Raven's Inferno | By : Topkat Category: DC Verse Cartoons - Teen Titans > Het Views: 11110 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: : I own nothing but my own twisted little mind, sob! Teen Titans ain't mine... And I make no money on this either... Only fun ^^ |
Disclaimer: I don’t own the Teen Titans, or Gizmo, or Slade… Sob! Why is the world so cruel???
Warnings!: OOC-ness, dirty language and naughty stuff… AN: I didn’t plan to make a sequel to “Raven’s Inferno” this soon, if ever, but one of the first things my friends asked me after reading it was why I wasn’t typing, sending me evil glares… So for the sake of my health, this is what my little mind cooked upIt started as a normal day, or as normal as it got when one was a member of the Teen Titans, with an alarm flashing at the Tower. A robbery to a jeweler, the Hive 5 on the loose. Not that they were a match for the young heroes: without Jinx to lead them, they got their butts kicked within minutes. No, the teen villains where not what had Raven frowning and glaring at the other titans, Cyborg in particular.
“No buts, Rae, you’re going to the sickbay, and you will stay there, until we are sure you’re not contagious.”
The big teen’s face showed no sign of backing down, even though the dark sorceress had given him, a look which had made Starfire and Beast Boy flee.
“Come on, Raven, think of it as an opportunity to meditate in peace for some time,” Robin tried.
“I don't see why I can’t just go to my room, I’m perfectly fine. My healing powers will cure any disease that could have been in that bomb,”
She argued, but the boys kept their distance.
“Sorry to say this, Rae, but it’s not you we're worried about. It’s the rest of us. Your powers might cure YOU, but when it comes to diseases, you can’t help others. And my scans showed a lot of microbes in that smoke”
She knew Cyborg was right. She could heal other people's scars and wounds, even broken bones, but not illnesses. Not even a small cold. Nevertheless, the thought of having to stay in the sickbay, rather than her own room, annoyed the cloaked girl.
“It will take 24 hours for the risk of contagion to fade, but there could still be traces of it around you. We’ll have to wash down everything you have been in contact with, and I don’t think your books will do well in the washing machine,”
Robin stated, putting an effective stop to the argument. Raven paled. The mere thought of the harm to her precious books made her turn on her heel and head for sickbay.
“Fine, but only 24 hours, and I’m not listening to Starfire recite poems the whole time. I’m turning off the intercom,”
She told her leader, remembering well how the Tamaranian girl had ‘helped’ poor BB pas the time, when he had been down with the flu. Cyborg and Robin shuddered at the notion of the green boy’s ordeal.
“Got that, Rae, but the room will be in full lockdown, are you sure you’ll be alright?”
“As Robin said, it’s an opportunity to have some peace and downtime. I'll sleep and meditate. You concentrate on getting a hold of that little mite Gizmo. Find out what was in that smoke bomb.”
“We will, don’t worry, he won’t get far,”
The Boy Wonder smiled at the petite girl, reassuring her as she entered the Towers sickbay.
There was something soothing about water, be it falling rain or the calm surface of a lake. Right now, it was the soft feeling of the hot water falling down on her skin that soothed Raven and washed away her tension. The purple-haired teen stood still as the shower got rid of not only the smell of smoke from Gizmo’s bomb, but also her bad mood. Sometimes a nice long wash was just as good as hours of meditation, the pale girl thought idly as she stepped out of the hot shower. Her skin tingled and felt more sensitive than usual, something that had happened now and then, since the… thing… with Slade.
Raven blushed. HOW she had had the nerve to do that… But, oh, the look on his face when she fazed out through the wall…
In a very good mood, and with a small smile on her delicate face, the titan left the bathroom within the sickbay, dressed only in a towel, heading to the small bed on which her fresh clothes were laid. There wasn’t much light in the room, as the lockdown also sealed the windows, but the lithe sorceress didn’t mind. The darkness had always felt right to her. And without her knowing, the small glimpse of light in the room showed off the pearly sheen of her skin, emphasizing her purple eyes and hair, making her look like something that had just stepped out of a dream, or at least, if one added a thing or two, some of his dreams…
“Missed me, little Gem?”
The man purred as he locked his arms around her small curvy form and pulled her against his broad chest. The shock sent flashes of black energy racing through the room, bathing it in dark light and revealing Slade’s large build behind the petite teen.
She gasped as her knees shook and unwillingly the even paler than normal girl leaned back into the villain’s embrace. It took almost all she had to regain control over her roaming feelings before they ripped the sickbay apart.
Amused, Slade watched as Raven struggled to regain her composure. The normally controlled, almost emotionless, teen was trembling and small pants were escaping her, making the man smirk. It was so fun to rattle her. But it didn’t last long. With a jerk, she tried to turn around to look at him, but Slade held on, making the lithe titan twist her head instead. Without his black and orange mask, his gray-blue eye meet her purple ones with an confident leer.
“How did you get in here?”
She hissed, more anger than surprise in her voice. Just leave it to Slade to do something crazy…
“Well, there is a door…,”
He stated airily, while taking in the scent of her shampoo. One of his big rough hands slid down her arm to her small, delicate hand. He wasn't wearing his gloves either, she noticed. Lifting it up, the villain pressed his thumb against her palm, making her extend her petite, frail fingers. Uncertain, her eyes flashed between her enemy’s face and hand, only to have them almost jump out of her face as he started giving her fingertips small kisses.
“Stop that!”
She pulled at his grip, but the man didn’t seem to notice, or rather, didn't care.
“No, I think I want more,”
The large man chuckled, and pulled harder at her hand, making her turn so she was facing him. He didn’t give her much room, however, forcing the petite sorceress to press up against him. Clinging to her towel with one hand while the other was in his iron hard grip, her cold glare only made his smirk widen as he bent down and took hold of her lips.
It was just as she remembered, hard and demanding. The powerful, ambitious villain didn’t ask for what he wanted, he took it, and the teen shivered at the aggression there. But as a Titan, a hero, she was not that easily subdued.
“You little…!”
The taste of blood mixed with the pain as Raven bit him and Slade growled in anger. Instead of breaking the kiss, he pressed on, crushing the dark girl’s lips and driving a whimper from her before he tossed her on the bed.
The empath’s attempts to regain control over her powers were forgotten as her back hit the mattress, and she felt her towel being hauled off of her. With a gasp, she sat up and tried to back away from the rough hands that shot out after her, but to no avail. Her kicks were not powerful enough to make any difference to the skilled fighter, and he easily grabbed hold of her foot, wrenching her legs apart and pulling her towards him. Sliding his strong arms under hers knees and grabbing her slim wrists, the villain tried to pin her down, but the nimble teen pressed her thighs together and used the momentum to slam her knees in to his chest. A smaller man would have had the air knocked out of him, but Slade being a powerhouse, the only thing she got was a huff and a growl.
The villain raged as the lithe sorceress twisted and struggled in his grip, her small curvy body turning and thrashing around to get free in a not-unattractive way and he felt himself harden… But she didn’t surrender to him, she didn’t cower in fear or try to plead with him. Instead, she hissed and tried to claw at his hands, her eyes almost glowing white with her fury. His scowl deepened and he tightened his grip on her wrists, digging his iron hard fingers into her soft, pale skin, making bruises form, pressing her down on the small bed. One of her legs had gotten free, and now she was slamming it into his side, annoying the hell out of him. He leaned in, putting almost all of his weight on the much smaller form under him, driving most of the air out of the young titan. As it left her mouth, he grabbed her lips again, making sure to get a hold of her delicate jaw and forcing it open. His tongue took over hers, basking in her sweet taste and the small movements of her lips as she gasped for air. Breaking the kiss, he started to kiss and nibble at her neck and jaw line. Raven grew limp in his hands.
Growling, the large man pressed a harder bite at her neck, almost breaking the skin, but the dark girl didn’t move. His jaw worked as he shifted his gaze to her face. Her purple orbs met his without expression, her face nearly a mask in its own. With a sigh he let go of her and sat up.
“Why are you here?”
Her voice was calm, almost soft, but the distrust was still evident. Slade couldn’t help but chuckle at that.
“And I here thought I was being rather clear about that…,”
He smirked, running a rough hand up her soft, pearly leg. The sorceress just gave him a bothered look, and twisted away from the man. As she turned her back to him, he captured her face and tilted it up to his.
“Don’t sell yourself short, little Gem… You are worth the trouble,”
He said, slipping a well muscled arm around her petite waist and pulling her to his lap. She didn’t buy it, though.
“You are always trouble, creating harm wherever you go… You want me to believe that you’re here because you…”
She trailed off, her face fighting to stay blank. The villain leaned back. Supporting himself on one hand and letting the other play softly with the girl’s purple locks, he purred;
“Hmm, because I want to settle the score for you destroying my base? Because you saw my face? Or because… once wasn’t enough? ”
She said, trying to keep her voice in its usual monotone. The man was frustrating her to no end. His touch made her skin tingle and small hot flames were flicking in her mind, making it hard to concentrate.
“But you are my little Gem, and I’m not here to mess with those other idiots who call themselves Titans. I’m interested in you and how to make you burn…”
His voice dropping to a seductive purr, he nuzzled his face into her neck, letting his hot breath tickle her sensitive skin. Raven snorted and slipped from his lap, down to the floor.
“Yes, and the destruction of your base and the stolen goods didn’t bother you one bit…”
The lithe teen deadpanned as she reached for her clothes that had fallen down from the bed, leaving Slade empty-handed. A cross between a grimace and a smirk flew over his rough face. She knew him too well, and at the same time not at all… The villain pulled his Kevlar shirt over his head. Not that that was going to stop him…
Raven hissed as she was slammed against the wall. She barely managed to get her hands up in time to keep her face from being smashed. Slade never let go of her neck, pressing her small frame up the wall, keeping her still.
He purred, and she felt his rough hand on her naked back. It started at her neck, sliding down to her ass, his thumb pressing lightly at her spine all the way. She couldn’t help shivering, and Slade smirked. Bending down, he whispered in to her ear,
“Cold? Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up…”
He kicked her clothes out of reach.
“Don’t you dare!”
She hissed back icily. Her spirit made him chuckle, and he let his hand glide around her curvy hip, pulling her towards him. A small gasp escaped her as she felt his naked abs at her back.
“Oh, but I think you want me too. Face it, little Gem, you want this, and there is no way I’ll let any other touch what is mine.”
The lithe teen twisted and got her face around to shoot him a glare. Flames or no flames, that arrogance of his made her want to open a portal to the deepest, darkest place she knew, and drop his sorry ass in there… Even if it was a very hot ass…
“I. Am. Not. Yours.”
Her voice was low and steaming with suppressed anger. If she ever found out who helped make that ring of his… Again he chuckled, and began to nibble at her neck, just below her ear, adding more marks to those he placed there before.
“I say you are,”
He murmured, letting his hand trail from her hip, over her soft stomach and up to her breast. She sucked in a sharp breath of air as she felt his hard fingers tease her sensitive nipples. His touch was feathery, almost caring, and it made the sorceress bite her lower lip. It felt so good, sending a hot ripple through her body as the memory of their last meeting came to her. The iron hard grip on her neck vanished as the villain took a hold of her wrists and pinned them over her head. She felt something wet between her shoulder blades. The titan couldn’t help but gasp as Slade let the tip of his tongue trace the same path as his thumb had before. The fire was back, and Raven arced into the touch with a small, shrill sound.
Slade, whose interest hadn’t really faded, felt the sound make him harden even more, and he started to make his way up again, kissing and nibbling at the dark girl’s spine. He was a man who prided himself on his self discipline, but right now, it was being stretched. He was determined to make this soft, hot, delicious little woman scream his name with need and pleasure…
Raven almost cried as his big build surrounded her, shutting out all thoughts of the world outside the Towers sickbay. Their first time had haunted her dreams, the flames invading the tranquility of her meditation, and the memory had made her long for touch like never before. She had never been allowed to feel that alive… Allowed to just feel to that extent, physically and mentally… But with Trigon out of the picture…
Sensing the sorceress’ defenses falling apart, the dominating man started to nibble at her earlobe while his free hand slid up and down her thighs, driving a small moan from her as the desired heat followed his touch. Her skin was so soft and silky that he had to fight the urge to mark it, but the Titan had demonstrated that too rough a treatment meant no game for him. But that was tolerable, he decided. The villain could play nice, if it got him what he desired. After all, one caught more flies, or birds, with honey…
The teen shivered as the man ran his hand over her, finding spots of pleasure that she didn’t know existed, making her tremble and quiver. Then his fingers lazily traveled up her inner thigh. They played at her hip, then started to draw small circles just above her small soft curls. The girl flushed red, suddenly happy to be facing the wall, but didn’t move away as the circles went downward. Then he found her pearl.
Slade smirked as the sound of her suppressed squeal reached his ears, and she arced against him, caught between the almost painful bliss of his fingers and his big frame. A little sob came out as he kept drawing circles, never really touching the – oh so sensitive – pearl. She barely noticed it when he let go of her wrists, his hand seeking her breast. The way he played with her nipples was not as soft and caring, pinching and cupping them as he wished, knowing well that the contrast would send her senses into overload.
To Raven it was a storm, a fire-storm in the dark sky within her. The flames of ecstasy were pressing at her restraints, quickly turning her hold on her powers into ashes. The hot wind peeled and scratched, throwing her emotion-selfs around like autumn leaves. The gray Timid was nowhere in sight. Pink Happy and green Brave held each others' hands and rode the wild wind, laughing. Wisdom’s yellow was seen against Lust’s scarlet. The boundaries of her hold were at their limits, the energy of her building pleasure needing an outlet.
Raven’s hands were pressing at the wall, her head thrown back, resting on the defined shoulder of the powerhouse of a man driving her out of her mind. Slade was nibbling and biting at her ear, trying hard not to throw the lithe girl to the floor and ravish her. Her petite form was squirming and twisting under his touch, moaning and panting at his ear, and simply turning him on to an extent he had never experienced before. The thought that she was a Titan, an enemy, only made it sweeter to him.
Pressing a knee in between the sorceress' legs and making her spread them, he placed a hand between her shoulder blades, holding her in place, making her whimper as he stopped teasing her pearl. Quickly, he stripped himself of his pants and slipped his arms around her again, his right hand going around her chest to her left shoulder and his left down to her inner thigh, lifting her petite body up and pinning it to the wall. Spreading her legs even more, he stepped in between them and let her slip down to straddle his thighs.
The dark girl clawed at the wall, seeking a handhold as she balanced with her legs spread wide open over her enemy’s muscled thighs, her only support his strong arm around her, his rough hand on her shoulder. As she leaned forward, letting him hold her weight, the teen felt his free hand run from her thigh over her curvy hip and up her spine, digging into her silky purple locks, and pulling her head back to rest yet again on his shoulder.
“Mine, all mine…”
The villain purred, his possessiveness floating like ropes along the words, wrapping itself around the delicate form in his arms. He had touched her first, he had made her thrash and scream in ecstasy for the first time, and that made her his. Not in a loving sort of way, but the thought of somebody else getting too close to this new little plaything of his made the man grit his teeth. Slade was not one for sharing.
Any disagreement in her voice was drowned in its husky, lustful purr. Growling, the large man started making mock thrusts, sliding over the titan’s sensitive pearl, thrilled at the wetness he found there. The lithe sorceress shrieked with need and pleasure, and arced against the movement, cheering him on. Slade needed no more encouragement, and in one swift thrust, he buried himself in her heat. The teen’s willingness made it easier than the first time, smoothing her tight space. But it was a tight fit, for the girl still very new to this, a knowledge that only fueled the villain’s desire and made him more determined to claim her once again.
As the man entered her, Raven felt like she had reached the eye of the storm within her normally dark mind. For one short second, everything stood still. She could see the flaming wind, frozen, all around her, illuminating every part of her soul. Yet the worst, or rather the best, was still to come.
Every thrust made the villain dig his hands deeper into the petite teen’s curvy body, one of his hands still at her shoulder, the other locked at her hip, driving her down on his thrusts. Her soft legs twisted and wrapped around his powerful ones, and, gaining support from the wall, she started to move into his thrusts. The large man easily carried both their weight, pressing her against the wall and making her moan. Blue spots marked her delicate form, but neither of them cared. The flaming winds had stolen all common sense, and the titan’s thrashing made Slade bite down at her collarbone, dominating her with all he had. A shudder down his spine tipped the man off, and he let his hand slip from the girl’s brushed hip down between her widely spread legs, seeking the glistening pearl there. She was so far along that it only took a feathery stroke to make the young sorceress succumb to the fire-storm within her. It blasted through her, a hurricane that dragged the villain with her, sending both into the burning bliss.
No thought, no fear, nothing but a pure paradise of flaming ecstasy.
Breathing heavily, Slade found himself on his knees, his forehead and right arm resting on the wall, the other tightly wrapped around Raven’s petite form, as she were curled up in his lap. Chuckling, he purred in to her neck,
“Oh, you missed me alright…”
“Yo, Rae, did you hear?”
The mechanical teen greeted the cloaked girl as she entered the main room of the Tower, heading for the kitchen.
“No,” was the simple answer he got.
She had gone straight to her room after the lockdown had been lifted, not talking to anyone, for some much needed meditation. He knew that. She knew that he knew. Her annoyed look told him to get to the point. Cyborg just ignored it, and gave her a smile.
“You know that hospital just across the bay? Something weird happened to it while you were in the sickbay. I tell you, it’s not something you see every day,”
Her face in its usual emotionless mask, Raven found her tea cup, trying not to seem too interested.
“Something bad happened to it?”
“No, that's just the thing, they say a hot wind swiped through it, and that it healed everything and everyone. From the smallest wound at the ER, up to the 2 cases of rare diseases at the experimental lab, and NO ONE has taken credit!”
The tiniest of smile crossed the sorceress' lips. A whole hospital cured, and it was the fact that no one was bragging about it that stood out to the larger Titan. It had to be a guy thing, she figured, lazily wondering if Slade would consider it to be something for him to brag about. He had after all played a part in this new found way to make use of her powers… Naa, no reason to power up that ego…
“Did you get a hold of Gizmo?”
“Sorry, Rae, but he got away. He's probably hiding in some dark cave somewere…”
“Hey, Slade! Mission completed! And I’m in for a bonus, I tell you that!”
The small dwarf of a boy stepped into the dark room, his annoyingly high-pitched voice cutting through the quiet sounds of the working gears. He didn’t use his spider-legs or rotor-wings, knowing that the villain wouldn’t care for it. And Gizmo did not want to get on that man’s bad side, that was for sure. So when said man had… offered the boy a job, he had been fast to take it. You didn’t say no to Slade, not if you liked your head on your shoulders, Gizmo thought with a shudder.
“Hello! Anybody home? I hit that witch straight on, with your bomb, and I think that green knuckle-head got some of it too.”
The small teen had made it to the large throne-like chair, and could see the large build of Slade sitting there. He flashed a wide grin at the man.
“Just as I ordered. So why would I give you a bonus? I specified that I didn’t care about the rest of the Titans. In fact, I told you to only let the smoke hit the girl.”
The man’s normally smooth voice sounded forced, its usual velvet tone gone. Not that Gizmo noticed, gulping as he remembered that part of the deal.
“Err, yes! Of course! Don’t worry, that bitch is sure to go down with something! Course I took a look at your smoke-bomb, and I put in something extra, hint the bonus,”
The boy tried to wriggle himself out of the trouble he had been heading into, hoping that the villain would be pleased with his initiative. To Gizmo’s misfortune it didn’t work quite as he planned.
“YOU! You did this! Atchoo!”
This time the young little villain heard the change in the man’s voice, and the boy turned white with dread as the powerhouse of a man shot out of his chair, clearly set on strangling the kid. Luckily for Gizmo, the heavy cold that had infected the skilled fighter slowed him down. The chase was on.
I’m sorry!! I had all intention to let Slade walk away from this with the upper hand, but there is just something about that man’s ego that makes me want to take him down a knot… *Smirks*
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