Louisiana Pit Fight: Sandi Stone Vs Jody | By : JayDee Category: Comics > Preacher (Vertigo) > Preacher (Vertigo) Views: 5377 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Preacher. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Louisiana Pit Fight: Sandi Stone Vs Jody
By JD joandoe@gmail.com
Description: When two fighters who claim (truthfully or not) to have never lost face off, one’s going to have to eat dirt.
Content Codes: ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, Crossover, Death, Humil, Language, M/F, Rape, Oneshot, Other, PWP, Racist, SoloM, Violence, Voy
Disclaimer: This story contains content that should not be read by people underneath the age of 21. It is 100% fiction and has no bearing on reality whatsoever. 100% fiction means real life rape is WRONG. The author does not condone illegal and immoral actions described. If you feel rape in the real world is a good thing, bend over in a prison and whistle dixie. While I'm disclaiming, racism, homophobia and other bigotry of any kind are also really fucking stupid. I don’t own any of David Sullivan’s or Garth Ennis & (Vertigo/DC Comics)’ characters and make no profit from this story. Neither entity provided permission for use of their characters. Please read the story codes above to ensure that you are not going to be offended by, or otherwise dislike, the content.
Additional Credit: Story requested by VileCorpus as part of the DSE (Story) Victim Exchange Program
It gets hot in the south, ‘specially in the high part of summer. It was past noon, so there was some shadow down in the pit, but the fighters stood in the sun. The pit was about twenty feet across and deep enough that nobody could get back out without a rope from above. The crowd of rednecks and shitkickers who normally turned up for the bouts was swelled to twice its size by a busload of woman who’d come to watch the challenger. A few of the rednecks weren’t happy to see two or three black women, being hardcore idiot racists.
The only man who had come down with the muscular crowd of female bodybuilders was a pathetic specimen called Danny. He stood away from both crowds, deprived even of his minor importance in holding a towel and sponge for “his” fighter Sandi Stone; this wasn’t going to be that kind of fight. A rat-like, balding, man stood next to him – he was widely known as T.C. and he was effectively the other fighter, Jody’s, second. He carried a shotgun in one hand a bottle of beer in the other.
“Hey, boy,” T.C. muttered out of the side of his mouth, “your wumman looks like she’s got a snake in those panties! I’m telling you now, if she has, Jody’s gonna stick that five hundred bucks you give LaChance to pay him to put the dick to her right up yore ass. Jody ain’t no faggot. Last person even hinted it got kicked so hard his balls ended up in his stomach!”
Danny looked away from the pit, and stared with haunted eyes towards T.C.’s twisted leer. He spoke quietly, as if he had long had any desire to shout beaten from him – which, of course, he had.
“I paid Mr. LaChance $1000 to have... to ask Mr. uh… Jody to teach her a lesson. I guess he took a commission like other fight promoters. I can assure you Sandi doesn’t have a dick though, Sir. Sandi Stone is ALL woman. I have the scars. I hope Jody can beat her; I’ve never seen her lose a fight. Not ever.”
T.C. didn’t have a problem with a little commission, but $500 was too damn much. He nodded at Danny and then raised his voice, “Hey Jody! LaChance tried to stiff you out of five hundred yankee dollars! The boy here done us a good turn by letting us know about it, so you be sure and do him one down there. He ain’t such a bad kid for a sissy streak o’ piss.”
LaChance looked like he was going to shit his pants as he heard T.C.’s shout. Sweat beaded his forehead under the wide white brim of his hat. He hurriedly pulled out the rest of the money Danny had given him, with a chunk extra he’d made off the day’s betting, and handed it over to T.C. The vile little rat-like bastard chuckled as he pocketed the money and watched the fat man get back away from him. LaChance still walked funny after the time he’d tricked Jody into fighting a Gorilla, and Jody had responded by forcing a baseball bat up the fat man’s ass.
LaChance was still shaking as he called for silence from the crowds who mutually taunted each other. He was more than happy to have the big muscle women down because they liked betting on fights, and each and every one of them had bet high on Sandi Stone. His coat pockets bulged with cash even after paying off T.C. The crowd quieted down quickly, ready for the fight.
“Ladies and Gentlemen! I hope you’re all ready for high drama and lots more betting today!. We got here two people who’ve never lost a fight in the ring – or out of it,” he added the last hurriedly, for fear of offending either participant, “The little lady is one Sandi Stone, 5’6 and heavy as my momma. When young Danny here contacted me to set up the fight he said she was built like an armored division and fast as the blitzkrieg and I guess he weren’t bullshittin’ me none!”
Sandi Stone posed in the pit, as the sun glistened off oil she had rubbed her body with. She was naked but for blue daisy dukes and red boots. Every muscle on her body seemed to be twice as big as anyone could realistically believe it to be. She was a whole foot shorter than her opponent but probably weighed nearly as much. When Sandi flexed her arms it looked like giant mutant moles were burrowing beneath the skin. Her awesome breasts were almost a freak of nature; to remain so large on a woman so packed with muscle was completely unnatural and perhaps related to her relative youth; Sandi was still in her early twenties.
The female fans whooped and hollered, cheering their champion on. Most of them had been watching Sandi Stone fight for years against opponents even bigger and meaner looking than the grey-haired redneck on the other side of the pit. Danny had told them all on the bus down that this Jody was supposed to be totally unbeatable, and that Jody’d told the promoter he could put ten women down like Sandi Stone; and that he was going to kill her to show all women who was boss. Sandi, of course, had wrapped one of her huge arms around Danny’s neck and choked him unconscious for even repeating such a blasphemous statement. How they’d laughed as the pathetic male worm had writhed and slumped.
“The hometown boy here is Jody,” LaChance continued, “6’6 and the meanest, toughest, nastiest most evil son of a bitch on god’s green earth. This is the man who once tore off a fat boy’s head so T.C. could shit down his neck! This is the man who can shatter a skull with a single blow! If you fuck with Jody the police don’t call it homicide when they find bits of you, they call it suicide!”
The rednecks erupted in a cheer to match the women. LaChance hoped that his flattery would prevent some hideous revenge being meted out over the five hundred bucks. Like most of the good ol’ boys he was armed, but if he had to use his gun he’d put it in his mouth. LaChance figured shooting Jody would only piss him off!
Down in the pit Jody stood still with his arms crossed. He was taller than Sandi Stone, and probably more than twice her age. Still, his body was packed hard with muscle and if Sandi Stone was a tank then he was a brick shithouse. He watched her pose with a slight smile on her face. In Jody’s experience bodybuilders didn’t know how to fight, but if there was a chance she’d won as many encounters as LaChance said, he wasn’t going to risk a beatin’ from no woman. He was bare-chested as well, but wore dirty khaki pants over his boots.
“Okay this here Louisiana Pit Fight is officially started! No bells! No rounds! No Gloves! No holds barred and no fucking sissy boy rules!”
Sandi Stone stopped her posing and grinned up at Jody.
“Last worm I crushed they could only identify from dental records. I cracked his skull like a nut between my thighs. You’re about to find out what it’s like to fight a real woman, redneck.”
Jody spat into the dirt and cracked his knuckles. If he weren’t the stud he knew he was it’d be fucking hard for him to think of getting it up with a woman like Sandi Stone. Her face and hair were beautiful enough, and she had tits like he dreamed of – but she had more muscles than him and that weren’t his thing. Jody wasn’t the kind of guy who’d put the dick to just anything – but chances are this Danny wouldn’t mind if he had to let T.C. do it. What was the pathetic yankee streak of piss going to do? Argue?
“Make yore peace, cooze. You ain’t leavin’ this pit alive.”
Sandi Stone laughed as her already confident expression changed to one of supreme arrogance. She just knew she was going to have fun making Jody beg as she had so many men before. So many men thought because they were taller than her or just because they were male and muscular they could beat her. So many of them had found out too late that they were dead wrong as she pulped their balls in her fingers or snapped their necks one-handed.
The distance closed between the two fighters. Sandi held her arms up like a boxer, while Jody walked with his at his side. He’d seen some fucked up shit in his time - he’d been responsible for most of it – but the 5’6 muscle woman was a whole new level to him. She was built like some ‘male weight lifting faggot’, with her face, hair and gravity defying cleavage as the only overt signs of femininity.
Jody was slower than Sandi Stone. He realized that when she lunged in on the attack. The muscular blonde’s fists slammed hard against Jody’s defined stomach and then up his pecs before Sandi smashed her fist into his jaw with a blow that knocked Jody’s head sideways. She followed with three more hard punches to the jaw and blood trickled slowly down from the corner of Jody’s mouth. The roar from Sandi Stone’s section of the crowd was incredible.
The evil old redneck was surprised by the blows to the jaw, but not fazed by them. As for the blows to his hard body; they were barely even worth noting. So well developed was Jody’s torso that Sandi Stone’s favorite rib breaking jabs failed to have any effect. Jody knew then that he had the measure of his opponent. Any fool wasted time and strength smashing away at muscle was a dead fool.
Jody swung a punch past Sandi Stone’s guard with all of the strength in his body. He used his many years experience of fucking people up to pitch it just right, with his solid knuckles angled in to cause the most damage. The blow smacked Sandi Stone’s left breast dead center. The huge firm mound of tit meat bowed in under the impact, compressed between steel-hard muscle and Jody’s fist. Sandi Stone’s left breast came under enormous pressure and split all the way across.
The female portion of the crowd fell into shocked silence as Sandi Stone’s destroyed left breast ran messily down her eight-pack stomach. Jody withdrew his gory fist quickly and more fat and blood dripped out through the heavy ragged tear in the tanned flesh. Jody felt his big ol’ pecker twitch with the sadistic thrill of violence. ‘Hell,’ he thought, ‘this won’t be so bad after all.’
His opponent’s mind was in a much less collected state. Sandi Stone wasn’t even used to feeling pain, let alone to taking such a huge wound during a fight. She hurt people – she didn’t intend on getting hurt. The agony was incredible. Simple movement brought fresh pain as her massive left pectoral moved behind the destroyed breast. Sandi Stone gritted her teeth and moved back, fists raised. She was going to see Jody’s balls on a stick for this, but her fans were less keen,
“End the fight, now!” That was Onyx, a big black bodybuilder who was rumored to have smothered her last lover to death when she feel asleep on top, and he couldn’t shift her weight to breathe.
“Fight ain’t over ‘til it’s over, Missy,” said LaChance, without taking his eyes from the pit.
“Fight’s over when I pull off your balls!”
Onyx’s approach was stopped dead, literally, when T.C. raised his shotgun to her face. She looked into two barrels for a fraction of a second and then the roar of gunfire filled the air. Her head exploded even more messily than Sandi Stone’s tit had; her body slumped down to her knees as her panties filled with voided shit and piss. T.C. spat on her corpse,
“Fuckin’ niggers! Who’s goddamn idea was it to invite these freaks? Boys, lets show these muscle bitches who’s boss!”
Down in the pit Sandi Stone kept her eyes locked on Jody. She heard the roar of guns and the screams of her friends as the massacre began.
“Whatever the hell else happens today, I’m going to pull off your fucking head, Jody. I’m going to bathe in your blood!”
Jody grinned at her bravado as he closed in,
“Only head of mine your getting is the head of my pecker inside you, fore you die. Maybe T.C.’s after you die, though I dunno that he’d do it with you, alive or dead.”
Teeth gritted, Sandi Stone did what she did best and went back on the offensive. She hammered Jody’s body with the kind of punches and hard strikes that usually had men broken and begging on the floor. She was fast discovering that his hard body had the same kind of stopping power as her own did; he soaked up the short brawny blonde’s storm of offence as if it was a light shower, and then hit her again.
Jody didn’t drop his shoulders when he threw punches. The only warning Sandi Stone had was when she saw the fist coming in fast at the side of her head. The almost earth shattering blow knocked the Amazonian (now, more than ever) warrior to the ground. A ringing like the bells of judgment day filled Sandi Stone’s head along with severe and unrelenting pain.
A single blow had burst both eardrum and eyeball. Blood and ocular fluid ran down the right side of Sandi Stone’s pretty face, while a trickle emerged from her ear and stained her blonde hair. Dirt was ground into the open wound on her chest as she slammed into the ground. Sandi heard an utterly unfamiliar sound through her good ear; her own scream of pain. Jody stomped on her back to drive her ruined breast further into the dirt.
Outside the pit a few of the muscle woman had been taken without being shot, or at least without being instantly killed. The rednecks were eagerly trying the hard meat. A pretty 220lb redhead, who could press more than her own weight, was getting double-teamed with a gun to her head. Her lifeblood drained into the grass from an agonizing stomach wound. Nearby a Nevadan bodybuilder tasted a dick that hadn’t been washed since Nixon was in the white house, while flick knives carved initials in her ass. She was second only to Sandi Stone in the number of men she’d beaten in the ring, but that seemed a long time ago now.
Danny paid no attention to the killings nor to the rapes. He was there to see the main attraction.
Sandi started to push herself back up to her feet. The only thing that was keeping her going was the intense fantasy of what she was going to do to Jody. She saw through her one remaining eye that Jody’s cock had escaped the confines of his pants waistband and was pushing up against his stomach. There was absolutely no doubt now that he was going to do her good before she died – Hell, Jody was ready to fuck now.
“Cooze, this fight’s over. You’re dead on yore feet. Them bitches up there are dead, or gonna be real soon. Ain’t nothin’ but food for ‘gators. If you lie back down I’ll screw you and kill you quick. If you don’t, then Ah’m gonna pull yore arm off and put yore own fist up yore ass then smash yore skull in as I fuck ya.”
“Burn in hell, worm. You got lucky, so far. No man’s ever beaten me, no man ever will!”
She thought that she was as angry as she could possibly be, but then Danny called down,
“Sandi! I want you to know I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks. You’re one stupid bitch, but now you’re getting yours for good!”
She looked up to see her ‘pet’ stroking his dick. He flipped her the bird with his other hand.
Sandi Stone screamed defiance and charged Jody. Her agony lent her frenzied speed and she drove the wind from his gut with a massively muscled shoulder. Jody went down under the shorter girl’s weight and felt her scramble for a position to blast his face. He sighed, enjoying the feeling of her body on his, and then wrapped his hand into her thick blonde hair.
Jody hit Sandi Stone on her good side. Her remaining eardrum was burst in a couple of blows, and her last eyeball turned red and then followed after three. The strong strikes to her skull knocked her unconscious; Jody only stopped when she went limp, and pushed her to the side. Time to pull off that arm…
Sandi Stone was tougher than any woman alive and so quickly recovered from the head strikes that would have killed any lesser woman. She wished she hadn’t though as she felt Jody’s boots pressing into her shoulder and armpit. Jody gripped her arm beneath the elbow and further up on the shoulder. He was impressed at how hard the muscles were under his fingers. Sandi Stone’s hugely muscled arm was wider at the bicep than Jody’s thigh. He used every muscle he could bring to bare against her as he pulled.
The muscle woman couldn’t even twist her thick body over to get her other arm into the equation. She felt her face with her other hand and shuddered as her thick fingers poked into wet holes where eyes should be. Blinded and deafened, she only felt the vibrations of her scream as Jody tore her arm loose. His own muscles bulged out like sacks of rocks as he strained. He had to tear thick muscle loose and dislocate bone, but he knew he could do it. He could stop a fucking tractor if he had to! Jody grunted and strained one final time; he was rewarded by Sandi Stone’s massive arm separating at the shoulder. There was a sound almost like ripping paper and then blood was pumping freely over Jody’s boots. She was going to bleed to death in a few minutes, but that was more than enough time.
The arm twitched; it felt heavier than he expected, but a promise was a promise. Blood pumped out over her semi-debreasted chest as Jody carried the limb down to where her red boots were kicking up dirt. Sandi Stone was broken and pleading in a non stop babble for him not to do it. He looked at the massive hand on the end of the arm, and thought about Sandi’s tight ass.
“Ahh, fuck it. Too much fuckin’ effort.”
He decided he just didn’t feel like taking the effort to force the heavy limb into Sandi Stone’s ass. He left it on the floor as he kicked off boots and trousers and got down between the screaming and bloody muscle woman’s legs. Her gigantic thighs were forced apart by Jody’s insistent waist. At eight inches, Jody’s shaft was twice as long and twice as wide as Danny’s was. The evil old redneck’s muscles strained again as he tore her daisy dukes off like they were paper, and snapped her pink thong like a strand of cotton candy.
He didn’t fuck around with foreplay after that. He just drove right on in and raped the arrogant bitch into the dirt.
The defeated muscle woman struggled beneath Jody, but she was losing strength with every heartbeat. The rape was an almost unbearable humiliation on top of being beaten; Sandi Stone was tough enough to take the incredible physical agony, but the mental anguish destroyed her like nothing ever could. She wasn’t able to hear the names Jody had for her – bitch, whore, slut, cooze – but her humiliation was complete without.
Jody was surprised by how incredibly tight Sandi Stone was. Her pelvic floor muscles were as well built as the rest of her body, and she squeezed his cock like virgin as he raped her. Sandi Stone’s rock hard body moving against him was a vastly different experienced to the fat whores in town. The sadistic madman squeezed her remaining huge breast in his hand until she screamed from the fresh pain. Her breathing was very shallow and as an experienced killer he knew he had to hurry up unless he wanted to be a fuckin’ necrophile. Jody humped faster and faster, moving his hard cock inside Sandi Stone’s hot cunt until he could take it no more and drained his balls inside the dying woman.
Sandi Stone’s near-death cunt twitched around Jody’s evil dick. As he withdrew a torrent of spunk poured out into the dirt. She was a poor fighter, he concluded, but not a bad lay. There were worse ways to get your balls drained out in the swamps. She was female, human, and warm – beyond that, who cared?
The muscle woman’s escaping blood had slowed considerably, but he could tell she was still just hanging onto life. Sandi Stone couldn’t feel her remaining limbs anymore. She was afraid of death. She could hear the whispered voices of the men she’d killed growing stronger with every second. They were waiting for her in death.
Jody stood over the bloody hunk of meat and unleashed a final indignity. He pointed his pecker at her bloody eye sockets and filled each one with piss before spraying the last into her mouth. Sandi Stone gagged weakly on Jody’s foul waste and died with the taste of it as her final conscious thought. Her own piss and shit was voided noisily into the dirt a few seconds later, a fitting final comment on the life of Sandi Stone.
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