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Reviews for The Alpha

  • From Aysha on April 10, 2012
    I enjoyed this story veary much, yourdepiction of the demon raven was quite vivid. I liked her a lot. Though I think she should not refer to herselfs in the singuler, but allways in the plural such as we or us never I or she. And she should say somthing like "You are our alpha we will do whatever pleases you. ;) just a thought.

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  • From shewillnotbenamed on May 12, 2011
    Great story! I love Robin and Raven as a couple--they're way hotter together than Robin and Starfire!
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  • From Pinkney on February 09, 2009
    NICE!!!! Raven and Robin: I like the pairing. They make a good pairing. One question though, WHY THE HELL DOESN'T CARTOON NETWORK PUT TEEN TITANS BACK ON?

    Also please check out my Mortal Kombat story again. At first I was going to do two chapters but I decided to add on and keep it as just one chapter. And you are right! A MK Anime would kick ass i wish there was one. There was a tv show called Mortal Kombat Conquest. Cheek it out on youtube. I miss that show!

    I'm glad Sub-Zero is your favorite character. He's mine too. He was the first character I used when I played Mortal Kombat 2. That was the first mortal Kombat game I ever played and since then Sub-Zero has been my number one used character. He still is today.
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