A Pretty Toy For Felix Faust | By : TentacleFan Category: DC Verse Cartoons > Justice League Views: 48970 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. I own none of the rights of Justice League, any names or characters within. I make no profit from this work. |
Wonder Woman : A Pretty Toy For Felix Faust
A Wonder Woman Erotic Fan-fiction
One Shot
Disclaimer : This is a work of erotic fan-fiction aka smutty porn. I do not own or claim ownership of or make any profit off of any of the characters or other elements contained within the story. This work is intended for adult readers only and contains graphic adult content including blackmail/non-consent and heavy humiliation/degradation. If you are offended by such things please do not continue any further. It is a work of fiction.Author’s Notes : This story is an alternative version of the events of the Justice League cartoon episode Paradise Lost. In this version Wonder Woman arrives home to find a different fate in store for her fellow Amazons than being turned to stone by Felix Faust. It was written as a prize for my 200 fan/3 year anniversary fan raffle for the winner Unlimited-Porn-Works.As her Javelin craft soared through the sky Diana, better known to the world as the paragon of justice and moral fortitude Wonder Woman, looked out across the endless expanse of blue seas. Her mind was somewhere else entirely however. Since she had left her people, the Amazons of Themyscira, and her mother, the queen Hippolyta, to go out into mans world and joined the Justice League, she had not been back home once. More to the point she had not been supposed to leave in the first place. She tried to come up with a way to greet her mother when they once more came face to face and she tried to smooth things over after her months long absence.No greeting good enough came to mind by the time the mystically concealed island that had been her home came into view on the horizon. Diana was a bit surprised that she didn’t see any Amazons out patrolling the beaches or riding their horses across the sands as she entered the island’s airspace. Finding a patch of land she could set the jet down upon she opened the ramp and fortified herself for facing her mother again at long last. Stepping down onto the ground of her home she was met with a blast of cool ocean breeze which whipped her long black hair about. Pushing it out of her face with one hand she looked down at the ancient Grecian style architecture that made up her people’s buildings.Physically speaking Wonder Woman lived up to her name in every way. A tall statuesque beauty, her head was topped with long flowing shiny black hair that came down to her lower back. With her luxurious hair pulled back behind her ears she revealed a pair of silver star earrings. Upon her forehead rested a golden tiara decorated in the center with a red star. Her penetrating blue stare was the gaze of a warrior born. Her full luscious lips were naturally alluring and combined with the rest of her stunning face gave her the appearance of a goddess in the flesh.Her body was no less sensuous either. Her powerful shoulders and arms bore definite signs of her musculature while also revealing generous feminine curves that immediately drew the eyes to follow along them. In particular her massive round breasts which were only partially covered by the red corset she wore over her torso. The upper portion, as well as much of the sides, of her magnificent chest was on display showing off considerable cleavage. One could easily wonder how easily they might slip free of their confinement with all the physical combat and other action she took part in. Her red top bore a pair of golden W’s across the front following the natural curve of her bosom. Upon each wrist she wore a sturdy silver bracelet. Below the skintight red corset a golden belt very similar in appearance to her tiara fit snugly around her thin waist. Then her voluptuous hips and generous ass gave her an hourglass figure most any woman would kill for. The dark blue swimming trunk style bottom she wore was decorated with silver stars and clung to her sexy ass and against her crotch tightly. It lacked any leggings leaving her long powerful yet shapely legs fully on display down to her red and white calf-high boots. Lastly, hanging from her hip she wore a coiled rope spun from golden strands.As Diana crested the last hill before reaching the settlement she was again surprised to see a lack of any of her sisters moving about. Descending the hill her boots clacked on the cobblestone street towards the palace from which her mother ruled the Amazons. Ascending the marble stairs she glanced up at the thick white columns which held aloft its triangular roof. It was the rival of any such structure back in the days of Ancient Greece. The lack of palace guards in their traditional ceremonial role troubled the Amazonian princess yet further. Themyscira had not been attacked as far back as she could remember but still the guards would not abandon their posts under any normal circumstances. With this growing sense of trepidation Diana hurried inside without delay. Wonder Woman made her way to the huge central throne room from where she could now hear the sounds of people from within. Finally she might get an explanation for what was going on.When she stepped into the room she looked at the throne and was stopped dead in her tracks. Her stern impassive expression quickly gave way to one of absolute shock. Her mother was there but instead of being seated upon her throne Hippolyta was kneeling in front of it. That wasn’t all she was doing however. The queen, her regal beautiful mother, was kneeling in front of a man who sat upon her rightful throne and bobbed her head up and down towards his lap. Lewd wet sucking sounds filled the air and Diana realized immediately what her mother was doing. Men weren’t allowed to set foot in Themyscira in the first place. For a man to have its queen submit to such a humiliating position and lascivious act was unthinkable! Diana’s look of shock was replaced by one of righteous anger.“I don’t know who are you outlander but you will pay for your degradations!” She leveled a finger at the man in a most intimidating gesture. She could see he was of a tall lanky build despite the flowing purple robes that covered most of his body save for his long angular face. A golden studded band was worn around his forehead and he had matching bracelets upon each of his wrists. Thick black eyebrows arched above each of his pale blue eyes as she looked at her bemusedly.“Oh, it’s the Wonder Whore. It’s about time you showed up. I’ve been amusing myself while I waited for your return.”Suddenly aware of her daughter’s return Hippolyta ceased sucking the man’s cock. She turned to see Diana returned at last only to find her disgracing herself this way. Her long blonde hair was tossed to the side as she turned to look at her newly returned child. Though Diana couldn’t understand how her mother had come to kneel before this man and suck his cock she could definitely see it was in fact her mother before her. Hippolyta’s beautiful face with its angular cheeks and chin, sharp nose, and soft pouty lips stared back at her. She still wore her royal jewelry, all in gold. The crown resting atop her head. Her earrings dangling from either ear, jostling as she turned to look at Diana. The necklace wrapped snuggly around her throat. Her pure white garment clung tightly to her chest and body revealing her matronly form and its fully developed motherly sensuality. Her large breasts heaved as knelt there breathing heavily and despite herself her nipples poked through the fabric revealing their erectness. In the position on her knees her ass jutted out behind her pressing taut against the white fabric of her skirt. Hippolyta felt the saliva dripping down her chin as she wilted under her daughter’s gaze. Quickly she wiped it away with a corner of her garb. The streams of tears stained her cheeks.“No! Diana flee this place! Don’t let Faust get his claws into you as he has me!”“Silence slut! I don’t recall ordering you to stop servicing me!” Felix Faust grabbed her long blonde hair and tugged her back to face him. Then gripping her strongly by the back of her head he forced her down onto his cock. Her lips wrapped around his dick as he face-fucked her.“You’ll pay for that Faust!” Diana leapt towards the throne. As she flew towards him she balled up her fist ready to strike. Faust held up his free hand and muttered an eldritch incantation. Suddenly a translucent dome of arcane energy appeared from thin air around him and Hippolyta. Wonder Woman threw her readied punch as she approached the barrier. It shattered with ease but slowed her approach slightly. This was exactly what Faust had hoped for. Giving him time to appeal to her love for her mother.“Don’t take another step you Amazonian bitch! Not if you value your mother’s life! With the merest signal from me I can snuff her life out with the curse I’ve already placed upon her. And before you think you can kill me before I can trigger this curse know that if I die then she dies along with me!” He let out a self-satisfied maniacal laugh at that point. So confident was he in his plan.“What makes you think I’d believe your words you treacherous cur!” Wonder Woman advanced, strutting towards him, her sexy ass and hips swaying from side to side as she grabbed ahold of the neck of his purple robes and pulled back her other fist.“Ask yourself you arrogant slut, why else your dear proud mother would debase herself sucking upon my cock like a common whore?” Diana glanced down at her mother, shamed to see her swallowing his cock just as he had said and saw in her mother’s eyes that it was true.“The fate of all your sisters now rests upon you. From this point forward you will do everything I say or their lives will be forfeit. Now unhand me wench.” He thrust his hands out to either side and Wonder Woman looked around the room. She had not seen them before but lining the walls were the other Amazons whose lack of presence outside she had noticed. Despite the clear look of disgust on their faces as they watched the spectacle of the queen debasing herself none dared to raise a hand against him. Stunned, Diana let go of her grip on his collar go.“Faust! Do with me as you will. But let my mother go.”“Perhaps in good time my new slave. But first let us test your obedience. Kneel before your master.”Wonder Woman gritted her teeth, her sexy lips forming a not so sexy snarl. Despite this she acquiesced. Sinking to the ground her bare knees pressed against the cool marble floor. Even as she knelt she maintained a look of fierce defiance in her eyes.“A very good start slave. Now. Your lasso. Toss it here.”Diana hesitated, but fearing he’d harm someone if she resisted she again caved to his demand. Removing her coiled golden lasso she tossed it into his open waiting hand. Faust took the rope and looked at it appraisingly. Then he looped the coil around Hippolyta’s head. For a moment he let his cock slip from between her succulent lips only to use the rope to pull her back down even deeper onto his manhood. The sloppy wet sounds of her mother giving head rang in Diana’s ears.“Watch Wonder Woman as I fuck your mother’s tight wet throat.” Hippolyta clenched at Faust’s knees with both of her hands but made no effort to stop him from violating her throat even as she gagged on his long hard shaft.“Perhaps you’d prefer to take her place? To spare your precious mother and queen this indignity?” Diana looked at her mother then at Faust. She said nothing and made no movement. Proud, haughty Wonder Woman was paralyzed by the impossible decision.“I thought as much.” He seemed quite satisfied with her response.“Still. I’m not going to leave you with nothing.” He let Hippolyta slide off of his cock. Numerous strings of saliva still connected his cock and her lips as she pulled back away from him. Diana could hear her gasping for breath. Faust stood and Diana’s eyes went wide as she got her first good look at the cock her mother had been choking upon. Though it was clearly a man’s member in shape, size wise it might well have belonged to a horse.“What? Th…that can’t be real.” Wonder Woman stammered as she thought about how he had just been fucking her mother’s throat with it.“Magic can do a great many things my mewling little whore.” Rising from his throne he proudly stroked his saliva drenched member in his hand. His other hand still held her magic lasso. Stepping up to the kneeling heroine he ran his hand along his length letting her see it in all its erect glory. Diana resisted recoiling sensing that it would anger him and cause him to likely hurt one or more Amazons. Disgusted by his proud display of virility she still couldn’t pull her eyes away from the gigantic cock pointed at her face. Diana felt her lasso fall against the back of her head as he placed that hand atop her raven hair. Holding her in place he stroked faster until he let out a satisfied groaning sound.“What are you doing? Unhand me!” Diana resisted the urge to fight back despite her outburst. Suddenly she was surprised as a torrent of his hot sticky cum blasted out from the inhumanly large cock and caught her across her entire face. White jizm smeared in her dark hair. Seed dripped down from her tiara onto her face below and streaked across her forehead and into her eyebrows. Strands of white goo connected her upper and lower eyelashes as still more jizz sprayed out across her face. She could feel its hot thickness across her already hot cheeks as she blushed at having her face painted with cum like a lowly streetwalker. What was worse was as it touched her lips she could taste the creamy salty flavor get into her mouth. Looking up at him utterly humiliated she could feel droplets of his seed dripping down her chin and landing atop her huge tits which were thrust outward in the servile position she had been ordered into.“Look at your so called princess Amazons! In reality she’s just a trashy little slut. A cumdumpster for my use and amusement. Just like your queen. Felix Faust commands it. Now Wonder Whore, put your arms down between your thighs.” Diana wanted to cry. Being demeaned and degraded by a man and in front of her people was almost more than she could bear. Her pride had taken a powerful blow. What was alarming was the fact that Faust’s cock still stood amazingly erect even after unleashing a veritable one man bukkake all over her sexy face. Knowing the high cost of resistance Wonder Woman did as he commanded. Placing her wrists down between her thighs she knelt in place still dripping with semen all across her face and chest. Faust stepped around behind her, his mammothly huge cock still unflagging. She felt him as he grabbed hold of her wrists forcefully. Unfastening her bracelets he cast them aside. The sound of metal on marble rang through the hall.Then she felt it. He looped her golden rope around her wrists. She groaned softly, hoping he wouldn’t hear, as one of the very symbols of her power was being used to make her utterly powerless. Faust bound her wrists together then further bound them between and to her knees. His hands now reached around from behind her as he pawed at her generous rack through the tight red top. She could feel his long hard cock grinding against her back and her ass while he groped her lasciviously.“Now be a good slut and show everyone those huge tits you’re hiding.” He tugged at her top dragging it down around her thin waist. Wonder Woman’s large round orbs popped out of the top, jiggling as they were freed from her clothing in front of the crowd of amazon warriors. His hands instantly sought them out groping and teasing her breasts. Fingers plucked at her nipples and squeezed hard around her soft tit-flesh.“What magnificent udders you have cow. Your master approves.” He gripped her breasts firmly in his hands squeezing her nipples between thumb and forefinger. Despite her attempts to keep silent she couldn’t help but elicit a throaty moan as he teased her to the point where her nipples stiffened and grew erect.“That’s right Wonder Whore. All of your sisters can see what a complete slut you are wearing my cum all over your pretty little face and moaning as I touch your body.” Faust’s face was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her neck when he whispered to her. She wanted to shout at him, to demand he stop. She longed to strike back at the vile sorcerer but she was bound and helpless now and looking at her mother who was slumped across the throne still recovering from swallowing Faust’s enormous cock reminded her that she had no choice but to be complicit in his degradations. Each new humiliation, each new disgrace, was taking its toll on her however. Her resolve was being chipped away.Now Faust’s hands roamed further down her body. His fingers trailed down the undersides of her heaving tits, traipsing along her ribs and across the smooth expanse of her tummy. One of them reached the top of her tight blue star spangled shorts. Wonder Woman shook her head back and forth trying to say no, not there but he continued downward so that his fingers brushed against her crotch through the smooth thin fabric.“Slave, you should know better. No part of you is off limits to your master.” To emphasize his point he began to stroke her pussy through her shorts rubbing up and down where he could feel her lower lips to be. He continued this until he could feel the crotch of her shorts grow damp, her nectar seeping out from inside her. Then he lifted the hand up so he could slide it in between her shorts and stomach. His fingers once again teased her cunt but now he began to also slip them inside. Diana wriggled helplessly in his grasp sending some of the cum on her face flying across the chamber and jiggling her massive breasts all about as she was forced to feel the undesired pleasure of Felix Faust’s touch. She was afraid he’d force her to orgasm in front of her sisters but instead he seemed satisfied after a few minutes of making her moan and squirm. The raven haired beauty was disheveled. Her dark tresses were mussed, her breathing labored, and her face which had been so haughty, so arrogant when she had first thought to face him was now filled with doubt.Faust ceased his probing of her folds and slid his wet fingers back up along her stomach and across her ribs. Lifting his fingers, still dripping with her cunt juices, to her lips he pressed them against her mouth.“Taste your slutty juices amazon. Let your sisters see you taste of your cunt.” Diana parted her lips and felt his fingers press into her mouth. Wrapping her pouty lips around his fingers she obediently suckled the sweet fluid from his fingers. When she had cleaned his fingers as he commanded Faust removed his digits from between her lips. He turned his attention at that point to her backside. He placed both of his hands on her hips at the top of her tight little shorts. Hooking a finger into either side he began to slowly inch the fabric down around her curvaceous ass. It bunched up as he drug them across her skin and began to reveal the crack of her ass cheeks a bit at a time. When he had slipped the shorts over the curves of her ass Faust pulled them down to the midst of her thighs leaving the Amazonian princesses pussy and ass both entirely bare. It came as a shock, though perhaps it shouldn’t have, when Faust slapped her ass hard making it jiggle and shake deliciously. After a few more such spanks she could feel his hands paw and maul at her juicy ass much as he had done to her tits before.After amusing himself with exploring his new slave’s body with his hands Faust changed tactics. With a shove he pushed Diana’s face down into the ground. Tied up as she was with her lasso her breasts, arms, and knees all pressed down into the cool marble. It felt especially good as it rubbed up against her tits and her stiff nipples ground into the stone. In this new position her ass jutted out straight into the air pointing back at Faust and his horse-cock sized member.“When you first arrived you thought to strike me. This insolence must not go unchallenged.” She could feel his hands on her ass again this time seeming to spread her generous ass cheeks apart. It did her no good to struggle. In fact when he felt her even slightly wiggle Faust placed a booted foot on the side of her head forcing her cum soaked face to press tight to the floor. Diana felt the hard thick tip poking against her defenseless asshole. Her tight little virgin pucker began to widen as he forced his saliva coated cock inside her. Wonder Woman grunted as she felt her anus being spread open and violated by the huge cock. Once his tip was securely wedged inside her Faust saw no reason to be gentle with his slave. Driving forwards into her with his hips he shoved over half his cock into her ass with a single thrust. Diana cried out as she felt the shock, shame, and pain of having her anal cavity speared by the huge cock. Faust on the other hand let out a very satisfied grunt of pleasure as he felt her tight asshole gripping his cock perfectly. Tears now began to streak down her face smearing both her black eyeliner as well as the cum still on her cheeks.“Amazing! And here I thought Hippolyta was tight!” He drove in over and over again filling her ass till his entire cock was ramming up into her to the very base. His heavy balls, filled with yet more cum, ground against her dripping cunt as he docked his manhood completely inside his slave. A few seconds of agony turned into moments of discomfort then most distressing of all turned into minutes of ravaging which she almost grew accustomed to. Indeed, his choice not to make Wonder Woman orgasm when he had been fingering her had left Diana on the edge of pleasure and extra sensitive so that now his violation was actually bringing her close to her peak once again. Soft needy moans had begun to escape her lips as she felt the smooth cool marble rub up and down her body as she was jostled by the violent ass-fucking she received. From her vantage point of her face being pressed to the floor by one of his feet she could see with the eye that wasn’t shut against the ground that her fellow amazons expressions had changed. Instead of looking at her sorrowfully as they had before they seemed to be accusing her as if she was complicit in her degradation and humiliation. Again the shame she felt reached a new high.Before long she spared no thought to the amazons who were gazing at her this way. Indeed she needed release badly as he continued to fuck her ass so hard the entire chamber echoed with the sound of flesh slapping flesh at high velocity. Each time his cock would slide up inside her and his sack would rub against her dripping pussy she would moan like a bitch in heat. Finally she had taken all she could.“Please master. Let me cum. I need it!”“Go on Wonder Whore. Cum and show your sisters the depths to which your depraved slut body reaches.” As he commanded her to cum he picked up his speed so that his huge thick cock was pounding her twice as fast as he had been before. Immediately Wonder Woman cried out, her tongue lapping at the floor into a pool of saliva and cum that had formed there. Her pussy gushed its juices spraying out across the floor and coating her thighs. Even her tight asshole, spread around the massive shaft inside it, clenched around him. Faust joined her in orgasm at that moment.“That’s it you filthy little jizzbucket! Your body was made for this. To be filled with my cum!” Faust’s huge scrotum churned with hot virile seed which spurted forth shooting out of his positively gigantic cock deep into Diana’s anus. The sensation of being filled entirely full of his hot cum made her orgasm even more mind numbing. She could feel his thick creamy load coat her tight asshole until it was sloughing out of her when he continued his thrusting motions. Diana could feel it dribbling out down against her snatch and across the backs of her thighs. Fucked into oblivion her mind was blank. All she could think about was the white hot pleasure coursing through her body while being degraded like a filthy little slut.When Faust pulled his huge cock out from inside her Diana just rested there in her ass up position. Her asshole was filled with churning roiling cum on display for the amazons who looked on in disgust. Diana could feel his cock now resting in the crack of her ass, more seed dribbling down her back where it ran down in rivulets onto her neck and further mussing her hair. After using her glorious ass as a seat for a moment while he recovered from his own intense orgasm Faust rose. Even now his cock remained supernaturally erect.“Hippolyta. Come tend to your dear daughter my queen-slut.” Rising from her resting place on the throne she nodded mournfully. The elegant and noble queen crawled like an animal on all fours towards where her daughter rested. The queen’s magnificent breasts swayed beneath her against the white fabric of her royal outfit as she made her way over. Standing above her Faust guided the queen to Wonder Woman's amazing ass, still jutting out behind her as if being presented to the queen. Putting a hand atop the queen’s blonde hair he pushed her face first into her daughter’s ass.“Clean your dear child up.” Hippolyta nodded though her face was full of despair. Parting her lips she did as he asked. Her tongue darted out and the queen engaged in the utter humiliation of eating out Diana’s ass. The ring of her anus was still gaping as her mother tenderly lapped all around it slurping up the sorcerer’s cum. When Hippolyta tried to remain even a shred of dignity by keeping slightly back and using only her tongue Faust pushed her face first deeper into Wonder Woman’s ass until her nose and lips rubbed up against it. Hippolyta obediently ate her out collecting and swallowing as much of the bubbling jizz down her throat as she could. Finally Faust seemed satisfied as he let go of his grip on her hair and smiled a very satisfied grin. Reaching down he loosened her golden lasso and untied her. Coiling it up he hung the lasso from his belt.“Rise Wonder Whore. Now it is your turn to clean me.” He presented his massive cock and she looked up at him from her vantage point with her head still pressed against the floor. Pushing herself up so she knelt once more before him she offered no resistance. Not even a defiant look was thrown his way. Instead her beautiful face, streaked with eye liner and cum, looked at him servilely and she nodded. Taking his massive tool in her hands she stroked the length while placing the tip of his cock against her amazingly soft lips. They parted and inch by inch she began to take his titanic member into her throat. Even though she gagged on it several times she deep-throated him willingly and without need for him to force her. Her hands began to fondle his sack as she reached close to the base and all could see his cock stretching out outlined where it had traveled down her tight throat. She looked up into his eyes and he nodded.“Have you learned your place my slave. Very well then. All the way down your whore throat now.” She continued till her nose sank into the dark pubic hairs at his base and pressed against his flesh. Placing her hands behind her back she gripped her wrists and bobbed up and down on his length now that she had swallowed it as commanded. She felt him twitch inside her throat and suddenly his third load since her arrival poured out straight into her stomach filling her with more of his cum. Her eyes watered as she continued to look straight up at him letting him see how obediently she swallowed his chunky hot semen. She could taste it as more cum shot out and flooded her mouth. His salty seed coated her tongue and swam in her mouth. Yet more sprayed forth and she coughed as copious amounts of spunk sprayed from her nostrils and dripped down onto the base of his member. Diana ran her tongue around his shaft so that she could swallow down every drop of the leaking seed. She had been commanded by her master to clean him after all.As his cock slid from inside her tight wet mouth Faust pulled back and fastened his robes so that it was now hidden in the purple folds of the fabric. The spells he had used upon it had their limits and even he was impressed how well it had performed. He looked from side to side at the gathered amazons. They didn’t even seem to look at him any longer. Their gazes were locked on their precious princess who had utterly debased herself for the man who had conquered their island with his magic. The sorcerer grinned.“What was that you told me about this lasso, Hippolyta? Oh yes, I recall now.” Faust took her lasso in his hands once more and encanted another of his eldritch spells. The lasso glowed for a moment before returning to normal.“It can force the one bound in it to tell only the truth. Let’s put this to the test now that I’ve unlocked that power.” Faust placed the lasso around Wonder Woman’s neck and tightened it enough to qualify for purposes of the magics.“Now that I’ve introduced myself to you I need you to do something for me. Will you do whatever your master asks?”“Yes.”“I need you to return to mans world. There you will steal the parts of an artifact I desire. Will you do this?”“Yes my master.”“Once you have obtained these pieces will you return here?”“I will return as you command.”“Who do you serve from this day forward?”“You my master. I serve you.”“Now tell your sisters who are you. Go into detail my slave.”“I’m your Wonder Whore. I’m a slutty cum dumpster to be abused by you as you like. I exist to be used by you.”“Very good my slave. Now I will tell you where you must go.”One could be forgiven for thinking that Wonder Woman at this point could no longer feel shame. That the humiliation, degradation, and debasement had no effect on her any longer. They would be wrong however. The truth was that she could still feel the shame, humiliation, and degradation. The difference was now these things filled her with a pleasure as she had never known. She would go on her mission but she already knew how she would long to return to her master.The EndAuthor’s Notes : Thanks for reading. 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