Spellbound | By : Praetor Category: DC Verse Cartoons - Teen Titans > General Views: 50382 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, the DC comic book franchise nor the Cartoon Network TV series. I derive no profit from this work. |
Thank you for visiting, same themes as before, this time with some femdom and maledom.
Beast Boy watched the sun rise over the east through the great windows on that looked out over the city, this time a little more northerly than the last tower he watched it from. He had been tasked with over watching the erection of the newest Titans Tower, this time in the south.
He chuckled a little and said ‘Erection.’
Cyborg oversaw the first expansion of the Teen Titans, Titans East, based out of New Jersey. This one was going to be Titans South, or at least south in the United States. As with the last one, this tower would be built on an artificial island just off the coast of the city. He briefly wondered for a moment what the zoning committee in the city thought of that, or where the money for such ventures came from. Titans had to have a lot of generous financial backers since they weren’t a government organization. Robin handled most of those technicalities, so he figured it was something Bruce Wayne was ultimately behind.
‘I still think we should have set up in San Antonio.’ said the heavily accented voice of Pantha
The big and buffy woman walked around behind him. She was a foot taller than most men, two in Beast Boy’s case. She had to be about 6 foot 6, although he couldn’t tell from so far down below her. She wore a black leotard wrestling singlet, accented with gold tiger claw stripes and a wide belt around her midsection that bore a black P. Her wrists were taped black with similar gold strikes and her legs were adorned with the tall athletic boots that were also gold and black.
She was not wearing a mask now, so her long, thick, wavy brown hair fell around her head and shoulders in a long mane. Her face had a very strong kind of femininity. She still had an angular chin and high cheekbones, but they seemed more defined. Her skin was darker brown bronzy hue, and her large almond eyes were a rich chocolatey kind of brown.
‘The locale has to be on the coast.’ he said simply
‘Houston is close enough.’ said Pantha
‘What’s wrong with Tampa? Not a Buccaneers fan?’ asked BB
‘Too touristy, too far from Mexico.’ she said
‘Titans South also has to be quick to move in the Caribbean.’ he said with a shrug ‘besides, we’re closer to Disney World.’
‘I tire of talk. Let’s try out the new training room.’ said Pantha as she turned
Beast Boy walked with her through the hallways. The floors were polished, the ceilings had just been panelled but the walls weren’t covered, with bare plaster in plain sight. Some parts of the building were less prepared than others, the basement didn’t have flooring and only half the lights were installed above the first four floors.
The new training room was something alien to Titans South, with futuristic holograms, force field generators and repulsors that could simulate any conceivable environment. Titans East was still using visible machines and analogues.
They found the room and entered it. It was a spacious basement sized room that went up 3 stories. The walls had to be reinforced heavily to protect against the dangers of superheroes in training and to support the weight of the building against the empty space inside. There was a command and control pod in the ceiling at the centre, but it was also voice activated on the inside for single person training. The floors and walls were sleek and light was provided by panels from the walls and ceiling.
‘Load sparring program Pantha.’ called Beast Boy to the empty air
It beeped affirmatively and after some whirring, the room came to life. Gradually the lighting got dimmer as the empty room filled out, seemingly expanding to accommodate the inside of a stadium. Stands filled the outside in a U shape around the two heroes as they watched the training room populate the area. The sound systems began to channel in crowd noise. It sounded like a full room, indistinct chattering filling the air as a square wrestling ring appeared in the middle of the room.
‘No way, you programmed a wrestling arena to spar in?’ asked Beast Boy
‘We did no such thing, Cyborg already built that in for us.’ she said as she jumped up onto the apron with a single hop.
She grabbed onto the top rope and threw her hand up in a fist, looking outward as the virtual crowd began cheering. The ropes were red, the apron was brown, and the turn buckles were padded black. An entrance ramp was generated but unused as they were already at ring side. Pantha jumped over the ropes and bounded across, running the rope before posing in the middle. The statuesque stunner was in amazing physical condition.
Her tree trunk legs were thick and bulged with cut muscles even when she wasn’t flexing. There was enough womanly curve in her still to where there was a delightful jiggle when she stepped. Her hips were wide and waist almost impossibly narrow, with a thick, well built muscular ass that was clear from the tight, thin leotard she wore. Her barrel chest had serratus musculature visible even through the clothes, though her bulging pecks and shoulder muscles were somewhat obscured by her bust. Even without his little spell, her tits were more than a handful and contained by a robust bra. When she flexed her already bulky arms, the almost too well developed muscles bulged with patches of veins like his cock.
She pinched her top and reached in between her boobs for something, whipping out a mask as the digital crowd roared. Apparently, it was very adaptive. She pulled the mask over her face, a gold striped Luchador mask with black stripes. The mouth and chin were still open, but her eyes were obscured by wide white covers. There were decorative ears at the top of the mask meant to mimic a panther.
She made wide beckoning gestures to Beast Boy, calling him out into the ring. He slid under the bottom rope and stood before her as the crowd began chanting ‘Bury him! Bury him!’
‘I bet Cyborg programmed that.’ he said somewhat loudly to her
‘Ignore the crowd little man, we fight now. Wrestling rules.’ she said as she took a fighting stance and held up her hands
‘Please go easy.’ he said as he brought his hands to hers
They interlocked fingers in a test of strength. He wasn’t really expecting to beat her. He had seen her lift and slam people much stronger than him. He was mostly interested in testing the new facility and in possibly being crushed between her thighs or held in a chokehold with his head between her breasts.
‘There is nothing so easy in Luchador!’ she said harshly before pushing him to his knees by her hands
She then pressed a boot to his chest, knocking him back. He rolled through to his feet in time to see that Pantha had run across the ropes and bounced off them. The ground bounced with each of her steps as she beelined towards him and struck him across the chest with her arm. He was slapped to the ground and the springy teen titan bounced right back to his feet in time for her to bounce off the opposite rope and clothesline him again.
He flopped around and decided to just stay down that time and maybe she would have mercy. She continued across the ring, bouncing off the rope and bounding back. She jumped over him in a small hop and he flinched, though she landed on the other side of him. He looked over and watched her muscular ass clench and relax, slowly swallowing the back of her leotard. The black seat of her singlet was riding up over the sculpted glutes and was wedging between her cheeks.
He didn’t get to admire it for long before she jumped up onto the ropes, landing with her feet on the middle ropes and grabbing the top with both hands. Using the recoil, she launched herself into a back flip and landed belly first across Beast Boy in a moonsault. She rolled through onto her feet as Beast Boy jolted up guarding him midsection after the breath was knocked from him. He was no stranger to pain, but she was trying her best.
After rolling up to her feet, she stretched backward and launched into a handspring that sent her back onto her feet, where she bounced against the ropes and took off down the ring again. Beast Boy watched her run towards him and waited for her to commit to an attack. When she launched herself into a summer sault, he rolled onto his back and slid away. Pantha rolled into a senton bomb that missed, landing on her back.
She drew up onto her feet as he got to his. Pantha was quite agile, not merely a powerhouse. He ran into her and jumped into a drop kick, driving both of his feet into her shoulder for a double kick. She no sold it and brushed him aside, barely staggered as he fell back onto his side. Pantha brushed off her shoulder for the crowd and then grabbed Garfield by the leg as he tried to scurry away. She pulled him closer and grabbed him by the shoulder with her other arm. With a huff, she heaved him up off the floor by his purple and black clothes and onto her lap.
After deadlifting him, she heaved him into the air in an Olympic lift. She locked out her arms, holding him high above her head as she started walking around the ring. Beast Boy was now afraid to fall from over 8 feet and held onto her arm. The crowd roared, standing up with their arms over their heads like they were giving her energy for a spirit bomb.
‘Pantha is supreme in the ring!’ she shouted before turning and dropping him
Beast Boy fell chest first onto the top rope and landed on his feet, falling back into Pantha. She grabbed him tight around the waist from behind and swung herself backward with him in tow. She let go of the German Suplex mid swing and sent him flying halfway across the ring. He landed on his back and rolled through land back first on the bottom rope.
He pulled himself into the corner and the crowd started chanting ‘Panther Pounce! Panther Pounce!’
She charged at him in the corner as his brought his hands up in a desperate attempt to shield himself. She jumped at a point and slide between the bottom and middle rope, landing in a straddle on his chest. She drove her pelvis into his chest and mounted his face. There she bounced on him with a Bronco Buster, counting the humps with a hand in the air, raising a finger for each one. Beast Boy’s arms ended up under her and he tried to push her off, succeeding only in fondling her very firm backside.
Once she counted five, she pulled herself off him, freeing his face from her crotch. He didn’t know if that counted as his first time eating pussy but it definitely wasn’t pleasant. She started taunting in the middle of the ring, pointing to the crowd and doing signature poses as Beast Boy pulled himself to his feet with the ropes. Once he was back on his feet, he turned to face her. She was already facing him and took off in a charge.
Not wanting to be splattered, he remembered suddenly that he was Beast Boy. He fell back and willed himself into the shape of a Kangaroo. The green kangaroo rolled back, supporting itself with his tail as he kicked with his feet. The sudden move caught Pantha full in the sternum and sent her back, not enough to knock the mighty woman down but enough to stagger her.
‘Oh, so the green man wants to use his powers now.’ she said as he turned into a gorilla
The green furred ape bounded at her on his knuckles before jumping in for an over arm swing. She grabbed him around the chest and swung sideways, tossing him with his own momentum. He fell to the ground and the whole ring buckled. He bounced back and charged at her again. She open hand slapped him across the face, turning him aside. Then forearm smashed the back of his head.
Down on one knee, she grabbed him under the arm and between his legs, managing to miss his naughty bits. She heaved as she lifted him up off the ground and twisted him in the air. Turned sideways and then upside down, she slammed him back to the ground. He reverted to normal as he climbed up the ropes again. Pantha turned and raised her arms to the crowd and flexed.
‘Pantha is stronger than ape! Pantha is strongest there is!’
The crowd agreed and started echoing the cry ‘Pantha stronga! Pantha Stronga!’
Beast Boy climbed up the turnbuckle, standing in the corner post of the ring as she turned to face him again. He stood, carefully balancing himself on the corner ropes. He took a leap of faith and jumped into the air over her. She braced herself, readying to catch him as he tried his patented baby whale slam.
He turned into a great sea fish, sizing it to where he could still fit in the ring. Pantha caught him, but he proved to clunky to wield and she fell under him. He let out a whale call before she started to shift out from under him. He turned into a turtle then, falling a good distance before landing on her stomach. She lurched with an ‘oof’ before tossing him away. He shifted back to a human as she got back to her feet, clearly annoyed but not really phased by the upset.
‘I will break you!’ she exclaimed as she charged him
He turned around and shifted into a mule, throwing a devastating kick her way. She stopped short though, not falling for that trick a second time. She moved around the hind leg and wrapped her ape arms around him. As she lifted, he turned into a big fish. She adjusted her grip to hold him with both hands as his tail flapped and slapped her about the face a bunch of times.
Some chuckles came from the crowd before she threw the fish out of the ring. He turned back into a man to catch himself on the barrier at ring side. There he was face to face with members of the crowd. They seemed so real, the three people directly in front of him wearing novelty Pantha masks and giving him thumbs down. One of them pointed over his shoulder and said ‘Here she comes!’
He turned and saw Pantha vault over the top rope and land on him. He started falling back in time to catch himself on the barrier and absorb most of the impact. She grabbed him under the arms in the tickle spots and turned, throwing him back to the ring with a shout. He didn’t quite clear the ropes, landing on top of them under the arms.
She jumped onto the apron beside him and grabbed him by a fistful of tights by his waist, rolling him over the top rope into the ring. He landed on his feet on the other side as she grabbed onto his wrist. Holding onto it, she climbed up the turnbuckle and lead him down the ring, walking along the apron with catlike agility.
She jumped off with a shop to the back of the head that dropped him to the ground. He was really starting to feel the soreness of a beating now. He rolled onto his back and she stood over him. There she dropped onto him in a squat, turning it into a straddle as she got ready to ground and pound him into the mat. She shifted around, her glutes sitting on the perpetual bulge in his pants.
‘Is that you Beast Boy?’ she asked as she sat back to feel it better
He could almost feel her ass closing around his bulge. He was still shielding his face though and couldn’t see that her attention was diverted. She stood up and slid him forward. He dropped his hands confusedly in time to see her grab his pants by the crotch. He was afraid for the worst, but her fingers pulled the fabric away from him. Then with her other hand, she grabbed it and ripped the pants apart.
It was an impressive display of finger strength, but she looked more shocked when his long, semi hard cock flopped out. It uncoiled like a viper ready to strike, green and venous with a retracted skin.
She grabbed Beast Boy by the shoulders and pulled him up to his feet. There she grabbed him around the chest, trapping his arms to his side, and lifted him up in the air. There she gripped him tightly between her arms, crushing him in a bear hug. As silly as it sounded, it was effective for cracking his back and ribs, forcing air from his lungs.
‘So the little man has a giant burrito.’ she said into his ear
She was pulling him into her chest, arms around his back at the level of her abdomen. As he buckled under her, his face was pressed between her tits. The warmth of the masses could be felt though her bra and he could feel the flesh shift around his face. He couldn’t help but be turned on by boobs to the face. His cock reacted, twitching between his legs.
There it began to bounce, growing with every heart beat that pumped more blood into the excited organ. It began to take its shape, sticking out like a banana and then growing upright. The heavy cum laden balls fell out of the hole in his tights and magical briefs, slapping his thighs as his cock took on its full length. It went up between her legs, kissing the crotch of her costume. It started to surge, rising in an arc and popping out.
The veins along its surface ballooned and bulged, inflating the member to full strength as the foreskin peeled back completely. The shaft ran along her butt, sticking out and up until her glutes were in the way of its ascent.
She felt it by that point and said ‘Are you ready to tag in your friend?’
She closed her legs around his cock, trapping the monstrous member between her thick thighs. She flexed her ass, the muscular cheeks spreading momentarily before settling around his cock. Then she managed to grip his cock with them, the bulging glutes clamping around his cock.
‘Now this is a hold I’ve never done before.’ she said
She rocked her hips about, messaging his cock between her thighs and butt muscles, giving him a thigh job from the front and a butt job behind her legs with the skyward pointing member. It was an impressive, but strange, display of athleticism. Her body was running warmer because of exertion but the heat of her inner thighs and crotch was intense, leaching into his cock and exciting him more.
‘Does the little man like this, do you like fucking my thighs and ass cheeks like this? she asked as she humped his cock
She added in wrenches with her arms, squeezing him tighter and tighter. It was getting very hard to breath in the grip of her massive arms and face smothered by her tits through her top. It was also getting hard to think as she worked over his cock with her ass and legs, humping him into her hold.
‘I thought you liked your women curvy and begging?’ she said
He then remembered he had more tools at his disposal than just shapeshifting.
He had been going through the spell book with Raven in the time between fucking. Often with the two still naked and covered in the liquid testaments to their love. A lot of them were in fact stronger versions of their sex spells, apparently from a chapter of erotic magic. One of them jumped into his mind at that moment.
‘Kraftwort Orgasme!’
His hands shimmered with mystic light but the spell worked with him inside her grip. The temperature off her crotch spiked as her muscles went rigid, pulling him even tighter as she opened her mouth wide and arched her back. He guessed she was making her O face under the mask.
‘Oh, ah ah ahhh…’ she groaned as she started spasming out, humping his cock between her legs
She got jelly legged and her arms weakened, dropping the lad. She fell like a slinky to her knees, hands going down to her crotch that had begun to moisten.
‘What secret technique is this?’ she asked breathily
‘Just a spell to make you cum.’ he said as he stood up
The small man stood up in the middle of the ring, his cock standing up in front of him. The crowd chatter didn’t stop, amusingly enough. They continued to cheer and chant around them.
‘You are a magician?’ she asked while finally looking up
‘My girlfriend is, she’s taught me a few things.’ he said
‘Is that how you made bimbos of your friends, and got a donkey cock?’ she asked, easing back up to her feet on shaking legs
‘Short answer, yes.’ he said ‘but it’s mostly an accident.’
‘You accidentally made your friends into slutty porn models?’ she asked
‘No, I discovered the spell on accident. The girls asked for the spell. It doesn’t turn them into bimbos, it just gives them the bodies of their dreams and a little pick me up in libido.’ explained Beast Boy
‘So if you were to use this spell on me?’ asked Pantha
‘You would get even bigger boobs, a juicier butt, and feel a little in heat, why?’ he asked
‘So Pantha could be supreme slut in little man’s harem?’ she asked as she got back up
He shrugged and said ‘I guess, but you should think about it a little more before-‘
‘Cast the spell on me!’ she demanded
She threw herself on him, twisting around until she had him in a headlock.
‘I can’t, you’re not in your right mind.’ he said, believing she couldn’t make a sound decision while agitated from sparing and recovering from an orgasm
‘I know exactly what I want.’ she said as she pulled him around by the neck, his long, hard cock slapping his belly
‘I want to take that cock, man handle it. You have a cock that can really sate me. What’s more, I want to be the best.’ she said into his ear
She then twisted and pushed him. He fell forward into the ropes, catching himself on them, heavy cock leading the way.
‘Pantha is strongest there is!’ she shouted with raised arms as the crowd cheered
She turned back to BB and said ‘and Pantha will be bustiest of little man’s coven. I will wear fat cock like a ring.’
She stepped over to him and reached under his arm, grabbing him by the jaw. With on hand, she lifted the green boy high into the air by neck. Well actually it was by the chin but you know, pro wrestling. Beast Boy grabbed onto her arm with his hands, trying not to choke before the slams. He decided at that moment to give her what she wanted. He lifted himself enough to get the series of words out.
‘Inde dotare übertrieben oppai y libidine.’
The mystic vapours left him and swirled around Pantha’s arm. She dropped him, the boy landing on his feet and getting slapped in the face by his own free-swinging cock. Pantha felt the energy as the spell worked over her, immediately causing discernible changes. The fat on her legs grew, though the limbs still appeared extremely muscular. The well-defined glutes got some feminine fat to them and began to swell outwards, taking on a womanlier bubble butt like shape. Up top, her chest began to swell even more, her leotard filling out in the front as she flexed and posed for the audience.
The capacity crowd jumped to their feet, chanting her name as her chest continued to swell, looking like she had stuffed a pumpkin in her top. She stopped flexing to grab her top with both hands in the middle and with a supressed roar, tore it apart. It ripped open as easily as Beast Boy’s trousers did, tearing down the middle. They got a glimpse at her enormous knockers bursting through her top, now half contained by the cups of her bra. She then bowed her back, flexing her shoulders to rip it over her spine and at the joints. She twisted and jerked, tearing the top of her leotard to shreds like old school Hulk Hogan.
She threw the scraps to the side and flexed again, the growth causing the tits to nearly spill out of the already strong bra. She reached behind her and unclipped the bra, whipping it off. Beast Boy’s cock became even stiffer as he ogled her tits. They were freakishly huge, bigger than even Raven’s. Possibly by her being a bigger woman, for they looked extremely large in general but seemed to fit her frame.
Her torso continued past where most heads ended and had a barrel chest more common among Olympic weightlifters. Her skin was a darker bronze all over and unblemished. She had very defined body builder muscles along her chest and back. You could even spot the beginnings of bulging pecks at the top of her chest where her tits began. Due to sheer mass, they assumed the oblong torpedo like shape when free of the bra, although held up firmer and more shapely than Bumblebee’s.
As she moved, the bounced and jiggled in front of her, twin masses of rich brown tit flesh wobbling into each other. They hung down to the bottom of her ribs where they began to arc upwards in their tear drop shape. Pantha walked past Beast Boy, the Titan just leaning against the ropes and staring. She climbed up the to the second rope at the turn buckle and threw the bra into the crowd, where they converged around it to get her undergarment. She threw up her arms and flexed her shoulders. Those magnificent tits bounced upwards and jutted out proudly as she put them on display, the crowd going nuts.
Beast Boy took the moment to ogle her ass. The strong glutes now supported a phat ass. The huge cheeks sat high on her backside and swelled outward in a delightful heart shape. The shreds of her leotard now wound up deep within her ass, swallowed whole by the cheeks that were now hanging virtually free and naked. She reached under her tits and grabbed the leotard remains around her lower half and ripped that off too. First pulling them in half and then off her body.
The roar of the crowd was deafening as she jumped down from the turnbuckle, everything jiggling. Her bare brown ass clapped and jiggled, rippling with her thighs. She turned and stepped off, sending those giant fun bags bouncing as she walked over to the other turnbuckle. Her booty swayed behind her, washing like a waves of ass flesh on the bluffs. Her impressively muscled back flexed as she chucked the tatters of her garment into the crowd, which also fought over it.
She returned her attention to Beast Boy, who stood there slack jawed, short darker green hair a tangled mess on his sweaty head. His proud cock standing mightily in front of him. He watched her tits bounce in front of her, hanging firmly in their shape over her rock-hard abs. She had the 8-pack going on and defined obliques that created a natural V at the bottom that ended in a trimmed mat of brown hair between her legs. Her confidence was astounding, standing there with her hands on her hips in only a mask, boots and wrist tape. Naked body on full display with the goods featuring prominently.
‘Come along little man, bring that cock to Pantha.’ she said as she lounged at him
Beast Boy stepped back into the ropes to get out of her swipe, but her arms went down below. She gripped him by the cock near the end with two hands, fingers entwined around it. His cock could finally be held by a woman, as Pantha was large by any standard. She gave him a couple double fisted strokes, watching a bead of precum build on the head of his green dick.
Her grip was very strong even after she broke it up to get more of it in her hands. He watched her powerful arms move, each with bulging biceps and sculpted tris sporting a network of inner tube veins along it. Hogan’s 26 inch pythons had nothing on her tree branch limbs. He had a front row ticket to the gun show and her arms didn’t give him a hand job, he got a whole hand career from her.
They flexed as she pumped, working his cock like iron in the gym. He watched her fantastic tits jiggle between her arms, slapped about by the muscles of her arms. She stepped back and with a yank on his cock, pulled him back into the centre of the ring. She pulled him around by it, then let go to grab him by the back of the neck. She ducked down, sweeping him off his feet into her arms. She dead lifted him again, swinging him into a cradle and holding him like a baby in front of her, smushed against her newly enlarged tits.
There his cock flopped up and she turned her head sideways, catching it with her mouth. Her mask, wrist tapes and boots were the only things still on. He couldn’t see her eyes through the mask but knew she looked at him intently like a panther on the hunt. Her lips wrapped around the side of the cock, unable to get it into her mouth. She instead slide her mouth up and down the side, kissing and licking it in what was kind of a lip job. She walked with him like that and tossed him into the turnbuckle post.
He pulled himself into a seat on the corner as she got between his leg, now better able to eye his cock. Even on her knees, she likely would have difficulty getting it in her mouth due to the sheer difference in height. The golden-brown wrestler grabbed him by the cock again, becoming her favourite hold, and guided him into her mouth.
Beast Boy held onto her masked head for support as she tackled is cock. She worked her way easily down the front part of the cock, getting the thickest portion between her lips where the warm tongue wrapped around it. The heat of her moist mouth excited him, and she wasn’t fazed by a foreskin, darting her tongue under the flap to tease the most sensitive part. She wasn’t there to please him as a lover though, she was here for the sport, and pushed the head past her tongue to the back of her mouth.
There she plunged, aiming her masked nose for the pubic bone. She chicken pecked her head down the shaft, gobbling the green salami with her mocha lips. The head went past her mouth into the tight, hot and moist tunnel of her throat. Her neck began to bulge but the veins along it rose to the surface as she pushed herself down. She swallowed on the way down, the rhythm of her muscles messaging his cock as it traversed the amazon.
She got past halfway with no sign of stopping, pausing only briefly to take another step closer. There, she plunged the rest of the way, her neck expanding to accommodate the emerald invader. She made what must have been a triumphant shout that vibrated around his cock, messaging it well as she raised her fists in the air.
‘Let’s go Pantha!’ Let’s go Pantha!’ chants ensued as she grabbed Beast Boy by the waist
He yelped and held onto her broad shoulders as she lifted him onto them, straddling her face. His cock was buried to the hilt in her mouth and she spun and walked around with him like that, almost showing him off to the crowd. Then she power bombed him into the middle of the ring. In hitting the Pantha Bomb though, the long, hard and pulsating green cock was yanked from her mouth like an oil measuring dip stick with a slick slurping sound. He handed hard on his back, the wet cock flapping in the air above him and now shinning green under the stage lights.
‘Pantha is number one!’ she exclaimed as she strutted about the stage
‘Fuck that cock!’ clap clap clap ‘Fuck that cock!’
He wondered just how many scenarios were programmed or if it was adaptive software. His wondering was cut short when she walked back over to him and straddled him once more.
‘Isn’t this how we started?’ she asked
On her knees over him, she was easily able to aim his cock to her entrance.
‘Are you ready for the famed Pantha Thigh Clutch?’ she asked
‘Bring it on mamma, are you ready for the patent pending Beast Boy Battering Ram?’ he asked
‘We shall see how you handle the Pantha Pussy Hold little man, I have never had to use it out here.’ she said
With that, she plunged. Her legs flexed as his cock pierced her folds, spreading her muscular lips past the patch of brown hair on the way in. The heat was stifling, and he could feel the muscles of her supremely fit body at work pushing her down on it through her cunt. It was well lubricated, she was clearly ready for him. He slid in easily, the giant of a woman able to take his cock easier than the more normal sized girls. She was also the oldest woman by far he had fucked and was thus, probably more experienced at this.
She slid down easily to the halfway mark. Her tits moved obscured her mask covered face. He reached up and sank his hands into them as she started humping his cock to feed more of it into her.
‘Oh, you like these grande tetas?’ she asked
‘Oh so very much.’ he said with a smile as he fondled her
His fingers disappeared into them, pushing them into orbs as she descended onto him. It was still a tight fit and wondrously hot inside, but he was well trained by now. He pushed her boobs together and then spread them apart, watching her grit her teeth with effort. It was the only expression he could glean off her with that mask on. A quarter of him left, she grabbed his hands with hers and pulled them from his tits as he made a puppy whimper.
‘Remember little man, you are mine.’ she said as she pushed his hands to the mat over his head
‘If you say so.’ he quipped
With a final grunt, she slammed her pussy all the way down on him. There wasn’t even a hint of a bulge in her unlike the other girls. If anything, her abs were even tighter now that she had to fight the monster inside her. He felt her phat ass smack his thighs, resting on them and his balls that now pooled between his legs on the mat. Beast Boy was content to just lay there pinned to the ground, this amazing amazon on top of him taken to the base with gigantic tits dangling over her face. All while the crowd cheered her on.
'Where is the confusion, little man? I have you pinned, the match would be over if the bell had rung.' she said
She started bouncing on him, lifting herself halfway up off him due to the length and strength of her legs, and slamming back down with a delightful intensity. She was going hard and rough on him, shaking the mat and the ring.
'Yeah, you're right there. But I think I am the real winner here. Just watching your lovely lady pillows bounce like clouds in the sky as you pleasure yourself with my dick.' he said
'Oh, you think, you will win this?' she asked
‘I am confident I will win this bought. It never fails. At the end of the night or beginning of the morning as it usually becomes. I stand tall and proud; my ladies lay exhausted and broken.’ he said
‘Hmph, you never had the Pantha before.’ she said
She was going faster now, getting more accommodated to the size and feeling the motion. Her pussy glided over his cock, which was still tight enough to give him an amazing friction as her cunt gripped his member on its ride. She let go of his hands and set them on her hips to bounce on him defiantly, using just the muscles of her legs to lift and drop herself. Her thighs rippled and flexed with the effort around him.
‘No, but I feel like everything so far was just training for this precise encounter.’ he said before swinging his hands up to grab her by the hips
He kicked his legs out, so the thighs were now pressing against Pantha’s ass and put his feet on the ground. There he began to return the favour, thrusting up into her. Pantha grit her teeth as the Teen Titans fucked her from below, thrusting his cock with his hips in and out of her. He did it with a piston like ferocity, taking out his aggression for the beating early and being enthusiastic about the sex.
‘This is where the tables turn, Pantha.’ he said
She brought her hands to his over her hips, unable to see past her tits to Beast Boy as he drilled her from below. Her thighs jiggled when his hips struck them, his heavy ball sack swung up to clap her ass on the up swings. Beast Boy watched her abs flex and those giant tits clash and bounce in front of her chest. Pussy juice leaked from her stretched cunt, running down his cock shaft as he drove it to and fro and collecting around his hips.
‘Oh, ah, ah, ahh, you have a skill after all.’ she said in short breaths
Beast Boy brought his legs closer to her backside and gave a hard thrust, bucking her into the air. He twisted and rolled her so she fell on her back. Landed with a thud, her huge tits sliding up to smack her in the face. Beast Boy got his knees on the ground and mounted her, hands on the mat around her incredibly narrow waist, above her wide hips but under her barrel chest.
He bounded into her, working half his cock in her as he drove her into the mat. His thrusts shuck her whole body, she had to use those body builder arms to constrain her twin peaks of mountainous titflesh. She held them together over her chest, where they wobbled like stacks of brown jello with wide, perky darker brown caps. He pounded her pussy with long, green horse cock, balls smacking her ass as his began taking quick, short breaths to keep up the effort.
Pantha brought her legs up and closed the tree trunk like legs around his body. For a moment, he thought she was going to try to snap him in half with the limbs. Instead, she closed them around Beast Boy, forcing him deeper into her and limiting his thrusts. She let go of her tits to grab the rope, pulling herself up with it. She then dragged herself through the air with her arms alone, pulling Beast Boy with her still balls deep between her thighs.
She got to the corner post and dropped into it, sitting on the second set of ropes with her legs out. Beast Boy could now stand in front of her and she had her back to the post. She kicked her legs out wide to sit them on the ropes, spreading them wide for him to get between them and push into her deeply.
The new position also elevated her for the crowd, which was now standing and roaring indistinctly. It also allowed Beast Boy to bury his face between her tits. The huge, warm, brown melons swallowed his head, only the back of his green hair visible from the front as the lights of the stage were blocked. He wagged his face around between them, a hand on her thick thigh to hold it steady and the other went up to fondle her breast.
‘You like this position little man?’ she asked ‘The world can barely see you between Pantha’s legs and under her tits.’
‘They don’t need to see me.’ he said as he rutted against her, a finger teasing her nipple ‘You can feel me, that’s what matters. Besides, you’re the one they’re here for.’
Beast Boy stood in front of her taking slower thrusts, not wanting to knock her off balance as he slid his fat, venous fuck staff in and out of her. He used the hand playing with her tit to grab the left one by the bottom, shifting it over so that it was in front of his face and took the nipple into his mouth. He wrapped his lips around the whole, wide nipple and played with the nub with his tongue. He continued to fuck her into the turnbuckle while sucking her tit. Pantha just held onto the ropes, letting him go at it while breathing heavily.
‘Keep it up little man, please Pantha with your cock and tongue.’ she breathed
He groped the tit while sucking, exploring the wide surface area of her smooth skin with his hand. He didn’t think there was such a thing as too much tit but she was getting close to it with her huge pumpkin sized knockers. He spat it out and licked all over the nipple before doing the same with the other boob, sinking his hand in the flesh while sucking the nipple.
He did that for a few moments, the green lad drilling the bronze amazon as she held herself steady for him. He spat that tit out too, licking the nipple again before letting go of her thigh. He leaned back balls deep in her, his heavy nuts in their swarthy leathery sack hanging low between their legs and gave her tits a double slap. He watched them crash into each other and wobble about on her chest before doing it again and sticking his head between them, letting the boobs bounce his head around.
As he knocked himself out with her tits, he set his hands on her meaty thighs, getting a good grip of them before sliding them to her knees. There he yanked them off the ropes, letting her feet hit the mat. He then pulled out of her, taking two steps back to retrieve his mammoth cock. The forearm thick weapon of pleasure slipped out with an audible sucking sound. Once the head popped free, there was a spurt of welled up lady juice and precum that spat out onto the mat and leaked down her thighs and his cock.
He then climbed up her and the turnbuckle, standing on the second ropes so that he was over her. There he raised a fist up for the crowd to cheer him on as if he was about to start delivering blows to her masked head. Instead, he reached down and grabbed fistfuls of tits. He lifted them up and held them around his cock, making them form a tunnel around the green pole like a tower in a bronze valley. He started pumping his hips, fucking her tits with his cock as he held the boobs in place around them.
His cock coursed through them, firm and warm over the slick dick as the head bounced off Pantha’s face. It left a slick splat on her cheek where the precum leaking from the tip touched her like little dick kisses. As he fucked her mammaries, the fist sized head punched her face while she tried futilely to dodge it. After a few of those, the crowd started counting off the blows.
‘Three!’ Four! Five! Six!’
and up it went until he got to ten. Then he jumped back, letting her fall off the turnbuckle as if he had been striking her. He didn’t know if she was selling the move like a pro wrestler of if she was a little jelly legged from the excitement. She fell to her knees, still on Beast Boy’s level. He grabbed her by the back of the head and pushed her forward onto her hands. There, she was eye level with his cock. He grabbed it by the head and pulled it to the side in front of her. He let it go, flexing his pelvic muscles and sending the cock flying across her face.
The green appendage slapped her and left a streak of juices on her mask. She sold it like a punch and whipped her head sideways, elbow folding. He grabbed it from the other side and pulled it back, letting it go. The cock slapped her across the face from the other side with a similar effect. She buckled on that arm and dropped her head. Beast Boy reached between his legs from behind and pushed his cock down, grabbing the dick and winding it back down. When he let go, it delivered an upper cut that sent her head back up.
He grabbed her by the mask, cock standing straight up in between them, pulsating and angry. He pulled her face first into his cock. She opened her mouth that time and caught the head between her lips, the shaft sliding over her tongue. Her throat was still ready for his cock and it slid down into her neck. He pumped his hips while pulling her down, fucking her face like a pussy. The juices still lining it made it an easy fit, letting his balls smack her chin as he got all 23 inches into her.
He started walking back, pulling her in the middle of the ring by her mask with his cock imbedded in her face. She crawled forward like a sexy panther, pendulous tits swaying under her and dragging across the floor as her ass swayed from side to side behind her, the phat cheeks jiggling in the air.
He stopped when they were in the middle of the ring and started fucking her throat hard. He got low in a squat to better work his dinasauric dong, the bulge along her throat moving around as he beat the muscles of her neck with his rock hard hot rod. It was tight, hot and wet but he was becoming very acquainted with the carnal pleasures and was able to resist busting his nut. Which he needed to able to do to dominate this woman.
He could feel her body moving as she fought for breath, her throat seizing around his invading cock. She started trembling, her arms getting shaky as she supported her weight while absorbing the shock of his cock. It started to feel like she was humming, her throat resonating around his cock and harmonizing with it.
He pulled out of her then, another sick sucking sound as he retracted his fat cock. Once it was removed, there was a pop and she started hacking out the phlegm that came with his throat fucks, a concoction of saliva, precum and pussy juice. As she did that, Beast Boy strutted about the ring with his hands up and cock out.
‘Beast Boy! Beast Boy!’ they started chanting
‘So that’s what that feels like.’ he said to himself before turning back to Pantha
He spotted a discernible wet spot in the mat between her legs as she recovered.
‘Sorry, did I make you cum?’ he asked
She said nothing as he got behind her and smacked her ass, sending the cheeks jiggling and making her back arch.
‘Do you like this big mamma? Getting subjugated by a phat cock on a little man in the middle of the ring?’ he asked
She said nothing again and so he spanked her from the other side, sending her cheeks rippling the other way and leaving a reddened hand print on the other cheeks.
‘Yes!’ she exclaimed ‘Pantha loves it when a man can handle her.’
‘Really, interesting…’ he said before grabbing her by the hips
She was a bigger girl, so his hands were farther apart. He aimed his cock with his hips and dove in. She shrieked as he entered her, a wordless orgasmic shriek. Beast Boy drove it home, sliding all the way to the base inside of her. His hips collided with her ass and sent the cheeks jiggling. He started immediately with the quick, sharp thrusts. His hips clashed with the meat of her thighs and butt, sending the flesh colliding into itself as he rocked the woman.
The mat began to shake under them, especially when she started shifting forward. Moving herself slowly across the mat with her muscled arms and quaking legs. He just held onto her hips and kept step with her, letting her pull away from him so all he had to do was slide back into her. He pounded her pussy from behind as she moved, essentially walking her to the edge of the ring as the crowd chanted ‘Face down! Ass up! ‘ She reached for the ropes and Beast Boy grabbed her by the hair.
She yelped a little at that, with him pulling a hand full of wavy brown hair to bow her back and make her stop reaching for the rope. He gathered her hair up so he could hold it like a rope behind her, still immersed in her pussy with his cock and resting his hips on the bubbly cheeks. He yanked on her hair every time she tried to slip out from under him and reach for the ropes, whipping her head from side to side as he tried to stay on her.
He gave it a hard tug that made her bend her back way over, thrusting her enormous tetas out into the air in front of her as the crowd roared. Even though it was fake, Beast Boy still loved it. He could see why Pantha did this for a living.
He let go of her hair, causing Pantha to whip forward and almost smack her face into the mat, though she caught herself with her powerful arms. She reached for the ropes and caught it with a hand. Even though the rules didn’t apply, he raised his hands up and called ‘Rope Break!’
Then continued to thrust into her without his hands. She pulled herself towards the ropes with her arms and he just kept fucking her, having enough length inside that he wasn’t worried about a fallout.
‘One! Two! Three!’ he called out the counts before pulling out on four
He had five counts to get off her; or would have in a real match. He stood and raised his arms, all three of them for the crowd as a new chant began.
‘Put it in her butt! Put it in her butt!’
He looked over to Pantha, seeing her get back to her feet with the assistance of the ropes. Her ass jutted out from her wide hips even when standing straight up, due to the sheer mass of them and with the foundation of her muscled glutes. He had a good time fucking Bumblebee’s bum, he figured he’d have a great time with her too.
He walked over to her bent over form. The cheeks spread a little due to her stance and he could see the bud deep within the valley of her bronzed ass. Up close, he could see she had the feintest of tan lines over her cheeks from where the leotard had covered her skin while wrestling outdoors.
He stuck his hand between her legs and inserted his thumb into her pussy. She barely reacted, the orifice already being gaped by his cock. He wiggled it around in her heated sex as she moaned, getting his digit slick with her pussy juices. He pulled it out and grabbed a thick butt cheek, spreading her ass to reveal the starfish. He then jammed the wet thumb into her butt.
She reacted instantly, the sphincter closing around the digit as he got to the second knuckle. The hole was exceedingly hot and she jumped up, head back and grabbed onto the top rope with both hands.
‘Oh, so you want to play to play dirty?’ she said
Beast Boy wiggled his thumb around, trying to warm up the muscle and get her to relax. He felt the smooth, tight muscles of her rectum as he did so and got her sphincter to relent. He pulled it out and gave her a slap on the ass to jiggle her butt and remind her who was in charge now. He grabbed his cock and slid it up and down her inner thighs, collecting pussy juice from the skin where it ran freely. He grabbed his wet dick and placed the head on her ass hole, the green fist sized head covering the entrance completely.
‘I hope you’re ready.’ he said
‘I hope you are little man, I will try to snap you in half.’ she spat, grabbing hold of the ropes tighter
He bucked his hips, pushing the cock in. There wasn’t a lot of give at first and the tip just squished against the exit. With a little more pressure, there was a slight give and then his cock punched past it. The sphincter relented and was then stretched wide open by the girthy cock. The natural lubrication she provided made it slide past the resistance, allowing his cock to be squeezed from all around.
He repositioned himself and pushed with his hips, forcing the mammoth cock into her ass. It split her cheeks, going deeper and deeper into her incredibly tight ass. The rough muscles deep inside felt amazing on his pussy slicked dick as it pushed past her tight muscle ring. She arched her back, those amazing muscles flexing along it as she began shaking the ropes.
He pulled out a little and pushed back in, sliding halfway to the base. She bounced on her legs, bending at the knees, to absorb the impact. He did it again, bouncing off her ass that time, although still with a good fifth that hadn’t felt the clench of her sphincter or the warmth of her asshole. He let out a little grunt as he pumped one more time, feeding all of his cock to her hungry ass.
Pantha also grunted, shaking the ropes with her hands in an impressive display of strength while he violated her anal cavity. He grabbed onto her tits and went to town, thrusting and pumping. His hips collided with her meaty ass, which repulsed him but he came back harder. She was bouncing on her knees and shaking the ropes, moaning loudly as he tore her ass open.
He got into a fast, strong rhythm. His cock pistoned into her, hips clapping with her ass. The rippling of her ass and thigh flesh against his own made a wonderful chorus drowned out only by the roar of the crowd. They probably also got the amazing sight of her amazingly large pendulous tits bouncing around under her and clashing against each other.
Beast Boy buried himself in her backside and wrapped his arms around her waist. He closed his arms in front of her muscled abs and fell back, pulling her with him. Her fingers broke from the rope and he landed on his ass. She landed on his dick, the entire 23 inch green cock in all its muscular looking girth was shoved deep inside her as she fell on it with all her weight. Her ass cushioned her blow somewhat, but they spread from the impact, taking him deeper than ever before.
He continued pulling her, causing the luchadora to role over on top of him. She stopped but her huge tits washed back and smacked her in the face, continuing her momentum for him. He rolled her up, flipping backward with her, aided by her hips pulling his pelvis with her by way of the fat fuck staff stuck up her ass. The green lad ended up on top of her, slipping out from the larger woman.
She got stuck on her shoulders, knees trying to touch her head but those marvellous knockers were in the way, smothering her. Beast Boy stood over her, able to get his feet on the floor with how balled up she was. She was looking the opposite direction from Beast Boy, who stood straddle legged over her amazing ass. The cheeks were thrust way out as her legs dangled over her face, her asshole open straight up.
Beast Boy threw his fists in the air, causing the crowd to chant his name. He reached down and grabbed two fist fulls of fat bronze ass meat. He fondled them as he pile drove her into the ground. He pumped straight up and down, his balls sitting on her pussy as he worked over her ass. The slapping choir resumed as Beast Boy started smacking her ass around.
There was nothing dominant about Pantha’s position. She was rolled up on her back smothered by her own tits were her arms able to do nothing but stop her from breaking her neck as Beast Boy drove her into the ground with his cock. Those long, muscled legs quaked over her and he was beginning to think was succumbing to another orgasm.
The position was difficult to maintain, and he had to stop. He stepped back, pushing her legs so her feet touched the floor. She slipped over her shoulder and got on a forearm. Her huge tits smacked the floor and made the mat shake as she got up. Once again on her knees with Beast Boy behind her.
He gave her ass two more smacks, alternating the hands and then a third at the same time. Her reddened ass bounced and wobbled around the mighty green cock that impaled it. Her sphincter was still tight around the base of his cock, holding him steady inside her incredibly hot, rough walled ass that seemed to be trying to milk his cock. He grabbed onto her hips and said ‘Are you still the dominant one Pantha?’
She wagged her head no and he pulled halfway out, slamming back in and jolting her.
‘Huh?’ he said
She wagged her head no and steadied on her hands. Beast Boy drove his cock into her again, smushing against her cheeks.
‘Say it, say Pantha is Beast Boy’s Bitch!’ he shouted
‘Beast Boy! Beast Boy!’ chants filled the stadium as he dicked her down
‘Pantha… Pantha never been fucked like this before. Pantha, secretly, wants a man who can rough fuck her. Pantha wants that donkey dick.’ she confessed as Beast Boy drove the air from her lungs with thrusts up her ass
‘So Pantha wants to be dominated?’ he asked
‘Pantha will let you.’ she said simply
‘Oh, you’re not letting me do anything.’ he said as he grabbed her hair again, making a ponytail to hold on to
He grabbed her by the waist and held on with her hair and said ‘Go on, try to shake me. The rodeo is in town.’
She bucked with her hips, pushing him into the air. His cock held him steady over her and he slammed back down, shoving his cock in her tight, hot ass. She tried that a few times before realizing that the length of the cock meant she would have to throw him far and the girth meant he wouldn’t dislodge so easily. She tried to wiggle him off, swaying her hips from side to side and gyrating her pelvis, succeeding only in twerking with him on her. Her amazing ass bounced and rippled around the green cock imbedded in it.
She tried standing on his knees, managing to get straight up. Beast Boy simply stood on the ground and squatted behind her, her ass clenching fantastically around his cock as she tried to evict him with her cheeks. She started walking away on her hands and knees, crawling as Beast Boy hit it from behind, fucking her ass every step of the way. It was a repeat of earlier, with her walking around the ring on hands and knees as he hung on behind her, this time giving her an anal reckoning.
She swung forward, trying to buck him off her that way. He simply pushed deeper into her ass and hung onto her shoulders. She crawled around like that, shaking her body and trying to throw him off as the boy held on like a back pack. It was amazing, him holding on against her desperate attempts to throw him off. Each time she moved her legs or stomach, he felt her anal track squeeze and contort around him and the effort of bucking usually did the fucking for him. She rolled over onto her back, pressing him to the ground as she went belly up and then flipped over again, completing the roll but failing to scrape him off her.
She surged to her knees once again, her huge boobs bouncing in front of her as he clung to her back like the Twin Prince Lothric. She walked on her knees, dragging him behind her, completing the reference and being his Lorian before taking a step up. There she stood straight up, Beast Boy hanging off her shoulders with his arms and by the dick lodged in her ass.
She took a couple steps, the muscles of her body moving her ass around his cock, messaging it with wonderful heat and pressure as he virtually hung from her back by his dick and arms. She jumped up and tried to back slam him. He landed back first and she on top of him, again. This time much harder.
The ring quaked but her impact was softened by the fat of her ass. He still punched deeply into her. She was taking his cock incredibly, still able to move with him actively violating her ass. She still roared on the landing, her signature Panther shout. But she failed to get him off her and he was still stuck in her ass.
As she tried to get up, her feet and hands on the floor, Beast Boy grabbed her by the waist and planted his own feet down. There he started fucking her from below again. His cock rocked in and out of her, balls swinging wildly as her pussy leaked copiously. A stream ran down her perineum to his cock shaft, where it collected and dribbled down his balls. It also lubricated his cock as some of the juices were then pushed up into her bum.
He doubled his pace, now chasing his orgasm. He proved his point. Pantha was no longer able to even get up, her legs and arms shaking despite how swollen they were with effort. She was moaning now, almost shouting as the crowd roared and chanted his name. Those fat tits bounced up and down on her chest, crashing into each other and her body, even her face, as the jolts he was sending through her body made them swing free.
‘Oh mierda! Beast Boy, me estás haciendo… ah, ahh!’ she shouted
She didn’t finish her sentence because she began shaking all over. Her body writhed and contorted, and he could feel her pussy seizing around a cock that wasn’t there through her anal cavity. Her sphincter also spasmed, gripping his cock as he pounded her ass. As her moan began to drone, trembling body began to grow rigid and then she squirted. A stream of clear girl cum shot from her pussy across the ring. It poured out of her, shooting out in an arc under a lot of pressure as she came hard. The stream began to wave as she started shaking again, and from Beast Boy’s ass pounding from below. It began to peter out and then shoot in spurts, the stream leaving splatter marks all across the ring as she came down from her mind-blowing orgasm.
‘Oh dios… estoy tan lleno… tan Bueno…’ she moaned
He seemed to have fucked the English out of her. Her legs lost all their control and started kicking around, causing her to fall onto his cock as he pushed up into her. Her arms gave out next, the muscular and veiny limbs finally giving. He pushed her up with his pelvis and let her drop back onto him a couple times, just as a demonstration of the power he and his cock had over the orgasm dazed woman.
He pushed her over and she slumped to the side as he pulled out. He had to roll out from under her, finally getting his cock out of her. He had to get a lot of distance to free his cock and when he did, there was a pop and leak from her stretched ass hole. Even when he let go, the cheeks didn’t completely close around the blackened pit of her red orifice that was now lined with clear pussy juice, booty sweat and precum.
He gave her ass a couple cock slaps, watching it bounce around her gaping ass hole that pulsated as it tried to close. He jumped to his feet and stood over her as she recovered.
‘I supposed I can no longer call you little man…’ she said breathlessly
‘I like it, it really fits. How’s it feel getting dominated by a little man?’ he asked as he dropped onto her stomach
He reached under her breasts and grabbed a hold, dropping his cock with a splat between them. He moved them over them and held on tight. His hands disappeared into her tits, the enormous tetas covering the entire cock except for the gleaming green head that stuck out the top of the deep crack between them.
‘It feels amazing. I came three times before you even came once. I’ve never been so ensnared by a dick before, and definitely not one so masterfully wielded.’ she said
He pumped against her, his balls dragging across those rock-hard abs. They were growing tighter and he knew the end was near. He could barely feel his hands through the tits, the fat fun bags making wonderful gloves as he masturbated himself with her tits. The gigantits jiggled with his thrusts and in his hands, the end of his cock popping out of her bronzed tits. She was too weak to lift her head up to kiss it though, and just watched it knowing what would come about.
‘You’re pretty great too. I was amazing getting dominated by such a powerful woman.’ he said with a smile ‘but it felt great knocking you down a peg too.’
‘We should do this more often.’ she said
As he fucked her boobs, he felt the thunderbolt. He clenched with his pelvic muscles even as his cock vibrated with the pleasure from the act. He bit down on his orgasm, holding it back as he let go of her boobs. He stood up over her, fat stick wobbling as she sat up, unable to do much else as he fucked the life out of her.
He aimed his cock at her face and let loose with a sigh. The orgasm felt even better the longer he held it back, almost whiting out as ropes of cum spewed forth from his cock onto her face. He coated her mask with it, the torrent of cum turning the black and gold mask all white and creamy.
‘I don’t think you’ll be needing this anymore.’ he said as he grabbed the mask by the seam over the back of the head
She meekly protested but didn’t have the strength to lift her arms up and stop him. There was no greater dishonour for a luchador that to have their mask removed.
‘Don’t worry,’ he said ‘I’ll give you a new one.’
Her handsome face was not besmirched because of the mask. Her big almond eyes looked with shock as he continued putting out ropes of cum. The white globules of spunk smacked her in the face and covered her forehead and nose. His cock twitched as he shot over her face, getting a bunch in her rich brown hair. It became less of a stream and began firing in bursts. One hit her in the eye, making her wink at him and another soaked into her hair.
She opened her mouth wide, trying to catch some of the sweet, salty sperm in it. That plan quickly expired when it filled up to the brim. She closed her mouth, cum on her lips and swallowed, taking a deep gulp as her whole face became coated in frothy spunk. The excess ran down her cheeks and chin to collect on her chest. Her huge boobs collected the spunk, which ran around her breasts.
The stream really began to die as he waved her mask in the air like a victory flag. Pantha was looking like a melting candle now as he began dribbling drops from the end onto her tits. Pantha started wiping the spunk from her eyes and lips, trying to clear her face.
‘Use this.’ he said, tossing the mask at her
She didn’t say anything as she flipped it inside out and used that to wipe her face clean.
The roar of the crowd faded as the simulation terminated somehow. Probably detecting the end of their action. There was flickering as they faded. The room became empty, they returned to the ground. Pantha stood there mostly naked, covered in cum. Her clothes, what remained of them, were on the ground elsewhere. The floor was decorated with their juices, proof of their love making.
‘Man, that’s some simulation.’ he said
‘Spectacular. There was no way to tell what was real and what was fake.’ she said as she stood shakily
‘Yeah, someone could have snuck in and out and we wouldn’t even have noticed.’ he said when she took a step
She fell back down, everything shaking. Beast Boy grabbed her hand and lifted her up. She waddled, all holes gaping, arm over his shoulders and tits between them. Even though he was so much smaller than him, he was able to help her get along. He had to support her as they walked to the exit. She was basically completely naked, covered in sweat and cum and he had his big wet dick swinging around bare as they walked out.
‘Good thing we have the building to ourselves.’ he laughed ‘I want a shower, and a nap. You?’ he asked
‘Me too, we shall sleep together. You be my teddy bear mi amigo.’ she said as the door closed behind them
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