A Cat in Hell | By : DrunkenSailor Category: DC Verse Comics > Catwoman Views: 20936 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Catwoman, Felix Faust, DC Comics, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
It seemed almost too easy.
Selina Kyle smiled to herself as she watched the museum’s guards pass below her. So many robberies, so many things in Gotham that swooped in from above, and still people never seemed to look up. She pulled her goggles down, watching the traces they showed up otherwise invisible beams that guarded this particular artifact, the Soul of Khefut. Catwoman smiled, reaching to a small device on her belt, and pressing a button. There was a buzzing sound in the air, and then a loud clack as every light in the museum went out along with the security systems. Selina knew she only had seconds before emergency overrides got past her little toy.
With trademark grace, Catwoman descended swiftly on the zip line. She pulled out a tiny grapple gun, firing it towards the case. Two grapples shot out, one to the glass case, the other to the wall, the line between them snapping tight, ripping the case away from the stand. Hanging upside down, Selina reached out, removing the black, beautifully cut gem from the pillow it rested on.
“Hello, beautiful.” She purred as she activated the zip line that ripped her upwards through the air and back to the ceiling, just as the emergency lights came on, bathing the room in red light. Swiftly she scurried across the ceiling towards the emergency exit she had already scouted.
“Freeze!” The order came from below, and Selina smiled, pausing in the access hatch, looking down to the two security guards, their guns drawn.
“Don’t worry boys,” she smiled, blowing them a kiss. “I’ll give it a good home.” And with that she disappeared into the night.
The penthouse apartment was beautiful, finely but sparsely decorated, with a long observation style window that covered a full wall, looking out over the gothic splendor of Gotham’s skyline from forty stories up. One window slid open, and Catwoman gracefully landed back in her apartment. She grinned, stepping in, and pulling up her goggles first, and then taking off the rest of her head piece, her short black hair disheveled in a way that only seemed to increase her natural beauty.
She reached back into one of the pouches on her belt. “Now let’s just have a look at you up close…” she said, her smile beaming as her hand opened, and she looked upon her newest prize. It was a beautifully cut multi-faceted gem, its color deep black like obsidian, within a golden Egyptian winged setting. “Ooh…. Very nice indeed. And no one seems to know what sort of stone you are.”
“It isn’t any sort. It’s a soul.”
Catwoman spun around with preternatural speed. Only one man should have been able to find her this fast, and to stealthily wait in her home. But that wasn’t the voice of the Batman. Instead she found a thin but dangerous looking older man, sitting back casually in her recliner. He was dressed oddly, although perhaps not by the standards of the villainous community of Gotham, wearing a light purple and gold outfit that seemed to be patterned after robes. He grinned at her in a way that made her skin crawl and her spine seem to go cold. Catwoman’s eyes narrowed as she realized he was casually stroking her black cat. The cat rested on the arm of the chair, not trying to get away, but her eyes looked up to Selina with a look of pure terror.
“Who are you?” Selina found herself speaking through clenched teeth, glaring at the intruder.
The man smiled in return, shooing the cat away. It leapt desperately, hurrying around the corner to hide in the kitchen. “The ‘gem’ you see, is actually the condensed soul of an Egyptian prince. He lived, oh, many thousands of years ago. He was a quite talented sorcerer really, though he put his trust in the wrong allies.” He stood up, and while he smiled as if the conversation was completely normal, his eyes burned with an unsettling intensity.
Pacing to the side, carefully on the defensive, Selina let her hand slip down to the handle of her coiled whip. “Who are you?” she repeated again, her anger showing in her voice. The bastard had dared to invade her home!
He answered with a smile. “The creator of that trinket, come to reclaim it.” He gave a small, condescending bow. “Felix Faust.”
Selina didn’t recognize the name, and she didn’t care. The pretentious bow was enough of an opening. Her hand glided down to her belt, snatching the handle of the whip, and expertly cracking it out. The length shot towards the intruder, meant to wrap around his ankle and jerk him from his footing, giving Catwoman the time to decide her next move, based on his reaction.
The whip never made it there. It stopped, the end seemingly snatched by an invisible hand inches from Faust’s limb.
“A whip? Oh my dear, that raises so many possibilities.” The man leered, raising his other hand, arcane energies emanating from it, and Catwoman’s world lurched.
It was as if gravity had gone crazy. Selina felt her legs come out from under her, her body pulled to the side, leaving her tumbling in midair. Agile as she was, it meant nothing if she was floating. She grimaced, lashing out with the whip again, this time trying to wrap around one of the columns in her living room to drag herself to it. It never made it. The force caught the end again, and this time Catwoman could spot the faint outline of spectral claws as they closed on it. She tries to pull back, but she had no leverage, and the whip was ripped from her grasp, pulled to the waiting hands of Felix Faust. The magician smiled, looking over the whip and pulling it taught between his hands. “Yes, so many possibilities.”
Catwoman glared angrily at him, but then let out a cry of surprise as she felt hands around her, grasping at her body, her arms and legs, but also grabbing at her hips and breasts, pawing her through her tight fitting suit. She shouted in outrage, flailing, trying to get some sort of purchase on the ground, but the arms continued to manipulate her, pulling her arms together up and high over her head, while tugging her feet towards the ground, holding them shoulder length apart, and her toes hovering inches above the floor. With a word of command from Faust they began to materialize, becoming demonically sculpted ropes and shackles to trap the famed thief in place. Selina twisted, glaring hatefully at the sorcerer. She was no stranger to being tied up, and knew more than a few tricks to escape even Batman’s attempts to trap her, but these bonds were different. They gripped her tightly, reacting to her movements as though they were alive, with no give to work with.
Selina looked up, facing Faust as he stalked towards her, and forced a seductive smile to her face. “Well, you seem to know what I like. Maybe we can work together.”
Faust stopped before her, grinned, and struck her across the face savagely with the coiled whip. “Quiet, minx.” He stepped forward, his face inches from hers, one hand moving to her waist, running over her fit form. “I have no interest in your pretended charms.” He paused, looking deeply into her eyes, and Selina felt a shiver run down her spine. Staring into someone’s soul was only supposed to be an expression, but now it seemed she could actually feel him doing it. Her eyes widened as he gazed, and she found herself feeling far more naked then she thought possible.
“No no, it’s the true soul within that I find fascinating. That…” he reached up catching the zipper just under her chin, and slowly pulling it down her body, exposing the soft pale skin underneath, revealing the beautifully formed cleavage of her breasts and black lacy bra that formed them so, all the way down to the dainty navel on her trim belly. “And the outer trappings that house it.” The necromancer grinned, taking firm hold of one breast and squeezing.
Selina snarled, twisting her body in the bonds to pull her breast free from his grip, her skin crawling, and anger at the invasive touch seething through her. “Get your hands off of me you sick freak! How dare you! Do you have any idea what I’ll do to you! I’m Catwoman! I…”
Faust’s hand came up swiftly, snatching her jaw, forcing her head up, squeezing painfully to silence her as his eyes burned at her. “Cat ‘woman?’” he tilted his head back letting out a cruel laugh. “Do you have any idea who I am child? I am Felix Faust! I have lived for countless lifetimes, thousands of years, all of it accumulating magic knowledge and power!” Catwoman tried to spit back a reply, but something oozed forth from Faust’s hands, dark mystic fluid that flowed up into her mouth, making her try to shake her head free in panic. “I have bartered and traded souls with demons and with gods!” The fluid seemed to fill her mouth, swirling, reaching around behind her head, and then she could feel it hardening, the exterior taking on the ford and consistency of leather, filling her mouth but keeping her jaw wide and gagging her completely.
“Cat ‘woman’ indeed.” Faust scoffed while Selina tried to scream through the gag, barely any sound coming out. The sorcerer laughed in her face, grabbing her by the hair, arching her back as he looked down on her, tracing the whip over her helpless form. “You are nothing more than a child next to me. A kitten. Yes, I think that will do.” He smiled then, stepping back, looking into Selina’s eyes. She glared at him hatefully, even as he admired the way her deep seething breaths lifted her breasts. “Perhaps I should show you your place.”
At a word the clawing hands returned, and this time Selina could feel them all over her form. She shouted in panic into the gag, twisting desperately in her suspension, unintentionally providing Faust with a lovely show as her curves danced about, bucking as the tiny clawed hands shredded her uniform, pulling it from her. She could feel them scratching across her sin, but they never broke the surface as they tore her costume away, leaving the catburgler in only her fashionably designed lace bra and panties.
Trembling, Selina tried to focus herself as she hung there on display for the man. She tried to think, to gather her thoughts, but any attempt was lost as he drew back her own whip, and lashed it across her back. Red hellfire seemed to coat the whip as it cracked through the air, and where it landed it brought a wave of agony Catwoman had never expected. It lashed out again, across her ass, across her shoulders, and across her breasts, each strike bringing a new wave of torment, but somehow never damaging her body beyond a reddened mark from the lash.
“Young as you are, you have an extraordinary soul, kitten.” Selina tried to focus on his voice, trying to keep her mind on what was happening, but the whip bit across her thighs this time, and she cried out, screaming with the pain despite herself. “I don’t think I’ve seen a soul that more completely embodied the spirit and strength of freedom.” Another lash, this time across her belly, and Selina felt another howl torn from her. “So strong with the willpower of independence.” Faust’s words taunted as the next lash cracked over her ass, making her lurch forward in the bonds as it made an X on her smooth cheeks. Selina closed her eyes tight as she screamed again, and realized to her shame that she was crying.
Faust grabbed her chin again, lifting her face to look into her tear-streaked eyes “I need just such a soul for my grand ritual. So I will keep you for myself, kitten. And while I have you…” he stepped back, the lecherous smile on his face making Catwoman wish she could slaughter him on the spot. “I will certainly make use of the pleasures you offer.”
The whip cracked out again, and Selina watched in horror as it came up, between her legs, the hellfire-wreathed leather lashing across the folds of her bare sex, ripping open the lace of her panties. Her back arched and her head rolled back as she let out a howl of agony that resonated through the building despite her gag.
As the pain only barely began to recede, she realized that her demonic bonds were shifting, twisting around her and forcing her into a new position. Her arms were brought around and behind her, something coiling to draw her elbows tightly together, forcing her to thrust her chest out in presentation to her captor. Her legs were brought up and bent, her ankles bound to her thighs, but her knees were spread out, and Faust stepped forward in-between them as if accepting an invitation. All the while her hips were kept in the air at the same level as his, her feet never allowed to touch the ground.
Faust grinned sadistically down to his captive, resting his hands on her thighs, stroking the soft skin. Selina met his gaze with her own, speaking volumes of her outrage, her defiance, but also of her fear. The man was thin, not in shape, and looked to be her elder by thirty years at least. In a physical fight he would be no danger at all. She would have been able to best him without trying, laughing as she did. But Faust ensured she never had that chance, the mystic bondage holding her lithe form completely trapped.
One hand reached out, fondling her breast, fingers tracing over her stiffened nipple. His other reached down, and while Catwoman could not see what he did, she felt the sudden presence of his hardened, burning shaft pressing against her pussy, through the rip torn in her panties by the whip. She glared up, her eyes promising revenge and retribution, and the sorcerer laughed, plunging himself into her.
Selina closed her eyes, trying to struggle as she let out a howl of degradation. There was no pleasure as the magician raped her, forcing his length into her tight channel with steady thrusts. The whip across her sex had seen to that, and Catwoman could only feel the horror and pain of the invasion. She whipped her head about, screaming again in pain as Faust spoke another spell, and suddenly the tips of his fingers seemed to burn with fire wherever he stroked her. He molested one breast to the sound of her screams, pulling the lace away and seizing a tiny nipple between thumb and forefinger. His other torturous fingers wrapped around her, groping her beautiful bottom. Selina gasped, looking up to Faust with wide, terrified eyes as the pain seared through her, unable to believe anyone could be this cruel. Faust grinned, reaching up to cup her face, and as she howled she could feel him stiffen even further inside of her, his long shaft spasming as he climaxed deep inside her.
He stepped back, and she could feel the horrible length of him pulling from her tight channel. She moaned, taking deep, exhausted breaths, panting as he looked over her. She closed her eyes, sobbing, grateful at least that he had cum so quickly.
“Now, what next?” Selina blinked at his words, feeling the lust oozing from them, and looked up in shock. Faust stood there, holding his still hardened shaft in his hand as he looked over her. With a grin he directed the bonds holding her, and Catwoman was twisted about yet again, helpless as it turned her, her arms still pulled back tight behind her, but moving her face down, her exquisite, athletic bottom positioned to him. She squealed through the gag, trying to disbelieve what was happening as she felt the tool of her rape positioned between her cheeks.
“Mastery of the dark arts comes with many benefits, kitten.” Faust said, his tone mocking her. “And it is only just midnight. We have plenty of time until Dawn comes, and we must leave. A lesser woman would break from such a time, but I’ve seen your strength, girl, and you’re too strong to succumb to that mercy.” Catwoman closed her eyes tight, mewling into the gag, and trying to draw on the reserves of will the magician spoke of.
It was many long hours before sunlight began to break across Gotham’s towers. And no one outside knew of the screams, cries and tear-filled wails of misery and shame that filled Selina Kyle’s loft until that time.
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