blonde emit such a sound that pierced through the neighborhood.
“TAKEITOUTTAKEITOUTTAKEITOUUUUUT!” She squealed, tears running like rivers once against down her cum-stained cheeks as she was wracked with pain. Tom was spitting curses into his gag as he was forced to watch her girlfriend beg and plead, but was otherwise as helpless as she was.
Jay ignored her pleas as always, a grin on his face as he felt that enormous rod of his sink deeper into her bowels, forcing an excess of the other gang members’ cum out to drip down her thighs. “Ahhhh, fuck! Half a dozen guys and STILL a tight fuckin’ ass on this bitch!” He said in lewd appraisal. His hips began to saw back and forth as he increasingly thrust deeper into the noisy blonde, inch after inch of that monstrous black cock disappearing up her ass.
Sierra choked and sputtered as she wept, never having felt so painfully stretched even with some of her larger customers. Jay’s cock was an utter monster, and the fact that he didn’t give a damn for her comfort only made taking it all the worse. “AW-HUH… AH, GAWD…. N-NO M-MORE, PUH-HUH-LEAZE….!” She cried, her voice hitching between thrusts from the enormous man.
Soon enough, Big Jay’s hips were beginning to clap against the Power Girl-dressed blonde’s cheeks, the intensity of the thrusts ringing out in the empty street as he laid into her. Every plunge was like agony as it stretched out her ass, but the street gang surrounding her thought it was the height of entertainment.
“Fuckin’ fat-assed slut!”
“I got next in that ass!”
“Bet she ain’t walkin’ right for a week!”
Sobbing as Jay pushed himself to the hilt in her ass, she couldn’t focus as he turned to one of the other two men next to him. “Right, let’s see how the white girl does. Dwayne, you up!”
The sign of worse things to come came as she felt another man edge in at the side of his boss. Sierra thought he meant to slide under her and start DP’ing her for a further indignity, but instead, she felt a second tip, fat and drooling precum, press in against that already painfully stretched hole of hers.
The idea would have seemed almost laughable if she weren’t pinned down in place with nowhere to go. Her voice went from a wailing scream to an almost pitiful, rasped out half-whisper. “No... It won’t… it won’t fit…”
The fit black male next to Jay seemed convinced otherwise, and began to roughly push forward, grabbing onto her sides for leverage as he steadily tried to work his nine-inch prick in alongside his boss’ in her overtaxed ass.
Her voice found it’s tenor again as the second man forced her backside open wider still, a near inhuman wail emanating from her lips as it felt like she might split in half somehow. “AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEE, TOOO BIIIIIIIIIG! AAAAAUGH!”
“Take it up that power-ass, bitch!” Dwayne grunted, giving one of the pretty white ass cheeks a smack with his palm, making it wobble enticingly. He was grinding hard, gritting his teeth at the tight fit as he began to steadily pump in alongside that other shaft already stretching her out.
Sierra’s gloved palms slapped against the pavement as she squealed and bawled, the big-chested delivery girl almost looking like she was doing an impression of a kid throwing a tantrum. Every attempt to scramble away just found her being hauled back onto those monstrous black pricks as they treated her ass like a sex toy. “AUGH! STOP! NUH-HOOOO! OH GOD, PLEASE, NO MORE!”
The two men continued to grunt and alternate their thrusts, and as much as the stacked blonde hated it, her body was confused by the onslaught of physical stimuli. The sensations of being fucked near constantly for so long was catching up with her, and despite her revulsion at her predicament, she felt a familiar stirring between her legs that made her weep all the more in shame.
No, not from this, she thought as she endured the double-fucking, I don’t want this! Please don’t let Tom see!
She was torn from her guilty reverie as she felt a third body nestle in close to her, the implication of what was to come making her teeth chatter in her rush of adrenaline-fueled fear in between pathetic whimpers.
“Ha! Fuckin’ bimbo can take two! Let’s see her pull the hat trick! DeShawn! Think you can fit, bro?”
“If not, I’ll bust the bitch’s ass tryin’!” The third man laughed, slapping his lubed-up prick against the cheek of her ass before nestling it at the opening where the other two men already had her stretched around their dark shafts.
She opened her mouth to scream in protest, for whatever that gained her, but found no sound came out as the man unceremoniously slammed forward with no regard for her, burying himself in her already painfully over-taxed little asshole alongside the other two men hilted in her.
Her lips opened and closed as her eyes bulged out in pained terror, but only managed slight cracks of sound in her agony, her fingers curling into her palms as her body tried to process the sheer amount of pain and carnality being inflicted on her.
And as a result, against her straining will, she came. Hard.
It was difficult to tell if the sound she made was a bawling sob or some overexerted squeal of the unwanted orgasm coursing through her body, but any hope of hiding it was dashed as she actually squirted onto the pavement, eliciting laughs and cheers from the crowd of thugs around her.
“Haha, Power Slut’s gushin’!”
“Guess three’s the ho’s lucky number!”
“Ay, looks like your girl gets off on getting’ raped, son!”
She strained her tear-blurred, unfocused vision towards the last comment, seeing it was one of the men guarding next to her handcuffed boyfriend directly in front of her. Tom was looking straight at her, tears of frustration and despair ringing the corner of his eyes as he watched her cum from her abuse. Sierra had never felt so low.
The men found the clenching of her body in her release to be more than enough stimulation given the tightly packed confines, and it was like a chain reaction between the men as they started to get off. First one, then another, began to shoot thick wads of cum into her abused little ass, thrusts forcing some out of her to drip obscenely down her thighs. Big Jay seemed to hold out the longest, even as the other two pulled out, his powerful hips slapping hard against hers as he pumped that now spunk-filled ass of hers. His hands reached beneath her as he leaned into his thrusts, tightly grabbing onto her large, still cum-slick tits as he did.
“Nff! Get ready, bitch! Rrgh! Take my fuckin’ load! Hah…. slutty… fuckin’…. ho! HNGH!”
Sierra couldn’t even scream anymore, her head dangling as the man raped her ass a short distance from her devastated boyfriend, her cunt still drooling a mix of her juices and previous men’s loads onto the pavement beneath her. She made only tiny gasps and squeals, her eyes clamping shut as the fat-dicked thug pounded her backside mercilessly. It was almost a mercy when that massive cock of his finally came, blasts of that warm cum filling her to near overflowing as he once more dumped what felt like pints of semen into her shuddering body.
Shivering against the ground, whimpers and cries emanating from her once painted, now smeared lips, the only thing she could manage was, “No more… no more, please…”
Big Jay wiped his hands clean, standing to loom over the mumbling ‘Power Girl’, clearly pleased with himself and his crew. “Damn, must be a new record. Meat this fine we can’t just send walkin’.” He picked up his previously discarded pants, taking a pack of smokes and a lighter from one pocket before slapping the garment over one shoulder. Pulling out a cigarette from the open pack with his teeth, he took a second to light up and inhale below blowing twin contrails of smoke from his nostrils as he regarded the blonde.
“Take her over to Greenview Complex, let the rest of the boys get some time in with the bitch ‘fore she pass out. She can stay in the pit with the other girls.” He said, ever the magnanimous and generous leader to the band of street toughs.
Sierra felt powerful hands grab and lift her up a bit under her armpits as they partially-walked, partially-dragged the big-titted woman down the sidewalk, the expression on Tom going panicked as he realized they were taking her away from him to somewhere. Her half-lidded eyes went wide again after a minute or so of travel as she saw an even greater number of men milling around the open door to an apartment complex they’d commandeered, fresh wolf whistles and obscene shouts coming in loud and clear as the saw her cum-slick and well-fucked frame being hauled over to them.
Her bottom lip trembled as she saw the men loom large in her vision, unsure if she was about to cry or scream in despair, but sure that soon enough, both would come.
TIME: 10:21pm (Present) PLACE: Gotham (Superbabes)
“….Ow.” Orders said in tones of annoyance, pinching her eyes shut as she held out a hand to no one in particular and began snapping her fingers expectantly.
Sierra, being the most recent in the door and nearest to Orders’ desk, took the hint and opened a drawer to grab her special pain pills out of it. She put them into her boss’ outstretched palm, who promptly swallowed them dry.
Her librarian-looking boss picked up the receiver on the third ring, but simultaneously glared at the busty blonde, jabbing an accusing finger out at her before making a firm downward gesture that was the unmistakable signal of ‘YOU STAY’ that every employer on the phone knew how to give to instill fear in the hearts of employees.
“Superbabes. Sorry, but I’m afraid we can’t deliver to Ralston Heights at this time due to safety concerns. We can offer you a 30% discount on future orders for the inconvenience. Mm-hm. Yes, we have you on file. Thanks.” She then gently set down the phone receiver, although frankly the entire conversation had been somewhat terrifying because her icy gaze had been locked on Sierra’s the entire time.
“Um…” Sierra finally ventured after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, only to be promptly cut off.
“So,” Orders said in a tone of voice sharp enough to have gelded a horse with. “ ‘Operation Tango.’ ” She folded her arms in front of her sweater-clad chest, an eyebrow raising expectantly at her.
Sierra blushed intensely, like a kid that hadn’t just been found with a hand in the cookie jar, but also ordering dirty pay-per-view and drawing on the walls at the same time. “Now… in my defense… it was only two or three…”
The eyebrow rose further.
“… five or six…”
Yet further still.
“…OK, maybe nine times. And change. But that’s it, I swear!”
Orders’ eyebrows dropped into a furrow, pointing at Sierra again. “No. More. Tom is nice, but he does not go on calls. It puts him at risk both safety wise AND legally. If a call was unsafe, I wouldn’t send you, understand?”
The stacked blonde had the decency to look a bit ashamed and silently nod her head.
Orders swiveled her chair to eyeball everyone else in the breakroom. “And that goes for the rest of you! No ride-along's unless they work here already!”
The other girls seemed to take that as a hint to disperse, the ones that weren’t on break promptly clocking in or out. Sierra was attempting to slink away with some of them when Orders hand tugged on the back of her outfit. “Not yet. You’re off delivery duty for the next two weeks. Just restaurant shifts.”
Sierra’s shoulders dipped. “Aw, Orders, I need those calls! I got rent due!”
Orders held up a hand. “It’s not a punishment. It’s until you stop taking those antibiotics, because the last thing I need is to explain to customers why our Power Girl has got a baby bump. I’ll give your deliveries to Jackie and tell her what’s up.”
The blonde seemed to relax a little at that, giving a slightly relieved exhale. She knew better than to ask how Orders new about her meds. “Thanks, Orders. And thanks for, y’know, always looking out for us.”
Orders swiveled in her chair back around to resume working on her taxes again. “It’s nothing. At least I didn’t have to save you from wild horses like Alice.” She said, pen scratching out deductions onto paper.
Alice had just finished snapping on her gold and red belt, canting her head back in Orders direction just as she was ushered out to the restaurant floor alongside Sierra. “… Wait, what?”
I know I said this last time, but that was a heckin’ chonker of a chapter! Kinda got away from me for a bit, and took longer to write than I meant to given a bunch of life distractions.
And poor Tom. I actually only want him to have nice things, and yet I have him get involuntarily cuckolded by a street gang. C’est la vie.
This whole chapter was a bit of a nod to @NidoranDuran 's "Feel Free To" series, particularly the superhero chapters which can get a lil’ dark. Frankly, I love kinda dystopian free-use stories and may try to do more outside of this spin-off.
Next chapter is actually gonna be a TON more upbeat and is actually pretty non-con free (although there might be some ‘angry, but doing it anyway’, but that’s the extent of it.) It’s also going to feature a ‘Villain’ that has not been used in @SnowWolf35's series, that I hope to use every 5 to 10 chapters as sort of a ‘holy shit, we made it this far’ reward to those of you who enjoy these non-canonical spin-offs.
May your forthcoming summers be vaccinated and ice-cream intensive. ‘Til the next cancelled order!
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