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Reviews for Lady Doom: Sequel to Minion

By : Gevaisa
  • From ANON - Son of the Atomic Biscuithead on February 12, 2006
    I know, choose as you want and all that- comic fluidity, but I've really been liking the story and I was just jarred out of my comfortable "hell yeah!" into "Uh... what the hell?!?"...

    Honestly I've never held with the "everyone is a mutant" thing. It sort've cooled my jets here and made me highly uncomfortable. Besides, lots of people got variant forms of the Super-Soldier Serum- it wasn't just Steve. Ubermensch (Master Man), Krieger Frau (Warrior Woman), Unterwassermensch (U-Man/Meranno)-- those three come to immediate mind, Diamondback later as well. Also it's been shown that the Serum works on anyone-- Steve's blood (and the blood of those who've been exposed to the Serum) works exactly like it. So much so they have to be extremely careful where his blood and tissue samples go. I remember they had a big stink in SHIELD about someone breaking in and stealing some of his blood-- terrified they were going to make tons of supersoldiers.

    Also, the thing about the Red Skull isn't entirely correct. He is an old Nazi, but he does have black operatives (and operatives of other ethnicities). Crucible -a mutant who spies on Magneto to report back to the Skull- is one of them and a member of the Skeleton Crew on and off. The Skull is more about sowing hatred and discord between everyone on the planet so he can take over. That's his schtick, his "New Order". He even mocks Hitler for focusing on a single group on multiple occasions. It has nothing to do with being white and everything to do with being the Skull. Johann's an asshole, sure, but if you want a raving white-supremacist you have to go knock on Hatemonger's door.

    Can you tell I read a lot of Captain America? Also I'm a big fan of the Skull's little seen wife (There are arguments for and against this and -since we never see the wedding- nobody can say for sure. Personally I believe they are married.), Mother Night (yes, like the Vonnegut book of the same title). She's a very complex character who loves her husband dearly even though he might actually be the most evil man on the planet. Actually, knowing her, because he is. They killed her off just a few issues ago in the new comics. *sigh* Poor Momma.
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  • From ANON - Nat on February 12, 2006
    hi agian loved this chappie proves that beauty is really on the outside for others and what is skin deep is reall ugly minus the helping glamours loved this chappie and hope to see more up form you soon! :-)
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  • From ANON - Son of the Atomic Biscuithead on February 12, 2006
    I almost feel sorry for the alter Doom. His life really sucks at the moment. Can't wait to see what happens!!!
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  • From ANON - Nat on February 11, 2006
    hi again loved the chappie including the end way to write it funny hope to see more chapter up from you soon huh? until then keep up the great writing! :-)
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  • From ANON - Nat on February 05, 2006
    hey gave my review on the wrong page did not know you posted in two places loved this chappie and hope to see more great action writen by you in the near future? :-)
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  • From ANON - Son of the Atomic Biscuithead on February 04, 2006
    Cool new installment. Heh, if this was the real Kristoff I might feel sorry for him, but as it isn't I give a hearty "GO JOVI, GO!" To that, I also must add that I'm curious about how the Alter-Valeria will act to this "touchy" subject she's stumbled across. Can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Son of the Atomic Biscuithead on February 01, 2006
    Call me what you want, I'm not picky as far as names. If Biscuithead is easier to remember/type, so be it. I thought Jovi's foiling of anti-Kristoff was hilarious. How many ways are there to call someone mucus are there? lmao -- I'm also anxious to hear how you include Wanda in all this. I've always hated what they did to her and the Vision. (I am a big fan of the Vision/Scarlet Witch books previous to the... horrible incidents and I like the relationship.) There was no reason to make him a "non-man" or set the ball in motion to take their children. I also think it's hilarious that all this stuff in House of M basically comes down to the fact that John Byrne stole the Vision's dick. I mean, people say it all comes down to sex in the end, but in this case it's true. Back on topic, I dread the introduction of Jovi's mom, even as much as I want to see how that all goes down--- I just hope Mrs. Florescu is made of stern stuff because I like her and I'd like to see her make it to the end of the story all in one piece.

    Dry history stuff: Yes indeed, Tezcatlipoca is Aztec. He was actually the chief God of the Toltecs previous to being absorbed into the Aztec culture. He's got quite an amazing amount of stories written about him. In popular culture today he's usually cast in a villainous light, despite his more nurturant and benign aspects, because of opposition of Queztalcoatl. Modern folk generally like to make QC there cuddly, despite the fact that he has some bad stuff to his name too. He killed his twin, Xolotl, for one (he got better, but still...). Together Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca were called the "Waters of Life" and represented as two river snakes on many types of livery. QC was "Flowering Water"-- logic. TCP there was called "Burning Water"--- passion. At the time it was believed that the King, though granted his kingship by Huitzlipoctli, needed the blessings of both Gods and their specific gifts to effectively rule his people.
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  • From ANON - Nat on February 01, 2006
    hi again wow give the prince a nappy and a paw cuz he's a big baby loved this chapter really made me laugh...i needed that the website is still doing it's weird thing it may be my browser if you know anything sendme a message at k? this is a great story and I hope to see another chapter up from you soon!
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  • From ANON - Son of the Atomic Biscuithead on January 30, 2006
    I particularly love the tale of Hades and Persephone among all the "classical" myths. Your use of it is very sensual and not ham-handed, which I do appreciate. With your inclusion of the Persephone reference I think we can be assured of a growing theme. It is often Persephone in the myths who becomes the mercy that tempers her brooding husband's wrath or apathy. The themes in the myth are something universal, even if the specific incidents are not. For example, in the Americas it is Tezcatlipoca (burning mirror, the Lord of the night and all things in it, Master of magic ) who woos and weds Xilonen (sprouting corn, a child Goddess who is associated with new crops) who then is called Xochiquetzal (feathery flower) and becomes the magnificent Goddess of love. She is said to curb her husband's dislike of mankind and prompted the institution of the 'confession'-- where people, instead of keeping their wickedness and evil inside where it would fester and make Tezcatlipoca seek to destroy them, would come before him and admit all the wrongs they had done to others and any hatred they bore in their hearts. He would exact payment in blood, usually by whipping or pricking with agave thorns (done by the devout themselves). It was to remind the person not to do such evil again and to pay him for his time, but the newly cleansed person would be spared the things of the dark that Tezcatlipoca sets upon those who anger him by cowardly hiding their evil. --- somehow I can definitely see Doom doing something along those lines. Anyway, now that I have rambled on, I'll just say I can't wait to see how all this develops and I'm glad you aren't upset.
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  • From ANON - Nat on January 30, 2006
    hi again hope all is well on your end loved this chapter cant wait untill the dooms go against each other so to speak was wondering i can't seem to be able to go to the next page on the main story borad to see older stories written here at AFF do you know why if you can email me back thanks

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  • From ANON - Lurker no-mo on January 27, 2006
    Oh, my dear. You are sadly mistaken converning the lack of male attention. I have been a devoted follower since chapter 3 of Minion. My Y just hasn't been eloquent enough to add anything to what is being contributed by others. Your's is the first story I check in on when I log on. Phooey on Marvel - yours is better.
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  • From ANON - Son of the Atomic Biscuithead on January 26, 2006
    Interesting new chapter-- I think the jolts from Jovi are nice. She's starting to see Victor as "her Victor" more and thinks less of him in terms of Doom (a natural hormonal reaction if nothing else- though the presence of mind remains around him as Dr. Doom and she knows what he's fully capable of, she is his mate and the connections --both chemical and associative-- in her mind would alter due to it)-- the realization that little Victor could intimidate people just as easily as big Victor was played out nicely. It's a little icewater for a thinking woman, not a cold realization for a girl caught in things beyond her depth. As a reader I appreciate well-thought out icewater for sharp women-- especially used in places where another writer would just plop down into stereotypical romantic slush. Jovi knows what she's doing and I welcome the coming storm after this rosy lull. Lulls are nice, but Jovi is made of steel not moonbeams. She is a woman of action. I will continue to read avidly. Excelsior! (BTW: I really hate to burst your bubble, but I am not male. The reference is actually to the Spindoctors and Frank Zappa.)
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  • From ANON - Nat on January 26, 2006
    hi again loved this chapter remainded me of my gramps that passed on two years ago he was the kidder of the family like were this story is going keep up on the background information as we go along it really makes the story more understandable for the readers well that is all for now hope to see another chapter up from you soon!
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  • From ANON - Nat on January 24, 2006
    hi again loved the chappie yea a undisclosed honeymoon sound fun! love the way you gave jo and vic their personalities and then explain the back ground information on them very good! hope they kick imposter ass soon so they can get on with their lives and the wedding? TTFN ~nat
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  • From ANON - Son of the Atomic Biscuithead on January 24, 2006
    Well... I've got to give it to you. This has been a good read throughout the whole thing (including the first story). Normally I just sort of breeze around here to see what's going on and not much more- but your story is worth following. Being a merry marvelite for a long time (though, sadly, not much anymore. I buy reprints of the old stuff -mostly), I can appreciate a lot of the extra touches you add here and there. Very nice. Please continue on and I too want to know what 'Lady Doom' said to Victor in Hell... but you just keep teasing us with the info, dangit.
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