One Over Another | By : KrakenSlayer Category: DC Verse Cartoons - Teen Titans > Threesomes Plus Views: 3442 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans or any of the characters in this story and gain nothing financially for writing it. |
"Xhal, that elevator is horrible next time I'm just using the stares, besides theres no way dear sister didnt know that would happen." Black fire mused to herself as she walked into the main room. "Beside I bet she's already had her way with that Beast." Black fire licked her lips at the mention of him.
"Who are you talking about?" Black fire stopped dead in her tracks as if she was a child caught sneaking out of the house, she had not expected anyone to be there. She slowly turned to see Raven standing behind the kitchen counter staring at her with her arms crossed, waiting for a reply, as she waited for her tea. She didn't need to be an empath to see that Black fire had not intended for anyone to here her words. Black fire looked raven up and down and had to admit she was quite attractive no matter what efforts she may have put into hiding it or lack of effort to show it.
"Ah well, I'm just talking to myself." Black fire said trying to divert the conversation as she continue toward the movie case. Raven raised an eye brow at her response. "...about?" She asked again this time pulling her hood back so she could continue to study the Tameranian's actions. She could see Black fire digging through the shelves with haste, it was obvious she wanted to be somewhere else.
"Its uhhh... none of your business." She said hurriedly as she grabbed a random movie and began to make her way back to the doors. Raven wasn't going to let that go, she made her way around the counter to intercept Black fire's path. she stood in her way and looked up at her with expecting eyes, ones that would get answers from anybody. Although Raven may have been shorter than her she was no push over and Black fire was well aware of this. She tried to get around Raven but was once again stopped.
"Hey I asked you a question." Raven said stepping closer, Black fire had no choice but to come out with it. "I was talking about Beast boy. Can I leave now?" She questioned impatiently. 'Beast boy? What does she want with him?' Raven thought to herself, then she realized who else she was talking about. Raven took another step forward and was practically nose to nose the her. "Are you saying that star is 'having her way' with Beast boy right now?" She asked with a hint of anger. Raven had also notice a pleasant smell coming off of the alien, little did she know that it was Beast boy's aroma. She fell her mouth begin to slightly water, Black fire could only nod in response do to the fear of what Raven might do. Raven looked down and clench her fists tight and turned back to kitchen. "Whatever." She said through her teethe as she mad her way back. Black fire gave out a sigh of relief and began to make her way back. Raven stopped just short of the kitchen and turned her head back to see her leave. She sighed again, without realizing her hand slowly felt its way down to her crotch and began to feel herself. 'Damn it'
Once the doors had closed behind Black fire she flew off toward the elevator with incredible speed 'Xhal I hope I'm not to late to get a taste. Please please please.' She thought frantically as she reached the elevator. She came to a grinding halt before she pressed the button, remembering the death trap that the elevator truly was. She quickly made her way down the hall to the stair well. Once she reached the stairs she looked up an through all the flight of stairs. 'Oh hell no.' She thought while looking looking at the distance she would have to travel. She then headed straight up flying as fast as she could. Black fire reached her designated floor and practically broke down the door on entry. Once she had made it to star fire's room she took a second to compose herself, straightening her hair an readjusting her clothes before opening the door.
Before she could reach the door's security pad, the door and already opened and standing in front of her was Beast boy. Shirtless and standing there as he watch Black fires eyes looking for her reaction, he watch her eyes trace his form from the ground up. Black fire could see his toned stomach and all the power his muscular chest could produce, she could hear his deep slow breathing as he studied her. His gaze alone was intense enough to cause her to involuntarily bite the right side of her bottom lip as she reached out to touch his body.
Before her hand touched he's chest, his hand came up and grabbed her wrist firmly with lightning speed. "I don't believe I gave you permission." He said firmly almost causing her knees to buckle do to the pure Alpha like authority in his voice. "I certainly didn't hear it." Black fire watched as a pair of orange hands came up from under Alpha's arms to rest on his chest. Star fire's head popped up over his shoulder and she locked eyes with her sister with a sultry look in her eyes as she stuck her tongue out and slowly licked from the base of his neck up to his ear lobe, earning a low growl from him as she pressed he impressive bust into his back.
"Y.. You already took him?" Black fire asked flabbergasted, giving a slight attempt to retract her hand, it was to no avail as he kept his grip and his gaze. "Quite the contrary sister, he took me with such vigor." Star said licking her lips reminiscing in the memories of the past 3 hours. "...And now its your turn." She said as she pulled back from behind Alpha, her hands dragging across his green skin leave fading impression as she walked around to his right side. "What are you talking about?" Black fire asked but she was well aware of what was about to happen, her body knew it too apparently as her panties began to moisten at thought of him dominating her. It was then that Alpha raised his other hand to the back of her head threading his fingers through her black flaming hair and pulled her into an embrace locking lips with her as Star fire watched with a wicked smile knowing what her sister was about to experience for the first of many times. Blackfire was taken aback by his actions as he pressed her lips and her body against him, after the shock wore off she melted into him letting a small squeak like moan into his lips as her free hand came to rest on his left pectoral.
Star fire (Still naked by the way) hit the panel on the metallic door frame thus closing the door behind the three, Alpha pulled back from Black fire and gazed down at her face. He saw the heavy blush across her face as her eyes had a dazed aura in them as if she was drugged, and one might say she was, as the pheromones where hitting her hard. Star fire was hit again too causing her to moan as she sat on her bed and began fondling herself as she watched her alpha claim a new mate. Black fire felt completely at his mercy and yet she's never felt happier, like having a master that could own her and pleasure her was what felt like fulfillment to her. The very thought of it made her lose control over her body as she lunged back toward Alpha, he caught her and there lips met once again, both of her arms wrapped around his shoulders as his hands came to rest on her ass, giving her a nice squeeze and receiving a moan in return. The two of them walked towards the bed as they continued to explore each others mouths.
Black fire slowly pushed Alpha back on the bed, there lips separated creating a popping noise as he landed on the bed next to his naked beauty. Black fire looked down at her new master and shivered at the though of pleasing him, she needed to, it was the only way she could live from this point on. Star fire watched her sister drop to her knees in front of Alpha and placed her hands on both of his knees. "I think someone's excited." Beast boy said looking at Black fire's actions with a glint of excitement in his eyes, he wrapped his right hand around Star fire's hip grabbing her upper thigh/buttock, giving it a nice squeeze earning a small moan from her in the process.
"Master, I need to please you, I beg of you." Black fire begged Alpha as she rubbed her palms up his thighs, drawing a low animalistic growl from his chest. 'Master? I like the sound of that.' Alpha thought to himself as he smiled down at her. He reached out with his left hand and combed his fingers through her black flaming hair. "Please your master, as much as you like baby." Black fires heart fluttered at her master's endearment. She licked her lips as her fingers reached the hem of his shorts, She licked her lips hungrily as Alpha and Star fire watched her get to work. with a slow pull she dragged his shorts down his legs, and watched as his cock sprang out and nearly hit her face, causing Star fire to giggle. She was just as surprised to see her Alpha's phallus. Black fire began to stroke his shaft with a caring touch, she reached her other hand down into her pants and began to play with herself.
It was then that Alpha noticed what she was doing and arched an eye brow and sniffed the air, he looked down at her and smiled. "Black fire why are you restriction yourself? I told you, you can please as much as you like." With that Black fire leaned her head down to his shaft, sticking out her tongue and licking from the base of his shaft slowly to the head. Using her left hand to fondle his balls as she wrapped her lips around the head and swirled her tongue around it. "God damn that is amazing." Alpha said as he was now fully groping Star's ass. Star fire heard the praise to her sister, 'I cant have her doing better than me.' The sisters locked eyes for a single moment before Star fire shifted on her ass to face Alpha. "Alpha, my love..." She didn't even finish her sentence as she crashed her lips to Alpha's, her left hand came up to the back of his head and grabbed a fist full of his forest green hair applying more pressure into the lip locked battle.
As Star fire was making out, oh so aggressively, she reached her other hand to me Alpha's hand on the back of Black fire's head. She began to apply pressure guiding her head slow down his shaft, Alpha felt all of it and it nearly caused him to loose control but he reigned himself back in. Star had pushed her sister's head almost all the way down to the point where she was choking for air. She held her sisters head down for a moment longer and began to pull her head back up. 'No! I must please him' She thought as she pushed her self back down on his shaft. "My my, Alpha look at her. She's choosing your dick over the very air she breaths." Star said tilting her head into the crook of his neck to suck and nibble in various spots. Alpha smiled at the attention of both of his concubines as he locked eyes with Black fire. "Now that is pleasing, o-oh my goood, Black f-fire... Damn!" Black fire hummed onto his shaft at the admiration, she then pulled her head up and off of his cock, making a popping noise in the process.
"Thank you master. What should I do next? I'll do anything for you, My body and heart belong to you." Black fire said, giggling the first part. "Come to me Black fire." Alpha said leaning back and laying on the bed, Black fire crawling up his body until her head was hanging right over head. Alphas body began expelling pheromones' straight into Black fire's face. She let out a whimpering moan as she bit her bottom lip, Black fire pressed her full soft breasts onto his chest chest. "We love you master." Black fire said once again crash her lips to his, using her hands to feel all around his powerful chest muscles.
"I couldn't have said it better myself sister." Star fire said with a smile, noticing her Alpha's rock hard cock, just looking at it made her nipples hard as diamonds causing her to feel a familiar heat between her legs. She scooted off the side of the bed and got between Alpha's legs to take her sister's place. She placed the head in her mouth and began using her very long and talented tongue to wrap it around the shaft as she bobbed her head up and down humming as she did so. Alpha rubbed his hands up her back, putting them in position to cut Black fires top off.
"Master tell me, what should I do?" She asked in a querulous fashion, sitting up as she did so. Alpha ran his hands from her back, around and down her sides to end up resting on her muscular yet soft thighs. He thought for a moment and smiled up a her. "I want to see your Breasts baby." Black fire smiled down at him, biting her lip, she raised her hands to grope her chest and moaned out. "Yesss Master." He watched the fabric burn entirely away leaving only her hands to obscure his view. She gave her Bosom one last squeeze before grabbing them and pushing them together, Her tongue slithered out of her mouth to reach down and lap across the top of each breast, leaving a trail of dripping saliva everywhere it went.
Star fire still keeping her ministrations, felt Alpha's member pulse in her mouth causing her to hasten her actions. "Like what you see master?" she heard her sister ask, Star pulled off of his cock, grabbing the base of his shaft with one hand, slowly stroking, and began foundling his testicles in her other hand. "Dear sister, if there is one thing I can promise you, he loves it." Star assured Black fire before putting Alpha's phallus back where she considered it's rightful place. Alpha was having a very hard time keeping his cool, feeling Black fire's ass in his hands (Through the fabric of course), seeing her breasts and all that star was doing was really getting to him. "Star, Black fire I don't know how much more of this I can take." He struggled out.
Star fire, hearing this, began working with much more zeal. Bobbing her head faster and sucking harder, trying her best to get a taste of his delicious cum. Black fire guided her hands to to Alpha's and dragged them to her breasts. "Please touch me Master, I can't live with out it." She whimpered out, closing her her eyes keeping her hand on top of his hand (Its his right hand which is on her left breast), she let her other hand roam down to her nether region. Playing with herself and moaning in the process, that was it. Alpha went over the edge with a grunt. A wave of pleaser washed over him, his nerve-endings where both hot and cold, it felt like his body what vibrating. Alpha grunted as he went over the edge cumming in Star's mouth. Star fire eagerly drank as much as she could but it was too much for her. Star fire back off the raging head as it continued to spurt streams of his semen all over Star fire as she continue to coo as she jerked him until he was finished.
lack fire turned so her sister, seeing the state she was in made her involuntarily lick her lips. "Kori come up here, lets Master a show."
"I like the sound that sister." She said smiling as she stood up from between Alpha's legs, Black fire got off of Alpha and sat on her knees on his left side while Star ended up on the other side. When Alpha came to he see both of his beautiful girls on either side of him. Black fire reached out and pulled her sister forward and very sensually licked up the side of her face surprising Star fire but she embraced it with a giggle. As Black fire tasted the semen on her sisters face she used her hands to message Star's chest earning moans of delight, the scene before Alpha was almost straining on his erection still standing strong.
Black fire finished cleaning her sisters face and began working on her chest licking and sucking on the soft supple mounds earning staggered moans from Starfire as she finished cleaning her sister's body with vigor. Alpha couldn't take it anymore his erection was starting to hurt. 'Jesus fuckin Christ I just can't take this anymore.' Alpha abruptly got the idea to test out how muck Black fire meant when she called him Master. "Black fire I want you here." He gruffly said gesturing to his member. Black fire stopped playing with her sister immediately stopped to follow his commands. The thought of him giving her commands made shivers run down her spine. "Yes Master." She stood up of the bed and stripped out of her Yoga pants, Alpha took note that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Alpha the grabbed Star's hand and guided her to where her ass was hovering just above his face. He took a moment to enjoy the view before latching his mouth to her snatch, hooking his arms over the top of her legs and placing his hands on her ass cheeks to pull her down to him. Star fire let out a shrill cry of bliss as she felt his tongue working its was all around her insides, the pleasure was so great she and to place her hands on his stomach for support.
Black fire had finished stripping and began to climb on facing her sister who was barely holding onto reality. She positioned herself just above his cock, reaching down and aligning the head with her dripping entrance, ready to plunge into ecstasy. "Wait." She stopped in her movements, her lips barely wrapped around the tip of his cock. He was testing her, testing her resolve as she watched her younger twin receive the pleaser she wanted, no, needed to have. Alpha Could feel Black fire shaking over him, he could also feel her dripping down onto him lick loose fossette. Black fire would watch her sister moan and cry out as she struggled through labored breaths, but she knew the more loyal she was the pleaser she would get. Finally she her him say the magic words. "Do it baby."
And with that she skewered herself down on his member releasing a throaty moan as she climaxed, right then and there. "Oo-Oh Xha-a-al i-i-itssss amazin-ng M-Master" She barely managed out as she felt herself stretch out to accommodate his size. Alpha allowed her no such luxury as he began thrusting into her tight, wet pussy, enjoying how she felt. He thrusting with so much for force he started bouncing her on his member, letting gravity bring her back down only to slam up into her. "YES YES YES YES YES MASTER FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Black fire screamed out to her Master in shear fucking bliss, Black fire put her hand on her sisters and started thrusting back down to meet him, Star fire, with what consciousness she had left latched her mouth to her sister's. That was it, the three of them were one now, as Alpha continued his incredible pace that even the most adept porn stars couldn't hope to match he inched middle finger into Stars ass and wiggles about the tight cavity. She couldn't take the pleasure any more, with a high pitch scream (that would have most like vibrated the windows had she not been literally tongue tied with her sister) she reached her orgasm. Wave after wave of rapture washed over her body, nerve ending were both tingling and fried, feeling everything and nothing at the same time. Star fire fell to the side mumbling incoherent praises of her Alpha.
With Star fire gone Black fire fell forward onto his chest, immediately began a very intense make out session with Alpha, raking her fingers through forest green hair as he let his hand roam her body. Eventually and inevitably landing on her plump rear to help him thrust faster and harder into her. She moaned with every thrust, the pleasure was getting to be too much for her too. "Master, spank me, please, punish me for all the wrongs Ive done. Ive been a bad girl." She begged him heated kisses, he and no choice as a red blood male to oblige. With one swift motion he slapped her ass hard enough to leave a red mark, she squealed happily into the kiss. He continued to spank her earning all kinds of praises from her until she too couldn't take it any more.
Alpha was really getting off on this master thing, and spanking her tight ass, the feeling of being purely dominant yet on the bottom was an odd but pleasurable mix (not doubt). And in one swift motion he thrusted up into her and brought down both hand to slap, grab and squeeze her ass, driving both of them over the edge. Black fire screamed into his mouth as she came, feeling his cum warm her insides. It was simply the best feeling she had ever had. Her body went limp on top of him, in a similar state to her sister, Alpha was quite drained too, he took a moment to muse to himself over the last day. 'I am with out a doubt the luckiest man on the planet, no in the universe.' With that thought he mustered what strength he had left and placed Black fire with her head on a pillow and did the same for Star, He laid down in-between them pulling the covers over them and looking at the clock which read 1:55AM. I was defiantly time to go to sleep, unconsciously the both snuggle into him, enjoying the best sleep they've every had.
Alpha closed his eyes and smiled. 'I wonder what tomorrow will bring.' And with the final thought he too drifted of into a blissful slumber.
To be continued...
So there you have it readers after all these years I finally return, please read and review, don't be afraid to make a request for who going to be in the harem. I sincerely hope you enjoyed.
See you next time.
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