Spellbound | By : Praetor Category: DC Verse Cartoons - Teen Titans > General Views: 50382 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, the DC comic book franchise nor the Cartoon Network TV series. I derive no profit from this work. |
Thank you for reading, same as before. Disclaimer on the use of lyrics from ‘Bad Things’ featuring Machine Gun Kelly and Camina Cebello, I do not own it or make money off it. Same tags as before, bimbo proportions, cartoonish cocks, porno plot et cetera.
‘Since when were you into clubbing?’ asked Beast Boy
Raven was preening herself in the mirror in her room. Her shoulder length purple hair was worn loose around her head. She fashioned a new outfit for the club with her new proportions in mind based off Beast Boy’s concept art. She had heeled black boots that went up to her calves and started the fishnet stocking that wrapped tight around her toned legs and thick thighs. They went all the way up past her black purple lined booty shorts that was also a little too short. Almost half the globes of her full bubble butt were visible save the fishnet. Her abdomen was bare, the toned and thin midsection visible until the start of her top, which was a rib cage encasing black and purple leathery vest like top fashioned like a raven with spread wings. There was a deep cut out near the top and centre to give her knockers some air that was clasped near the collar by a red gem broach.
‘The occasional rave but the club was never my seen, until now.’ she said with a smirk over her shoulder
‘Should you really be displaying your body like that?’ he asked
He was laying in her bed half covered in the tossed about sheets, his lithe green body naked except for them. She turned and strutted over to him.
‘Why not, I am proud of it, and I know how much you like it.’ she said
‘Yeah, but what will the other titans say?’ he asked
‘I am sure Robin and Cyborg will also like it. We know Starfire does. Why are we letting their opinions affect what we do anyways.’ she asked
Once she got to the edge of the bed, she grabbed her new cloak and fastened it on. It was altered now with a robust flair of raven like feathers around the shoulders and lining the hood to broaden her silhouette, and the length of the garment was also tattered to give that black feathery winged appearance.
‘I’m not. But it is something to consider.’ he said with a rare air of caution
‘Well consider all the pussy you’re going to slay with us.’ she said teasingly as she lifted a flap of the sheets covering him
It was just enough for his half hard dick to flop out. The long green organ was swelling a little and retracting the foreskin around his shinning help. The member’s veins bulged along its surface, supplying the large quantities of blood it needed.
‘Wait, I’m going?’ he said
‘Of course, you’re my boyfriend. We need to do dating type things.’ she said
‘Yeah, like a movie or the seaside carnival. Not shambling around in a poorly lit room while a youtube DJ guest stars the evening.’ he said, sitting up
‘'Oh come on Gar, you love parties.’ she retorted
‘Yeah, house parties where it’s people I know and can go to bed when I am done.’ he sputtered ‘besides, I have nothing to wear.’
‘Of course you do, think I only made one outfit?’ she asked as she pulled a lump of clothes from a drawer under the bed
‘You made spare clothes for me?’ he asked
‘More like assembled. We’re looking for nondescript casual guy here. I have a lot of spare time Garfield. I can only brood, meditate and read for so long.’ she said with that annoyed apathy he sometimes missed in her voice
He pulled on the t shirt that displayed the name of a band he didn’t recognize.
‘They don’t seem that special.’ he remarked
‘Exactly, you need more inconspicuous clothes. The jump suit doesn’t really work for all occasions.’ she said
He stepped out of the bed while pulling on a red wind breaker.
‘Is it going to be cold?’ he asked
‘You’re like a hundred pounds BB. You need to bulk up.’ she said
‘The vegetarian diet makes that hard.’ he said while slipping into socks ‘and why do I need to bulk up, the super hero look?’
‘There’s probably a spell for that in the book too.’ she said, leaning on the bed while watching him dress
‘We lucked out with the other two spells, who knows what the others do. Besides, I’ll just let Robin look the hero part.’ he said before pulling on the boxer briefs
‘I don’t know how this is going to fit Rave. I haven’t even been able to wear boxers this past week. Or pants. What will we do when I need to actually fight- hey.’
Upon tucking his junk into the clothes, it almost disappeared. He fed more and more of his trouser snake into the under garment and it just vanished. Inch after inch until he had all 23 of them and the apple sized balls tucked away neatly but he could still feel them within. When it snapped back around his waist, all he had was a prominent but manageable bulge.
‘Enchanted drawers.’ said Raven ‘Can’t have your third leg getting in the way.’
He pulled the waist band away and saw his enormous member stacked upon itself like a green anaconda coiled around two stones.
‘Why not get rid of the bulge too?’ he asked while letting it close again
‘Because I want everyone looking to know you are more a man in that department than them. Besides, it’ll help you to pull bitches.’
‘Aren’t you and Jinx enough?’ he asked while stepping into the legs of some jeans
‘Enough, yes. But don’t you want so much more than “enough”?’ she asked, ‘I know I do.’
‘Have you told anyone else?’ he asked while pulling up the pants and clasping the belt
‘No, I’d rather they find out on their own. It’s more exciting that way.’ she said
He finished and looked down. There was still an obvious bulge around his crotch that made him feel gawdy even with the clothes, in part because of how odd it looked on his shrivelled and short frame.
‘Friends! Are we ready for the night of dancing and festivity?’ asked the cheery voice from outside
Starfire flew into the room from the opened window, as she did often these days.
‘We need to start closing that?’ said Beast Boy as she straightened up and touched down
She was dressed like her older self, with a micro skirt and tall purple boots. She had a darker purple thong on whose band went high over her hips and gave her a whale’s tale when viewed from behind. Her top was a purple thing that covered her front down almost to her muscled mid-section but was slightly see through and tied in the back. Under it she had a frilly purple bra that lifted her gigantic tits like a platter offering a meal, the two orbs smushed together delightfully. She had fingerless evening gloves that were secured high on her arms and by rings on the middle finger. Her long, fiery hair trailed behind her and the royal tiara was left in her room.
‘Starfire is coming?’ Beast Boy said more than asked
‘Of course, we were going to do a girl’s night thing since it’s Friday but then she said I should do something with you before deciding to take our boy friend out and make a date of it.’ Raven explained
‘Our boyfriend?’ Beast Boy echoed in confusion
‘Oh, I would never presume so much.’ said Starfire almost pleadingly as she clasped her arms together and bowed
‘It’s my term, I am fine with it.’ said Raven simply ‘his heart is mine, but his cock brings pleasure to us all. It’s also good for bonding.’
‘Oh yes, Raven and I have never been closer.’ said the princess with a full-on embrace from behind Raven
Raven pet her head from over her shoulder ‘See? That’s why we need to get more people in on this, broaden horizons you know.’
‘That’s why we must get our little green friend the laid tonight.’ said the alien
‘The what!?’ asked a flabbergasted Beast Boy, more so because it was strange to hear words like that from the innocent Starfire
‘We’re going out with a couple others.’ said Raven ‘You should be able to pin one of them down. If not, then one of the collage girls. They totally dig super heroes.’
‘Who else is going?’ he asked, ‘and why wasn’t I part of the planning for this?’
‘We knew you would be hesitant, this is more fun anyways.’ said Raven
‘Much more so.’ said the elated Starfire who had no indoor voice ‘you are all of the adorables when you’re flustered.’
‘Well, since we’re all ready, let’s go.’ said Raven
‘Wait, we’re not ready!’ Beast Boy blurted while turning to Raven as she snapped her fingers
The black Raven shaped shroud enveloped them all and in total blackness and vacuum for a moment until it faded and now they were on a street corner somewhere. It was the middle of the night, cars were on the streets and large throngs of people milled about the streets in varying states of drunkenness.
‘Raven, where are we?’ BB asked
His question was partially answered when a distinct voice called out ‘Titans, there you are!’
He turned and saw Bumblebee walking towards them from a corner. Her hair was loose in free curls instead of the twin balls he was used to. She wore a tight top that showed off her athletic mid-section and bore her usually black and gold striped appearance. She also wore her tight black trousers and spangled bracelets.
‘You teleported us to Jersey?’ asked BB
‘And a little early.’ said another voice from behind Bumblebee
Argent stepped from the crowd, the pale woman’s complexion contrasting the ebony Bumblebee. She wore a red, flared dress that was fairly skimpy. The hem only came down to lower thigh but any time she moved, it swished dangerously high around her built thighs. Up top her decent bust was contained by the corset like upper half of the garment. She wore tall full fingered, red evening gloves and rid lined boots. Her short hair was done up and had red dyed bangs around the front.
‘Where’s Jinx?’ asked Bumblebee
‘She was unable to make it.’ said Starfire
‘Something big came up, she got stuck.’ said Raven nonchalantly
She was probably still in Beast Boy’s room. She was the one who woke him that morning. He didn’t know if they drew straws or something but each morning in the past week, a different woman woke him up from bed by stroking or blowing his morning wood. This time it was Jinx’ pink painted lips sucking the dreams away. Naturally, they went at it a couple times in a row and he left her naked and sweating in cum covered sheets before moving to Raven’s room.
‘A shame, but the party won’t stop and neither shall we.’ said Argent
‘So where are we going?’ asked Beast Boy as they all stepped off down the street
‘Only the most happening, in crowd party club that doesn’t have a cover charge and is open to under 21 year olds in down town Trenton, Whiskey and Bad Decisions!’ announced Bumblebee
‘We’re the Teen Titans, we can’t drink.’ said Beast Boy
‘The name is misleading, only the bar IDs.’ said Argent
It was apparently down the street and sandwiched between two other buildings, looking rather quant and out of the way.
‘Must be part of the charm.’ Beast Boy said allow
They entered through the double doors and were immediately fighting a crowd. Luckily it seemed to be on the way to and from the bar and the dance floor was a little more open.
‘Oh, this is wonderful.’ said Starfire in almost a scream ‘I can not hear friend speaking right beside me and can feel the vibration of the speakers through the floor.’
‘Yeah, it’s kind of annoying.’ said Beast Boy though no one could hear him
He had already damaged his hearing from a youth of load music and headphones, on top of the noises of battle all his life. The room was still loud and spastic laser light show a little more than disorientating.
‘To the dance floor Beast Boy, where we shall engage in the merriment of dance and rejoicement.’ said Starfire and she dragged Beast Boy by the arm
The floor had light up tiles and was smooth enough, although other dancing couples and the occasional intoxicated person routinely invaded their personal space. Starfire immediately started dancing, or something to that effect. She was probably trained in the formal dance etiquette of court room ballet on Tamaran or where ever but on Earth, she was kind of a sight.
It didn’t help at all that she was six foot four, had orange skin and glowing red hair. She towered over the crowd and her jerky uncoordinated movements drew all kinds of attention. Also attention grabbing were probably her enormous knockers bouncing around under the sheer top and the skirt that didn’t even try to hide her bethonged buttocks as they jiggled with her thighs.
Beast Boy at least know how to do a two step with the beat of whatever club house rock they were listening to. It was likely the dance party equivalent of elevator music as the DJ selected his next song. He had an impressive array of cheesy dance moves like the robot and the moon walk that he would rather not bust out in a public setting such as this.
‘Nice work Starfire, you do you.’ said Argent as she stepped in
‘Wave your hands in the air like you don’t care.’ added Raven
Her movements were the opposite, lacking energy as usual for the empath. She was making an attempt at dancing but lacked the understanding of the art to do more than weave around in loose connection with the music.
‘Come on girls, work what you got.’ said Bumblebee ‘twerk it a little.’
She threw in a little demonstration, turning side ways and dropping into a low squat. Hands in the air, she popped her chest and hips to bounce her bubbly butt around with the trap music that was now playing.
‘My, that is such a provocative dance.’ said Starfire ‘It’s so bold, teach me your ways.’
She dropped into a squat behind Bumblebee and tried to mimic her dancing. Beast Boy didn’t think there was a degree of skill involved with twerking but Bumblebee was a lot better at it than Starfire. Still, she had a lot to work with and her dancing was making her boobs burst from her top and those cheeks wobble out from the skirt. He felt a definite swelling in his trousers when his attention was captured by Argent. The red banged heroine slid in before her and started dancing, matching his movement. She was just smiling and occasionally looking at him, blue eyes locking onto his greens as they ‘danced’ together.
‘So,’ said Beast Boy awkwardly ‘that’s quite the accent you got.’
He spoke louder than he liked because of the music but she smiled and said ‘Thanks, I’m from New Zeeland.’
All he knew about New Zeeland was it was what the N and Z in ANZAC stood for, the Australia and New Zeeland unit in World War 1 in the British forces and the only reason he knew that was from playing Battlefield One.
‘Ah, I hear the weather is lovely there.’ he said in a clear bluff
‘You’ve seen it, that’s why they shot Lord of the Rings there.’ she said
There was a shift in the beats as an actual song started playing. Argent grabbed him by the arm and said ‘I love this song!’
Am I out of my head? Am I out of my mind? If you only knew the bad things I like. She threw her arms over his shoulders, hands behind his neck, and pulled him into a sway. Beast Boy hadn’t really danced with another person before, so this was all new to him. He tried putting his hands on her waist but didn’t know where precisely they should go. Too high and he was in the tickle zone and too low seemed a little perverted and in the middle seemed too intimate.
Don't think that I can explain it. What can I say, it's complicated? Don't matter what you say. Don't matter what you do, I only wanna do bad things to you. Argent made the decision for him by sliding her hands down his arms and moving his hands to her hips near the back in the “too perverted” zone he was afraid of before returning them to her shoulders.
‘Come on BB,’ she said ‘I know you can be a party animal.’
All puns were bad puns but that was egregious, he liked it. She returned her arms to over her shoulders and he locked eyes with her blue ones. They spun to the beat and tried to keep in step while dancing in each other’s arms. So good, that you can't explain it. What can I say, it's complicated.
She ground against him ‘Oh, is that you I feel?’ she asked
She twirled in his arms and leaned against him, pressing her body to his before bending over, way over, toe touching over. As she did so, she thrust her butt against him. He could almost feel the globes of her ass grip the bulge of his trousers under her dress as the poufy garment rode up her back.
‘Yes, it feels quite hard, and very warm.’ she said as she slid back up in a dance like motion
She turned in his arms again and once more leaned against him, looking him eye to eye.
‘What say you we go somewhere a little more private?’
He looked over to see that Raven, Bumblebee and Starfire had a little grind train going and were fairly oblivious to what they were doing.
‘Oh don’t worry about them, they seem quite entertained.’ she said in his ear
‘Did you have anywhere in mind?’ Beast Boy asked ‘this is your town after all.’
She chuckled and lead him by the arm through the crowd as the music played on. Once in the corner, they went into the corridor to the lavatories and Argent burst through the door to a handicap room. Before he could protest, she yanked him in and slammed the door behind him.
‘I kind of thought you had an actual place lined up.’ he said as he looked around
She locked the door behind them. The bathroom was cramped even with two people. Big enough for a wheelchaired person to be able to manuevre but not much else. There were tiled floors, a sink and a toilet with hand rails. The place was more clean looking than he imagined, probably because it was early in the night.
‘This is an actual place love, it’s private enough anyways.’ she said as she began working on getting his pants undone.
The music could still be heard although it was no longer deafening in the room and he could hear her speak at a low volume.
‘Isn’t it a little gross to do it in a bathroom?’ he asked
‘No grosser than putting a dick in my mouth, or you putting yours in my cunt.’ she laughed
‘Or a little disrespectful to use a handicap room?’ he asked
‘Oh, so considerate. I guess we should make it quick.’ she said as she got the belt off and let the trousers slide off ‘but not too quickly dear.’
‘It’s going to be a little uncomfortable.’ he warned
‘Not when your powers are like mine.’ she said with a whirl of her wrist
The red light constructs she made like the Green Lantern’s appeared under her and made a small, elegant red chair she popped a squat on, elegantly crossing on leg over the other as she pulled down his drawers with a finger. Her bright blue eyes went wide with surprise as the mammoth cock appeared out of nowhere. The semi hard anaconda flopped out of where the underwear had been and tumbled onto her face, landing with an audible smack as it uncoiled.
‘Oh my, is that what you meant by uncomfortable?’ she asked with it still on her face
The long, girthy cock obscured half of it as it grew rigid, taking shape over her right eye and pushing a red bang out of the way, the green skin a stark contrast to her pallor.
‘Kind of.’ he said
She reached up and pushed it off, marvelling at it as it rose up and grew.
‘Is it, always that big?’ she asked
‘Yes. Raven charmed my trousers to hide it.’ he said, rubbing his neck a little embarrassed
‘Ah, magic. and is that how she got curvier than a coiled wire?’ she asked with a smirk and a wink
‘Yes, I helped her. It’s also how I got this big.’ he said, figuring honesty was the best policy
‘I see, so you’re an item now. Starfire is also quite curvaceous…’ she said with a sideways glance up at him while turning to face his erect member
She didn’t say anything else as she opened her mouth to breath over the cock, hot, moist air bringing it to full mast as she raised a hand to grasp it.
‘Yeah, we’re still working out the details. Like an every other day kind of thing and we alternate Sundays.’ he joked as she started stroking him
Her hand couldn’t fully enclose around it but that didn’t stop her from twisting her hand and jerking the donkey dick.
‘Oh, I figured Jinx would get Sunday. Is that why she couldn’t come tonight? She already came this morning, again and again, as you drilled her into the ground like an oiler?’
‘No.’ he said as she kissed the head of his cock, leaving a red smear of lipstick as she looked up into his eyes ‘all right, yes.’
Her plump lips were tight as she sucked, cheeks hollowing. Her tongue swirled around the plum sized head in her mouth, tasting the salty precum that beaded out of the helm.
‘Well then, do you think you could send that spell my way?’ she asked before taking the head into his mouth.
‘Are you sure, it’s pretty life changing.’ said Beast Boy
‘Exactly, I want to be as sexy as Raven and Starfire are now.’ she said
‘You’re already drop dead gorgeous.’ he said matter of factly
‘Thanks, but flattery does nothing when I already have your dick in my mouth.’ she said before returning it to her lips
She took more of it in, closing her eyes momentarily as it travelled over her tongue to the back of her mouth. She stroked the excess green meat with her hands, though not even both in tandem could cover its surface even with a chunk in her mouth. She wagged her head around, treating the immersed member with the slick sides of her mouth as she sucked, tossing her black and red hair about as he fell back with a thud against the door to the bathroom.
‘Okay, all right. You win.’ he said before adding ‘Inde dotare übertrieben oppai y libidine’
Mystic vapours surrounded Argent as she removed the cock from her mouth. She stood from the hard-light construct she just made and deftly pulled the top of her frilled dress down. She wore a half-cupped bra underneath to give support but keep the tops free to bounce and jiggle over the exposed the top. They were already a decent size, more than a handful. As she stood up, she pressed her chest against Beast Boy, sliding up his body until the emerald stack of fuck meat lay near vertical between the warm, firm spheres of breast meat. They were as pale as the rest of her and already started growing. He could feel his cock become more enveloped around all sides as her knockers grew and grew.
‘Don’t you normally have an A there?’ he asked as his dick slid over the sternum
‘I draw that on, it’s kind of a call sign. Like Superman’s S or the black Bat.’ she said
Her bosom was swelling before their eyes now, spilling out of the half cups and assuming dew drop shapes from her chest. She wrapped her arms around them from below to keep them boosted when the half bra could no longer support the weight and mass. They now bulged over his cock and the green beast disappeared between the breasts in the crevice that now formed.
‘Is there a set size?’ she asked as she started jiggling them around his cock with her arms
‘I don’t think so, it seems kind of random.’ said Beast Boy as he raised an arm to scratch his head
‘So Raven just got the big straw?’ she asked
‘It may have something to do with personality and power level of the person, but I don’t know for sure.’ he said
Regardless, her tits were now huge. Firm head sized knockers capped with quarter sized nipples that were perky. They were closer to the high resting, bulging spheres that Jinx got than the heavy, pendulous mammoth mummeries that Starfire and Raven got. She closed her arms tighter, wrapping his shaft even harder with the warm, firm masses of tit. She then bobbed on her legs, messaging his long dong with her breasts as the gleaming head reached up to kiss her chin and cheeks. Sometimes she even returned the kiss with one of her own.
Beast Boy started bouncing against her, thrusting his dick through the tunnel of firm breast meat she made with her head sized boobs. She jiggled them around while holding them tight around his cock, playing with the head every time it came ear her face.
‘Well enough of that.’ she said while falling back
She waved her arms around and transformed the red chair into and a recliner like construct. Easing into it, she pushed herself back along it and kicked her legs up, planting the soles of her boots against the wall behind Beast Boy. The red dress fell around her thick thighs and bundled around her waist. She had thin, red sheered panties under the dress that was now quite damp at the crotch.
She grabbed the fabric and pulled it aside, revealing the swollen lips of her pink pussy to him. She had a trimmed patch of hair over it, red and the centre and black lined like her hair. Weather she died her hair it that way or it was some genetic thing like his green skin and hair was unknown to him and when she grabbed the tip of his green fuck stick, he didn’t care.
‘Come on Garfield,’ she said with a fire in her eyes and lust in her voice ‘show me why they call you a beast.’
She poised him at her entrance like a battering ram as he leaned over her, putting his hands on the hard-light construct under her. It felt solid enough, even if he could see through the red light thing to the ground beneath. She tossed her head, getting hair out of her face before looking bat at him and biting a lip in anticipation.
He saw no reason to hold back anymore and figured they could be relatively loud with the deafening music outside still resonating through the walls. He grit his teeth and thrust. Her back arched and they both groaned. Her hot pussy lips gripped him hard as he entered her, the arm like girth of his cock pushing into her womanhood.
She was stretched in all directions by his approach, getting a little past the tip of the plum sized head into her as she arched her back. Those huge knockers shifted back into her face before splaying out as she dropped her arms. Her legs trembled beside him as she pressed against the door and he grabbed her by the waist to keep her from sliding further away.
‘Oh fuck, Beast Boy, you’re so big.’ she said
‘Maybe you’re just tight.’ he grunted as he repositioned his legs and gave another pump
She gasped and almost sang as he fit almost a third into her. 8 inches of his incredible dick was being squeezed by her hot, slick love tunnel. The thickest part of his horse cock was being lovingly squeezed by her quivering lady muscles as he pulled out a little to make more room for the next thrust.
‘Gah, fuck!’ exclaimed as he slid halfway in despite the tremendous pressure against him
Argent squealed as well, almost a wordless trill as she thrashed her head around. She wrapped her arms around her bosom again to hold them steady, the huge and heavy fun bags bouncing around uncontrollably on her chest every time she moved. Beast Boy pulled out and pushed again, feeding more of himself to her. Argent’s legs kicked off the door and wrapped around his waist, crossing over his back. He felt the power of her limbs pull him in more. Neither of them was ready for the pleasure that created, or the work required to fit so much into such a tight space.
They both grunted and puffed, Beast Boy collapsing to his elbows over her. Sweat was now collecting in his hear and beading at the end of long strands. Argent was also developing a sheen over her body as the workout got to her. Now that he was down, Beast Boy brought his hands to her tits, taking the moment of respite to fondle the breasts.
They were as firm as the other knockers, he bounced them against each other to watch them jiggle and then kneaded them like dough, watching his fingers disappear into the masses. She grabbed a fist full of green hair from behind his head and drove him face first into the valley of cleavage. The dim light of the bathroom was snuffed as was enveloped in the soft, warm flesh.
‘You like these tits?’ she said more than asked ‘huh, choke in them.’
With that grip on his head, she moved his face around in her boobs while he held them together around him. In that position, he pulled out against her squeezing legs and thrust again. She writhed and squirmed while moaning, a mere fifth of his cock still exposed to the colder air outside.
Beast Boy pulled his face from her bosom and looked her in the eyes. The cold blue windows of her soul were twitching as she lost herself to the contortions of her body. Her face was reddened from the effort of taking him to the base and her hair was becoming a sweat tangled mass around her head. He shuck an arm loose and caressed her face, a sensual touch to what was mostly a fuck session, before taking the final plunge.
They grunted in unison, bodies and voice becoming one as he burrowed deeply inside the heroine. His balls slapped against her thick ass cheeks as his pubic bone ground against her clit. All 23 inches of his green salami were buried inside the wench, the furnace of her cunt baring down on every square inch of the muscle invading her. He sometimes wondered how it happened, the physics of it were impossible. Did the magic make his super cock mailable so it would always stuff the woman? Did it make the pussy elastic?
The question was forgotten as Argent dug her fingers hard into his back. All he knew is that he had a horse’s cock, the women could take it, and they seemed to love it. He started bouncing on her, pulling a normal cock’s length out before diving back in. The six or so inch retraction was enough to send his balls swinging under him, the heavy apple sized orbs swinging around and slapping her ass as she recoiled against him.
‘Ugn, ugn, harder, faster.’ she groaned into his ear
The pressure of her snatch was outstanding and the friction wonderous despite the copious amounts of fluids they lined their sexes with. It was adding a gross slipping sound to their rut that was drowned out by their slapping flesh and exasperated groans. Beast Boy kept an arm on the red light constructs that also supported the weight of a fat tit, the other he ran across her collar bone, up her neck and to her face. Sweat was now making her make up run, smearing the eye liner into raccoon eyes.
‘Drill me baby, drive me to the dirt.’ she spat between gasps
‘Oh, I’ll drive you down under.’ he said as he pulled half of his dick out
‘That’s Australia,’ she said ‘I am from New-‘
He threw all his weight and whatever strength his muscles could provide into the next push that crashed balls deep into her. She arched her back and sent her massive jugs back smacking into her face as she squealed.
Her eyes were wide and her mouth was wider as she recoiled and convulsed. Then her construct flickered before fizzling out under her. Then it was gone and they both crashed to the floor. She fell first and landed on her ass and arms but Beast Boy landed hard on top of her, slamming half his dick back into her again and sending her into another convulsion.
‘Zealand!’ she exclaimed again as she contorted under him, only able to repeat the last thing that was on her mind
‘Sounds like an orgasmic place.’ he said
‘Oh, the greatest place on earth right now is a shitty latrine in a cheap night club where your fat fuck stick happens to be.’ she said ecstatically
She reached over her head with both arms, laying on her back on the ground temporarily. When she closed her fists, a red light bar appeared going end to end. She pulled herself up with it like a hand rail and dropped an arm. That hand glowed as she made a rock of light to hold onto like a cliff climbing rock. She let go of the bar, which disappeared as it was no longer needed, and flipped over. Beast Boy reluctantly stepped back, knowing it would mean his pulsating man hood would have to vacate its old home.
She steadied herself on another free floating rock and stood on shaky legs. Then she made a kind of couch out of hard light. She fell into it on her knees and leaned over the back rest. There she thrust her bum out towards him while looking over her shoulder.
‘Well come on love, let’s finish this.’ she said, ‘someone might really have to go outside.’
She raised her bum as she thrust it out, the dress riding over the curves. Beast Boy tossed it over to her back and admired the sight. Her deliciously thick booty looked firmer than Jinx’s and sat higher on her backside, not really melding into the thick thighs of her legs. The generous swells swallowed the panties and made them a scant thong between the pale ass cheeks. He gave them two quick slaps to watch them bounce and jiggle against each other. Then he grabbed the panties and pulled them out of the crack.
He wanted to slide them off, but they got pretty imbedded during their rut and with her swelling, so he simply pulled them to the side and let them slap over the left cheek. He grabbed his click cock dripping with precum and pointed it back at her gaping pussy that streamed juices down her inner thighs. He rested his other hand on her hip and pressed himself at her entrance.
‘Get ready.’ he warned ‘Go!’
Argent let out a droning gasp as she bent backwards and grabbed onto her constructed couch, stretching out her arms. Her huge breasts were thrust in the air as she assumed the Little Mermaid ‘Part of your world’ stance. Beast Boy skipped the teasing since she was already invaded and reoccupied the vacancy in a few thrusts.
His hips collided with her butt, sending the glutes clapping each time he returned to them after pulling a little ways out. He began fucking her in earnest, his green fleshed cock rocketing in and out of her. Her gasping moans became a series of short huffs as his rapid thrusts forced the air from her lungs. Her arms buckled, and she bent over the construct, face nearly touching the other side of the wall she was basically floating in front of.
Beast Boy kept at it, bouncing off her ass and slamming back down, his heavy balls swinging around between their legs as they sent up the spunk to be deposited shortly. He kept one hand on her hip for his own stability and used the other one to stroke her back and then grab a fist full of black hair. He gave it gentle enough pull to make her bend backwards in an arc.
‘Oh that’s it, fuck me rotten. Don’t let me get away now.’ she said
He let go and she fell back forwards. Beast Boy grabbed onto her hips and doubled his efforts, crushing her between his thrusting hips and hard light construct. Argent’s bouncing back was growing increasingly feeble as her legs started to tire and her own orgasm approached. She was losing coherency in her words, already sparse and vague, degenerating into wordless shouts.
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, ah yes, love, fuck me…’ she babbled
He did just that, the slapping of his hips on her ass growing louder and more numerous as she shakes on trembling legs. His balls were starting to draw tight against him and his dick getting numb despite the incredible pleasure her tight, hot pussy was giving him. Then she came.
Her wordless cries turned into a howl again, her back bending and eyes rolling, and she screamed into the tiny room.
‘AHHH! Fuck, Beast Boy! Ugn…’
He continued fucking her, chasing his own retreating orgasm as she quaked under him, her legs kicking and body shaking. She could no longer support herself and collapsed into the shimmering red light couch, arms over the edge and resting on her tits as a cushion. Beast Boy pounded her pussy as it clenched and quivered around his tunnelling member, hotter than ever before, but his orgasm teetered on the edge.
Finally, he started to tire of fucking her, getting slower and softer as his sore hips and thighs lost steam. So he retreated, feeling slightly defeated even though it was a test of stamina that he didn’t bust inside her as she came. There was a small rush as his cock vacated her gaped cunt that was trying to close again but the froth from the quart of cum he usually added didn’t appear.
Argent collapsed into the red light couch once he let go of her and twitched all over as she tried to regain herself after her rapturous orgasm. The light flickered and fizzled again before fading out and she fell through it. She rolled over on the ground and saw him standing there, sweat coated and pants down with his impressive cock way up, pulsating visibly and covered in her love juices.
‘Oh my, did I not sate the beast?’ she asked in mock alarm
‘No, it just takes a lot to make me cum.’ he said
‘Oh, am I inadequate then? Do Raven or Starfire ever fail you?’ she asked as she sat up
‘No, I mean yes, or no. Look, it’s fine.’ he said as he tried to pull up his pants
She grabbed him by the cock and said ‘No, I can finish this.’
She pulled herself up by it, his 23 inch wrist thick fuck stick supporting her weight as she seized it with both hands and heaved herself up. She then conjured another chair under her, her hands glowing red and momentarily warmer than before and tingly before she sat herself down. There, she opened her mouth wide and took him in her mouth.
He groaned and let his head fall back, enjoying her mouth around his cock. She took his head down to her throat and closed her lips, wrapping the lipstick smeared membranes tight as she sucked him off. She pulled herself off him, her cheeks sucking in as she did and licked along the underside. Once it was at the head, they stretched into the duck face and then released with a pop.
Holding his cock by the middle she flung it around and smacked herself in the face with it, splattering juices on herself and smearing her make up even more.
‘Like that love? Do you like dicking down girls raw and hard in the bathroom?’ she asked as she clubbed herself with his fantastic cock
‘Not really?’ he said, a little shocked by the dirty talk and much preferring a quiet bed room
‘Well that’s unfortunate, because I like clubbing and I like getting clubbed.’ she said as she took him back into her mouth
This time she pushed his head past her oesophagus and he could feel the sensitive tip tunnel down her neck. He could see her throat bulge as she choked him back, swallowing the member. The cock was messaged by the hot, wet walls of her throat as it tried to take it down like too much steak. She bobbed her head like that, fucking her face onto his cock as she jerked the meat in front of her. Her other hand went up to cup the balls, playing with the testes and trying to coax out their secretions.
She pulled her face off with a gasp of air as she caught her breath and said ‘Come on BB, cum for me. I can feel it in here, all that spunk churning in your balls, ready for release. Come for me, I promise I won’t spill a thing. Think of it as feeding your slut.’ she said before kissing the head and taking him back in
She leaned forward on her chair and took him even further down her throat. Her neck bulged obscenely as she took more than half of his muscular looking meat into her mouth. Saliva welled up behind her cheeks and leaked out her lips as her throat was completely blocked by the limb sized veiny mass of cock flesh imbedding in her body like the sword in the stone.
She played with his balls, fingers tracing the wrinkles and sifting them around in her hands like sand as she ran out of shaft to fondle. Saliva running from her lips traced down her chin and jaw to dribble onto her huge knockers that swayed below like loose bombs in a bomb bay. She swallowed again and then hummed, her voice resonating throughout his cock in a most pleasurable manner.
He could feel the orgasm returning and grabbed her head by the hair, this time seizing a fist full of red bangs as he scratched her head almost like a pet.
She pulled herself off him and gasped again before saying ‘Well now, back again are we? Well come on, finish the job. Use my face as a pussy, fuck it like you own it. Use my throat as a- gah’
He grabbed another lock of red bangs to hold onto and drove it home. Her mouth was already wide open and ready as she was asking for it. Squatting a little to aim the muscle better, he drove the third leg through her open mouth down past her throat. Her eyes went wide at first and then locked with that hard glare of determination. Beast Boy pushed down even harder, getting his balls to rest on her chin and feeling the beat of her heart through the walls of her throat as he pushed the head past the notch of her sternum.
He lifted himself up and let gravity drop him back down, jack hammering her face like a construction worker on over time. He bounced up and down, his heavy balls slapping her chin as the long, girthy green cock torrented from her mouth through her throat. Her tongue tried to wrap around the dick in her mouth but was beat aside each time. Her hands dropped to her sides for stability, unable to even control his balls as he took over the face fucking.
He picked up the pace, feeling his orgasm nearing and doubled over, moving her face back and force with his thrust to multiply the sensations as he fucked her tight, warm throat. He felt like he was whiting out as blood went to fill the veiny fuck meat well in use and then, pleasure.
His cock got numb all over as his balls drew tight. Then the injection of cum from his cock. He could feel it coursing through his dick like a water vein and pumping into Argent. He pulled harder on her hair to bottom himself out in her, pressing her nose to his bone. She retched and gagged, the movements of her throat messaging his tingly dick as his balls emptied and drained through it. One of her arms wrapped around her belly as if she was full while her eyes started rolling back under half lids.
He gave her mouth a couple slower thrusts as he recovered to kind of shake his cock before pulling the softening member out. True to her word, she didn’t spill a drop. Once he stood up, half of it was still in her mouth and he had to pull the rest free. The green snake leaked out a few more spurts as he did so, squeezing some from the bulging urethra that she caught in her open mouth.
It looked like a basin of milk in there that was full to brim before she sealed her lips and swallowed. It took a couple gulps to get it all down but when she opened it again to speak there was little left.
‘Tangy, I like it.’ she said in a raw, hoarse voice
He rolled up his cock and tucked it back into his magical drawers where it mostly fell out of sight. As he tightened his belt again, she stood up while breathing heavily. She pulled her panties back on straight and smoothed out her dress. She reached for some toilet or hand paper but both dispensers were empty.
‘Bloody hell, of course.’ she muttered before doing her best to brush the dribble off her chest with her hands
She then tucked her breasts back into her top one at a time, the garment incapable of supporting either easily. They bulged almost halfway out the top of her dress with even a hint of puffy, pink areola visible from over the edges. Her make up was a ruined mess and her hair wasn’t much better. Her legs were still lined on the insides with sticky girl juices.
‘You look like trash.’ he said honestly
‘Thanks, now I fit right in with this place.’ she said while stumbling to the door
‘You’re not going out like that?’ he asked, ‘are you?’
‘Of course I am, it’s not even 9 o clock yet. The whole night is ahead of us. Besides, I want to see Raven and Starfire’s faces when they see me. Bumbles is going to flip.’
She stepped through the door and he took off yelling 'Wait!' after her as they went back into the loud, bustling and crowded club.
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